标题 | Unit 7 The world of nature教学设计与评析 |
范文 | 张晨 汤海英 ●The analysis of the textbook This lesson is selected from EEC textbook in Grade 8. It is the last time for the teachers and students to use this textbook. This unit develops different kinds of teaching activities which are related with the topic of the world of nature. The type of this lesson is the listening and speaking part. This lesson aims to help students know the two sides of nature. Nature gives humans what we need and at the same time nature will harm us if we dont respect nature. The core of this lesson is to teach students to use the expressions to show their doubts and opinions and to cultivate students consciousness of respecting nature. ●The analysis of the students The students who take this class are not the students the teacher teaches, so the teacher is not that familiar with these students. The teacher carefully analyzes the situations of the students. Students in Grade 8 have certain language skills and they have accumulated many words and expressions, but the polarization among students is more and more obvious. Students in Grade 8 are not willing to speak English in class because of their shyness. Students can understand words and dialogues with the help of pictures and videos which can also motivate their learning interests. According to these situations, the teacher teaches new words through pictures and simple explanations of the words. The teacher uses a short video to help all the students understand the listening dialogues in order to reduce the gaps among students with different standards. The teacher applies a talk show to help students actively participate in the class activities and use English to express their opinions. ●Teaching aims Knowledge and abilities: Students can master the new words and know how to read these new words through the chant. Students can use the key expressions “What makes you think that?” and “To me, nothing is more important than respecting nature” to express their doubts and their opinions. Students can practice listening and speaking skills. Process and methods: Use some pictures to help students acquire the meaning and pronunciation of the new words. Use a short video to help students understand the listening dialogue. Cultivate students listening and speaking skills during the class. Ask students to use the expressions to make a new dialogue and show their performance in the talk show. Emotion, attitude and value: Learn some knowledge about nature and introduce some disasters in nature. Encourage students to protect nature through some trifles around them and improve their consciousness of protecting nature. ●Teaching emphasis Help the students acquire the key expressions “What makes you think that?” and “To me, nothing is more important than respecting nature” to express their doubts and opinions. Enable students to develop their listening and speaking skills. ●Teaching difficulty Enable students freely use the expressions to communicate with others when expressing their doubts and opinions. Enable students to use listening strategies while listening to the dialogue. ●Teaching strategies and methods Situational approach; task-based teaching approach; group work technique. ●Teaching measures and equipment A computer; blackboard; some pictures; two short videos; listening and speaking materials. ●Teaching procedure Step 1 Warm up and lead in Introduce myself to the students through some pictures. Ask students to guess where I was in the pictures in order to make students prepare for the class and be interested in this class and lead in the topic “The World of Nature”. Step 2 Presentation (1)Learn the new words through some pictures. Ask students to guess the Chinese meaning through pictures and English meanings. Ask students to pay more attention to the pronunciation of some letters. (2)My two students like traveling very much and they are talking about what to do to enjoy nature. Read their dialogue and later try to make your own dialogue. Make your own dialogue with your partners using some phrases in the box or using your own words. (3)Trees are very important parts in nature. Talk about what we make with trees. Discuss what trees give us. And ask your partners what trees need to grow. Step 3 Listening (1)According to the two students dialogue, predict what they will talk about in the following dialogue and watch a short video to find the answers and grasp the main idea of the dialogue. (2)Let the students listen to the tape carefully and answer the question “Why do people cut down trees” and write the missing information. (3)Let the students listen to the tape again. And this time, all the students should choose “T” for true and “F” for false. (4)Listen again and fill in the blanks. Step 4 Speaking (1)Listen to the speaking dialogue carefully and answer the question “What is the most important thing to the boy?” (2)All the students read the dialogue loudly. (3)Read the dialogue with your partners and you are supposed to change roles. Step 5 Act out the dialogue with the key expressions Watch a short video and tell their feelings. Create new dialogue using the key expressions and ask them to talk about what we should do to protect nature. Step 6 Summary Ask students to summarize what we have learnt in class. Nature is our friend. Lets join hands to protect nature. Step 7 Quiz Ask students to finish the quiz to check whether they have mastered what they have learnt. Step 8 Homework (1)Keep the key expressions in mind and recite the listening dialogue. (2)Prepare for a new talk show about “Human and Nature”. ●Blackboard design ●Reflections In this class, the teacher uses English to teach students and designs a number of activities to help them learn this lesson. The teacher designs a chant using the new words in this lesson to help students understand the meanings of the words and learn the pronunciation of the words. This activity motivates students learning interests and makes the teacher and students be familiar with each other. The teacher fully utilizes the multimedia technology to motivate students learning interests. The teacher rationally designs different tasks in order to help students with different learning standards to acquire something from this class. The teacher also designs a talk show activity to ask students to use the expressions to show their doubts and opinions and to propose suggestions of protecting our mother nature. This design of this class acquires some achievements. For example, it helps students know the key expressions and two sides of nature. It makes students realize the importance of protecting and respecting nature. But the teacher still teaches more in this class. The teacher should give students more opportunities to use English to express themselves and give them more instructions on how to learn English and how to apprehend the listening dialogue using some learning strategies. As a novice teacher, I should establish the consciousness of lifelong learning and constantly improve myself. Moreover, I will pay more attention to improving students learning competence in future. 評析: 哈尔滨市萧红中学张晨老师作为青年教师,个人素质优秀,基本功扎实,课堂表现突出,是一位非常有潜力的英语教师。potential这个英文单词可以用来评价本节课,其中,potential(有潜力的)的每一个字母分别代表一个单词,而每一个单词正是这节课的特点。 Passionate(热情的) 教师有活力,课堂氛围好,学生们被教师的热情点燃,积极热情地参与到英语课堂中。 Organized(有组织的) 板书设计与各教学环节紧密相扣,帮助学生厘出一条清晰的脉络,从点滴入手,在落实课标的基础上,重在发展学生的核心素养。 Thoughtful(思考的) 全英授课,语音语调标准地道,创设了良好的语言环境,课堂情景设置有想法,不断为学生搭建台阶,升华表达。 Elegant (优雅的) 教师教姿教态优雅,有亲和力,课堂评价用语能够很好地激励学生学习,增强英语学习的自信心,具有启发性。语音语调标准地道,课堂用语流畅清晰。 Novel(新颖的) 设计新颖,选用了贴近学生生活的英语学习资源,多媒体技术为课堂增色添彩,充分体现了信息现代化手段在英语教学中的积极作用。英语课程标准要求教师要不断丰富学生的课程资源,拓展英语学习渠道,在本节课的输入过程中,教师选用了学生熟知的卡通人物作为主线,并尝试以视频短片的形式将听力对话呈现给所有学生,创造性地开发和利用了现实生活中鲜活的英语学习资源,帮助学生更好地融入到英语课堂中。 不同层次学生的接受程度不同,并且我们的学生有着不同的学习风格和习惯。在以往的听力教学中,听觉型学习者往往更有收获,本节课教师在设计教学任务时考虑到不同学习风格学生的特点,以贴近学生生活的视频呈现对话的设计,有助于满足不同学习风格学生的学习要求,视觉型学习者和听觉型学习者都能有所收获,同样这种方式也有利于满足各个层次学生的学习需求。Chant的设计是本节课的高潮,在这一教学环节中,所有的学生在课堂中都被调动起来,在活动中巩固单词,此设计有助于满足动觉型学生的学习要求。总体看来本节课的教学设计可以更好地关注课堂中所有学生,这一点很符合英语课程标准中面向全体学生,关注语言学习者不同特点和个体差异的要求。 Task-based teaching(任务型教学) 本节课采用任务型教学方式,示范先行,教学任务的设置有梯度。英语课程标准要求教师要充分考虑语言学习者的渐进性和持续性。本节课教学任务的设计紧紧围绕“学生的需求”,任务的设置由浅入深,循序渐进,不断增强了学生英语学习的自信心。 Interesting(有趣的) 创设情境,激发学习兴趣。学生对教师设计的“人与自然”英语谈话节目的语言输出环节表现出浓厚的学习兴趣,主动融入课堂任务中,这一环节的设计符合英语课标中重视语言学习的实践性和应用性这一要求。 Accurate(准确的) 本节课定位准确,目标科学。教师对教材把握到位,课堂中各环节如行云流水般流畅,各环节间过渡自然,对学生的学情了解到位。课程设计实现了本节课的知识与能力目标,而且还提高了学生的环保意识,实现了本节课的情感、态度和价值观这一教学目标。 Lack(缺乏) 教学是一门遗憾的艺术,本节课虽然经过教师的精心设计,在课堂中取得一定的成效,但是仍有一些不盡如人意的地方。教师仍需进一步转变课堂角色,做匠心独运的引领者,将课堂真正的主动权交还给学生,而不要一味地提问学生,这样学生回答的多,思考领悟学习方法的时间相对较少,无法体现课堂中学生的主体地位。在今后的教学过程中,教师应该多花时间思考如何引导学生关注学习方法,并将行之有效的方法渗透在教学过程中,这种无痕教学更有利于帮助学生潜移默化地掌握多种多样的学习方法。另外,教师要在今后的课堂中进一步思考如何优化课堂评价用语,使得课堂评价用语更有启发性,更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,进一步促进学生自主学习能力、思维能力以及跨文化意识的发展。 相信张晨老师在今后的工作中一定能够继续发挥潜力,不断学习,不断成长,在教学的道路上不断更新教学理念,提升教学能力。 (注:此课荣获哈尔滨市南岗区第32届“百花奖”一等奖。) 编辑/佟馨 E-mail:1010381257@qq.com |
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