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标题 不同生计资产配置的农户宅基地流转家庭福利变化研究




    关键词 农村宅基地流转;生计资产;农户类型;福利;模糊评价;武汉城市圈

    中图分类号 F301 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)10-0135-08









    针对上述问题,笔者认为探讨农村宅基地是否流转的出发点应在于微观角度,即“宅基地主体”与 “宅基地”,从农户具有的资源禀赋入手,研究理性的农户如何在现有外部条件限制下实现宅基地利用效用最大化,以实现家庭福利的改善,更具有研究的理论与实践意义。


    1 模型构建与研究方法

    1.1 农户家庭生计资产评价体系构建、量化



    1.2 农户宅基地流转家庭福利模糊评价构建

    1.2.1 理论模型构建






    1.2.3 福利评价方法:模糊综合评价法




    2 实证分析

    2.1 数据来源与处理

    课题组于2013年9-11月分别在武汉城市圈潜江、仙桃两地7个乡(镇、办事处)12个村进行了问卷调查。在调查过程中,根据问卷内容要求,从不同区域、涵盖不同年龄、性别、受教育程度以及身份属性等确定被调查农户。本次调查涉及的调查区域都实施了农户集中居住或上楼或异地建房等宅基地流转,在两市共发放问卷270份,问卷回收270份,其中有效问卷243份,占问卷的90%;潜江市发放问卷145份,有效问卷为133份,仙桃市发放问卷125份,有效问卷110份,超过模型所需的样本数。在进行数据处理前运用SPSS17.0中的Cronbachs α系数对原始数据进行可行度检测,检测克朗巴斯系数达到0.756(>0.5),表明原始数据能反映主体特征的真实度。

    2.2 不同生计资产配置的宅基地流转农户分类


    2.3 不同类型农户宅基地流转后家庭福利变化分析

    2.3.1 总样本农户家庭福利变化模糊综合评价分析



    2.3.2 资产均衡型农户家庭福利变化模糊综合评价分析


    2.3.3 资产缺乏型农户家庭福利变化模糊综合评价分析




    3 研究结论与政策启示









    生活、生产与就业是农户参与宅基地流转后能否生存与发展关键。在调查中发现,许多农户倾心于基础设施完善、交通方便、环境优美的居住区。这些变化会提高农户的生活质量,使农户看到宅基地流转后带来实实在在的变化,能使农户就地就业或创造财富,提升农户对自我身份的认可。因此在实施宅基地流转过程中,应该加强对新居民点的选址和规划管理,要因地制宜, 不能简单地套用城市社区规划,选址、规模、形态要符合农民意愿及当地的实际情况;另一方面要加强对安置区的基础设施、人文环境的建设,使安置区成为一个出行方便、空气清新、环境优雅、宜于居住的“新家园”,提高农户对新安置地、新环境、新生活的认同感。




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    [11]高进云,乔荣锋,张安录.农地城市流转前后农户福利变化的模糊评价[J].管理世界,2007,(6):45-55. [Gao Jinyun, Qiao Rongfeng, Zhang Anlu. Fuzzy Evaluation of Farmers Wellbeing in Rural Urban Land Conversion Based on Sens Capability Approach [J].Management World, 2007,(6):45-55.]

    [12]郭玲霞.农地城市流转对失地农户福利影响及征地补偿研究[D].武汉:华中农业大学,2012. [Guo Lingxia. Impact of RuralUrban Land Conversion on the Landless Peasants Welfare and Land Requisition Compensation [D]. Wuhan:Huazhong Agricultural University, 2012.]

    [13]贾燕,李钢,朱新华.农民集中居住前后福利状况变化研究[J].农业经济问题,2009,(2):30-36. [Jia Yan, Li Gang, Zhu Xinhua. A Research on the Farmers Welfare State in the PostConcentrated Residence Age[J].Issues in Agricultural Economy,2009(2):30-36.]

    [14]尹奇,马璐璐,王庆日.基于森的功能和能力福利理论的失地农民福利水平评价[J].中国土地科学,2010,24(7):42-45. [Yin Qi, Ma Lulu, Wang Qingri. Evaluation on the Welfare Level of Landlost Peasants Based on Sens Function and Capacity Welfare Theory [J]. China Land Science,2010,24(7):42-45.]

    [15]马贤磊,孙晓中.不同经济发展水平下农民集中居住前后的福利变化研究[J].南京农业大学学报,2012,12(2):8-11. [Ma Xianlei, Sun Xiaozhong. A Survey on the Farmers Welfare State in the Postconcentrated Residence Age under Different Economic Levels[J]. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2012,12(2):8-11.]

    [16]高进云,乔荣锋.农地城市流转前后农户福利变化差异分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2011,21(1):99-105. [Gao Jinyun, Qiao Rongfeng. Analysis on Variation in Farmers Welfare after Rural Urban Land Conversion [J].China Population, Resources and Environment, 2011,21(1):99-105.]

    [17]阿玛蒂亚·森.以自由看待世界[M].任姬,于真,译.北京:中国人民大学出版,2002:150.[Amartya Sen. Development as Freedom [M ]. Ren Ze, Yu Zhen, Translate, Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2002:150.]Research on Welfare Changes of Farmers Family with Different Allocation

    of Livelihood Assets in the Rural Residential Land Conversion

    GUAN Jianghua1,2 HUANG Chaoxi1 HU Yingen1

    (1.College of Public Administration, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan Hubei 430070,China;

    2.Huanggang Normal College, Huanggang Hubei 438000,China)


    Based on the existing studies of the Family Livelihood Assets and the Family Welfare Theory, this paper conducts an empirical research on the rural residential land conversion in typical areas of Wuhan Metropolitan and analyses the impacts of the conversion on the welfare of the farmer family, using the quantitative analysis upon famers livelihood assets and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Specifically, the quantitative analysis of the livelihood assets is conducted to examine the allocation of the household livelihood assets by farmers whose residential land has been circulated and obtained the values of farmers livelihood assets, through which the farmers are divided into two types: the famers whose assets are lacked and the farmers whose assets are balanced. With Sens Capability Theory and the framework for evaluating the family welfare, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is employed to examine the influence of the residential land conversion to the family welfare of farmers under the allocation of different livelihood assets. The results show the rural residential land conversion improves the family welfare of farmers from the perspective of the total samples and the asset balanced families, and the fuzzy evaluation index are respectively 0.533 and 0.547, both of which are higher than 0.5 that is set before the residential land conversion, while the family welfare of farmers whose assets are lacked is getting declined after the rural residential land conversion and the fuzzy evaluation index is decreased from 0.5 to 0.464. In terms of factors that affect the family welfare, economic conditions, living conditions, social security and development opportunities are improved and community environment and psychological welfare are declined by rural residential land conversion among the asset balanced farmers; while economic conditions, the community environment, development opportunities and the psychological welfare are declined, living conditions and social security are improved by rural residential land conversion among the asset lacked farmers. Therefore, based on the sustainable livelihoods of farmers and welfare improvement, the corresponding conclusions can be drawn: in the rural residential land conversion, the differentiated policies for securing and supporting land conversion should be implemented in order to carry out the precise compensation for farmers family; the new settlements should be carefully selected and planned in order to facilitate farmers living, employment and development; the public participation and survival development of farmers should be emphasized to improve farmers selfrecognition and mental conditions and ensure that the spiritual welfare of farmers can be gradually improved as their material welfare is improved after the rural residential land conversion.

    Key words rural residential land conversion; livelihood assets; types of farmers; welfare; fuzzy evaluation; Wuhan Metropolitan

    [11]高进云,乔荣锋,张安录.农地城市流转前后农户福利变化的模糊评价[J].管理世界,2007,(6):45-55. [Gao Jinyun, Qiao Rongfeng, Zhang Anlu. Fuzzy Evaluation of Farmers Wellbeing in Rural Urban Land Conversion Based on Sens Capability Approach [J].Management World, 2007,(6):45-55.]

    [12]郭玲霞.农地城市流转对失地农户福利影响及征地补偿研究[D].武汉:华中农业大学,2012. [Guo Lingxia. Impact of RuralUrban Land Conversion on the Landless Peasants Welfare and Land Requisition Compensation [D]. Wuhan:Huazhong Agricultural University, 2012.]

    [13]贾燕,李钢,朱新华.农民集中居住前后福利状况变化研究[J].农业经济问题,2009,(2):30-36. [Jia Yan, Li Gang, Zhu Xinhua. A Research on the Farmers Welfare State in the PostConcentrated Residence Age[J].Issues in Agricultural Economy,2009(2):30-36.]

    [14]尹奇,马璐璐,王庆日.基于森的功能和能力福利理论的失地农民福利水平评价[J].中国土地科学,2010,24(7):42-45. [Yin Qi, Ma Lulu, Wang Qingri. Evaluation on the Welfare Level of Landlost Peasants Based on Sens Function and Capacity Welfare Theory [J]. China Land Science,2010,24(7):42-45.]

    [15]马贤磊,孙晓中.不同经济发展水平下农民集中居住前后的福利变化研究[J].南京农业大学学报,2012,12(2):8-11. [Ma Xianlei, Sun Xiaozhong. A Survey on the Farmers Welfare State in the Postconcentrated Residence Age under Different Economic Levels[J]. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2012,12(2):8-11.]

    [16]高进云,乔荣锋.农地城市流转前后农户福利变化差异分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2011,21(1):99-105. [Gao Jinyun, Qiao Rongfeng. Analysis on Variation in Farmers Welfare after Rural Urban Land Conversion [J].China Population, Resources and Environment, 2011,21(1):99-105.]

    [17]阿玛蒂亚·森.以自由看待世界[M].任姬,于真,译.北京:中国人民大学出版,2002:150.[Amartya Sen. Development as Freedom [M ]. Ren Ze, Yu Zhen, Translate, Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2002:150.]Research on Welfare Changes of Farmers Family with Different Allocation

    of Livelihood Assets in the Rural Residential Land Conversion

    GUAN Jianghua1,2 HUANG Chaoxi1 HU Yingen1

    (1.College of Public Administration, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan Hubei 430070,China;

    2.Huanggang Normal College, Huanggang Hubei 438000,China)


    Based on the existing studies of the Family Livelihood Assets and the Family Welfare Theory, this paper conducts an empirical research on the rural residential land conversion in typical areas of Wuhan Metropolitan and analyses the impacts of the conversion on the welfare of the farmer family, using the quantitative analysis upon famers livelihood assets and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Specifically, the quantitative analysis of the livelihood assets is conducted to examine the allocation of the household livelihood assets by farmers whose residential land has been circulated and obtained the values of farmers livelihood assets, through which the farmers are divided into two types: the famers whose assets are lacked and the farmers whose assets are balanced. With Sens Capability Theory and the framework for evaluating the family welfare, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is employed to examine the influence of the residential land conversion to the family welfare of farmers under the allocation of different livelihood assets. The results show the rural residential land conversion improves the family welfare of farmers from the perspective of the total samples and the asset balanced families, and the fuzzy evaluation index are respectively 0.533 and 0.547, both of which are higher than 0.5 that is set before the residential land conversion, while the family welfare of farmers whose assets are lacked is getting declined after the rural residential land conversion and the fuzzy evaluation index is decreased from 0.5 to 0.464. In terms of factors that affect the family welfare, economic conditions, living conditions, social security and development opportunities are improved and community environment and psychological welfare are declined by rural residential land conversion among the asset balanced farmers; while economic conditions, the community environment, development opportunities and the psychological welfare are declined, living conditions and social security are improved by rural residential land conversion among the asset lacked farmers. Therefore, based on the sustainable livelihoods of farmers and welfare improvement, the corresponding conclusions can be drawn: in the rural residential land conversion, the differentiated policies for securing and supporting land conversion should be implemented in order to carry out the precise compensation for farmers family; the new settlements should be carefully selected and planned in order to facilitate farmers living, employment and development; the public participation and survival development of farmers should be emphasized to improve farmers selfrecognition and mental conditions and ensure that the spiritual welfare of farmers can be gradually improved as their material welfare is improved after the rural residential land conversion.

    Key words rural residential land conversion; livelihood assets; types of farmers; welfare; fuzzy evaluation; Wuhan Metropolitan

    [11]高进云,乔荣锋,张安录.农地城市流转前后农户福利变化的模糊评价[J].管理世界,2007,(6):45-55. [Gao Jinyun, Qiao Rongfeng, Zhang Anlu. Fuzzy Evaluation of Farmers Wellbeing in Rural Urban Land Conversion Based on Sens Capability Approach [J].Management World, 2007,(6):45-55.]

    [12]郭玲霞.农地城市流转对失地农户福利影响及征地补偿研究[D].武汉:华中农业大学,2012. [Guo Lingxia. Impact of RuralUrban Land Conversion on the Landless Peasants Welfare and Land Requisition Compensation [D]. Wuhan:Huazhong Agricultural University, 2012.]

    [13]贾燕,李钢,朱新华.农民集中居住前后福利状况变化研究[J].农业经济问题,2009,(2):30-36. [Jia Yan, Li Gang, Zhu Xinhua. A Research on the Farmers Welfare State in the PostConcentrated Residence Age[J].Issues in Agricultural Economy,2009(2):30-36.]

    [14]尹奇,马璐璐,王庆日.基于森的功能和能力福利理论的失地农民福利水平评价[J].中国土地科学,2010,24(7):42-45. [Yin Qi, Ma Lulu, Wang Qingri. Evaluation on the Welfare Level of Landlost Peasants Based on Sens Function and Capacity Welfare Theory [J]. China Land Science,2010,24(7):42-45.]

    [15]马贤磊,孙晓中.不同经济发展水平下农民集中居住前后的福利变化研究[J].南京农业大学学报,2012,12(2):8-11. [Ma Xianlei, Sun Xiaozhong. A Survey on the Farmers Welfare State in the Postconcentrated Residence Age under Different Economic Levels[J]. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2012,12(2):8-11.]

    [16]高进云,乔荣锋.农地城市流转前后农户福利变化差异分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2011,21(1):99-105. [Gao Jinyun, Qiao Rongfeng. Analysis on Variation in Farmers Welfare after Rural Urban Land Conversion [J].China Population, Resources and Environment, 2011,21(1):99-105.]

    [17]阿玛蒂亚·森.以自由看待世界[M].任姬,于真,译.北京:中国人民大学出版,2002:150.[Amartya Sen. Development as Freedom [M ]. Ren Ze, Yu Zhen, Translate, Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2002:150.]Research on Welfare Changes of Farmers Family with Different Allocation

    of Livelihood Assets in the Rural Residential Land Conversion

    GUAN Jianghua1,2 HUANG Chaoxi1 HU Yingen1

    (1.College of Public Administration, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan Hubei 430070,China;

    2.Huanggang Normal College, Huanggang Hubei 438000,China)


    Based on the existing studies of the Family Livelihood Assets and the Family Welfare Theory, this paper conducts an empirical research on the rural residential land conversion in typical areas of Wuhan Metropolitan and analyses the impacts of the conversion on the welfare of the farmer family, using the quantitative analysis upon famers livelihood assets and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Specifically, the quantitative analysis of the livelihood assets is conducted to examine the allocation of the household livelihood assets by farmers whose residential land has been circulated and obtained the values of farmers livelihood assets, through which the farmers are divided into two types: the famers whose assets are lacked and the farmers whose assets are balanced. With Sens Capability Theory and the framework for evaluating the family welfare, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is employed to examine the influence of the residential land conversion to the family welfare of farmers under the allocation of different livelihood assets. The results show the rural residential land conversion improves the family welfare of farmers from the perspective of the total samples and the asset balanced families, and the fuzzy evaluation index are respectively 0.533 and 0.547, both of which are higher than 0.5 that is set before the residential land conversion, while the family welfare of farmers whose assets are lacked is getting declined after the rural residential land conversion and the fuzzy evaluation index is decreased from 0.5 to 0.464. In terms of factors that affect the family welfare, economic conditions, living conditions, social security and development opportunities are improved and community environment and psychological welfare are declined by rural residential land conversion among the asset balanced farmers; while economic conditions, the community environment, development opportunities and the psychological welfare are declined, living conditions and social security are improved by rural residential land conversion among the asset lacked farmers. Therefore, based on the sustainable livelihoods of farmers and welfare improvement, the corresponding conclusions can be drawn: in the rural residential land conversion, the differentiated policies for securing and supporting land conversion should be implemented in order to carry out the precise compensation for farmers family; the new settlements should be carefully selected and planned in order to facilitate farmers living, employment and development; the public participation and survival development of farmers should be emphasized to improve farmers selfrecognition and mental conditions and ensure that the spiritual welfare of farmers can be gradually improved as their material welfare is improved after the rural residential land conversion.

    Key words rural residential land conversion; livelihood assets; types of farmers; welfare; fuzzy evaluation; Wuhan Metropolitan





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