标题 | 以思维为核心,浅析概要写作中存在的问题及对策 |
范文 | 【摘 要】本文通過对学生的概要写作习作片段进行分析,着重分析了学生习作中暴露出来的文章思维能力方面的问题,进而提出一些应对策略,以期达到促进概要写作教学的目的。 【关键词】概要写作;学生习作片段;思维方面的问题;应当策略 【中图分类号】G633.1 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2019)21-0-02 一、研究的缘起 2018年11月、2019年6月浙江高考英语卷终于在连续几次读后续写后两次考查了学生的概要写作能力。笔者有幸参加了这两次高考阅卷工作。在阅卷过程中发现考生25分的概要写作得不了理想的分数(平均分10分左右),从学生的答题情况来看,存在很多问题:理解文章有偏差;要点抓不住;句与句、段与段的逻辑理不清;表述时不能脱离原文,把想说的内容用自己的语言清楚地表达出来;词汇贫乏,语法结构单一;行文语言错误多,等等。这些错误除了暴露出考生语言能力不扎实外,也可以看出学生的思维能力同样欠缺。本文着重就学生习作中暴露出来的文章思维能力方面的问题,寻求一些对策,希望达到促进教学的目的。 二、概要写作中存在的思维方面的问题 最近,笔者让高三学生读了一篇21世纪网站上的“Why we love dinosaurs”的文章,然后要求对该文进行概要写作。该文如下: It's no secret that kids love dinosaurs.Many of them have even gone through what's called a "dinosaur phase",a period of time when they can't stop talking about dinosaurs,can't sleep without hearing a dinosaur bedtime story,and use a backpack with a dinosaur pattern on it.Adults may have long grown out of their dinosaur phase,but somehow the appeal is still there.The proof is in the success of Steven Spielberg's 1993 film Jurassic Park,and every following installment of the series.And in Jurassic World:Fallen Kingdom,which was released in Chinese mainland cinemas on June 15,these ancient beasts are taking over the modern world once again. National Geographic has an explanation behind the animals' popularity:Dinosaurs are "where science and imagination meet",which is probably what makes them so appealing,to kids and adults alike. Dinosaurs are often compared to dragons,but are seen as cooler because they're real.The huge skeletons in museums prove their existence millions of years ago on the same Earth that we now live on.Meanwhile,new discoveries have been made in different parts of the world that open up a bigger picture of these ancient species.And how they went extinct is also a popular subject of scientific studies. However,we still seem to know so little about dinosaurs,and have to rely on our imagination when it comes to questions like "How did they live?","What did they sound like?" and "How fast could they run?".It's this sense of mystery that adds to dinosaurs' attraction compared to other fierce animals like lions and tigers,animals that can easily be seen in today's zoos. But there's more to this dinosaur appeal. According to Guardian reporter Brian Switek,humans are fascinated by dinosaurs not just because we're interested in their history,but also because we're trying to have a better understanding of human history."Dinosaurs can be Hollywood monsters,objects of scientific fascination and everything in between,but at the root of it,our fascination with them stems from wanting to know more about the prehistory we share," he wrote."The dinosaur story is part of our own." 笔者在此就这篇文章对学生的习作进行分析,来阐述学生概要写作中存在思维方面的问题。 (一)加入无关信息 学生习作片段一: Do you like dinosaurs? Many kids like dinosaurs…. 第一句明显是无关信息,不用写在概要之中。 (二)段落内的句与句之间的逻辑关系错误 学生习作片段二: Kids like dinosaurs very much,because many films about dinosaurs are very successful… 该文第一段The proof is in the success of Steven Spielberg's 1993 film Jurassic Park,and every following installment of the series.从中可以看出,孩子喜欢恐龙,不是因为有关恐龙的电影成功,而是从此类电影的成功可以证明孩子喜欢恐龙。或者说因为孩子成人都喜欢恐龙,所以和恐龙有关的电影才如此成功。因此我们可以这样概括第一段: Kids and adults love dinosaurs,which can be proved by the success of the dinosaur-themed films.\The success of the dinosaur-based films shows that both kids and adults love dinosaurs.\Dinosaurs are fascinating to both kids and adults.Thats why dinosaur-themed films have achieved great success. (三)文章的段与段之间的逻辑关系没理清。 学生习作三: Because children and adults love dinosaurs,Jurassic Park made a success.Dinosaurs are real.The skeletons in museum proves it and many scientists from different parts of the world have done some new dinosaur studies.However,we know little about dinosaurs so we add other fierce animals to dinosaurs attraction.Fascinated by dinosaurs,we are interested in their history and human history. 可以看出該生不能很好地理解文章以及理清文章段与段之间的逻辑关系。 就这篇文章而言,它的逻辑关系应该是这样的: 第一段:人们喜欢恐龙,这能从以恐龙为主题的电影的受欢迎可以得到证明。 第二段:National Geographic的对此的解释:Dinosaurs are "where science and imagination meet", 第三段:从science的层面解释恐龙受欢迎的理由:真实存在,它是怎么灭绝的还是一个受欢迎的科学研究话题。 第四段:从imagination的层面解释恐龙受欢迎的理由:我们对恐龙的了解还很少,对有些问题只能靠想象。这种神秘感也增添了吸引力。 第五段:Brian Switek的解释:人类对恐龙着迷的还有一个原因是:通过对恐龙的研究,希望更好地理解人类的历史。 所以我们可以这样概括: Dinosaurs are fascinating to both kids and adults.Thats why dinosaur-themed films have achieved great success.(要点1)According to National Geographic,the attraction of dinosaurs partly lies in the fact that they really existed on the earth before and that their extinction has interested scientists.(要点2)Another reason is that the mystery of dinosaurs stimulates peoples imagination.(要点3)But Brian Switek thinks apart from these,hoping to better understand human history also contributes to peoples obsession with dinosaurs.(要点4) ? ? 75W 三、对策 (一)提高阅读能力 要提升学生的思维能力,如果没有好的阅读能力就无从做起了。看不懂文章,抓不住要点,就无法进行概要写作。所以教师首先要在学生的阅读上下功夫。 (二)分析文章结构 让学生在阅读时理清文章结构,看清段与段之间的逻辑关系,这样才能在概要中写清句与句之间的逻辑关系,不至于出现衔接词乱用等问题。 (三)分析段落中句与句之间的逻辑关系 在文章的同一段落中,理清句与句之间的逻辑关系,避免出现因果颠倒等错误。 (四)教一些技巧 1.不要随意添加无关信息 2.段落主题句不一定是首句或尾句;有些是要在理解的基础上概括。 3.段落中的转折 but,yet,however,nevertheless,让步 though,as,although though,as,although,结果 as a result,so,therefore及其他如 in fact,as a matter of fact等是要点提示词;4.如有设问,与答案合并成为要点; 5.如有例证,简要归类概括成为点; 6.没有可以直接提取的,思考该段落作用; 7.当某一要点下包含若干次要点,不能将其略去。 四、结语 思维品质是英语学科核心素养的重要组成部分,提升学生的思维品质成为新时期课程的目标,其中逻辑性、批判性和创新性思维能力是关键。阅读是一种凭借思维来理解信息符号的心理过程,阅读的实质是思维。概要写作考查的是考生对于文本的概况归纳能力,需要考生在阅读文本的基础上,对短文内容进行浓缩,整合,并用自己的语言在规定词数内表达清楚原文的主要意思。所以,在备考时,要以培养思维为核心,提高学生的概要写作水平。有了学思结合的生态课堂,学生的思辨能力才能得到长足的发展,最终形成发现问题和解决问题的能力。 参考文献 [1]徐浩,屈凌云.2017,《聚焦英语学科核心素养》,外语教学与研究出版社. [2]H.D.Brown,2010,《语言学习与语言教学的原则》,外语教学与研究出版社 [3]蔡慧萍.2011,《数字化平台下的体验式英语写作教学理论与实践》,华中科技大学出版社. [4]程晓堂.2012,《英语阅读教学》,外语教学与研究出版社. 作者简介:杨丹,女,中学高级教师。 民族:汉,籍贯:杭州萧山,出生年月:1969.02,工作单位:杭州市萧山区第八高级中学,研究方向:基础教育。 |
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