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标题 磷酸奥司他韦颗粒用于治疗对小儿季节性流感治疗中的效果及安全性



    [摘要] 目的 探讨磷酸奥司他韦颗粒用于治疗对小儿季节性流感治疗中的效果及安全性。方法 方便选取该院2017年2月—2019年2月收治的100例小儿季节性流感患儿为研究对象,根据方便抽样法将患儿分为常规组(n=50)和实验组(n=50)。常规组采用小儿氨酚黄那敏颗粒进行治疗;实验组采用磷酸奥司他韦颗粒进行治疗。比较两组小儿季节性流感患儿咳嗽消失的时间、退热时间、咽痛消失的时间,患儿实施治疗的总有效率,进行药物治疗后的安全性,治疗安全性从出现不良反应的概率来比较。结果 实验组小儿季节性流感患儿实施治疗后的咳嗽消失的时间、退热时间、咽痛消失的时间分别为(3.18±0.53)d、(2.04±0.29)d、(2.67±0.62)d,明顯优于常规组(3.87±1.08)d、(2.86±0.78)d、(3.18±1.38)d ﹙t=4.055、6.968、5.536,P<0.05﹚;实验组(98.00%)实施治疗后的总有效率高于常规组(84.00%)﹙χ2=5.983,P<0.05﹚;实验组(4.00%)治疗后出现的不良反应的概率低于常规组(20.00%),差异有统计学意义﹙χ2=6.061,P<0.05﹚ 。结论 磷酸奥司他韦颗粒治疗小儿季节性流感有着明显的疗效,药效更佳。

    [关键词] 磷酸奥司他韦颗粒;小儿季节性流感;临床效果;治疗安全性

    [中图分类号] R985? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1674-0742(2020)02(b)-0103-03

    Effect and Safety of Oseltamivir Phosphate Granules in the Treatment of Seasonal Influenza in Children

    ZHANG Qian

    Department of Pediatrics, Ninghua County General Hospital, Ninghua, Fujian Province, 365400 China

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of oseltamivir phosphate granules in the treatment of seasonal influenza in children. Methods 100 children with seasonal influenza in the hospital from February 2017 to February 2019 were convenienty selected as the research objects. According to convenient sampling method, the children were divided into routine group (n=50) and experimental group (n=50). The routine group was treated with infantile aminamine granules. The experimental group was treated with oseltamivir phosphate granules. The time of disappearance of cough, time of antipyretic fever and time of disappearance of pharyngeal pain in children with seasonal influenza in the two groups were compared, the total effective rate of treatment, the safety after drug treatment, and the safety of treatment were compared from the probability of adverse reactions. Results The time to disappear cough, the time of fever, and the time of disappearance of sore throat after treatment in children with seasonal influenza in the experimental group were (3.18±0.53)d,(2.04±0.29)d, and (2.67±0.62)d, respectively. In the conventional group (3.87±1.08)d,(2.86±0.78)d,(3.18±1.38)d, ﹙t=4.055 、6.968、5.536,P<0.05﹚; the total effective rate of the experimental group (98.00%) after treatment was higher than that of the conventional group (84.00%)﹙χ2=5.983,P<0.05﹚; the probability of adverse reactions after treatment in the experimental group (4.00%) was lower than that in the conventional group (20.00%), the difference was statistically significant﹙χ2=6.061,P<0.05﹚. Conclusion The oseltamivir phosphate granule has obvious curative effect on children's seasonal influenza, and the effect is better.



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    [作者简介] 张前﹙1982-﹚,男,湖北黄冈人,本科,主治医师,研究方向:儿内科。





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