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标题 基于视觉传达效果的三维图像虚拟重建
范文 王卓
关键词: 虚拟现实技术; 三维重建; 视觉传达; 用户体验; 人机交互; OpenGL
中图分类号: TN911.73?34; TP391 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)01?0062?03
Abstract: A three?dimensional (3D) image virtual reconstruction system based on visual communication effect was designed to improve the quality of user experience and efficiency of human?computer interaction. The functional framework diagram and hardware structure diagram of the 3D image reconstruction system are given. In combination with the basic theory of visual communication design, the characteristics of different elements in 3D image system and reasonable visual communication forms are analyzed, and the design principle is proposed to improve the user experience and communication efficiency. The input image is preprocessed with median filtering, and then the 3D reconstruction algorithm based on image sequence is used to perform the 3D reconstruction for the preprocessed image. Visual C++ and 3DMAX are used as the system design platform, and the visualization and roaming of 3D image are realized by means of OpenGL. The experimental results show that the designed system has high reconstruction accuracy and user satisfaction.
Keywords: virtual reality technology; three?dimensional reconstruction; visual communication; user experience; human?computer interaction; OpenGL0 ?引 ?言
3 ?实验结果与分析
为了验证所设计三维图像虚拟重建系统的有效性, 采用Visual C++与3DMAX作为系统设计平台,并通过OpenGL对某综合商业楼盘的三维图像可视化进行具体实现。最终实现的三维图像虚拟场景具有符合视觉传达设计原则的用户界面,如图3所示。此外,为了进行实验对比分析,分别采用本文系统和文献[8]提出的立体视觉系统对某小区楼盘图像进行三维重建,对重建后的精度和用户满意度进行比较,得到的结果如表1所示。
从表1中可以看出,在对不同图像进行三维重建的精度结果方面,本文设计的三维图像虚拟重建系统与文献[8]中的立体视觉系统结果大致相同。但是在用户满意度方面,本文系统表现出更好的优势,这是因为有效运用了视觉传达效果的设计原则。实验结果说明本文设计系统具有较好的重建准确性和有效性。4 ?结 ?语
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