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单词 turn over
释义 turn over 1. to change position so that the other side is facing out or upwards 改变位置,翻过来(以使另一边朝外或朝上): ◇he turned over and went back to sleep. 他翻个身又睡着了。 2. (used about an engine) to start or to continue to run (指发动机)开始或继续运转 3. (brit 英) to change to another programme when you are watching television (看电视时)换台 turn oversee ⇨ turn 7,10,11     • • •• ⇨ hand sb over/turn sb over turn overphr v 1. [t turn sth ↔ over to sb] to bring a criminal to the police or another official organization 把[罪犯]交给[警方或其他官方机构]:◇benson was turned over to the fbi yesterday. 班森昨天被交给了联邦调查局。 2. [i,t] bre to change to a different television channel 【英】 转换(电视频道) 3. [i turn sth over] if you turn something over in your mind, you think about it carefully 仔细考虑 4. [t turn sth ↔ over to sb] to give something to someone else, especially the right to own or be responsible for something 把[某物,尤指所有权或责任]移交[某人]:◇the industry is being turned over to private ownership. 这种工业正在进行私有化转制。




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