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单词 decrease
释义 decrease nounadjective | verb + decrease | preposition adjective➤dramatic, drastic, great, large, marked, sharp, significant, substantial急剧减少;大量的减少;骤降;明显减少◆there has been a sharp decrease in pollution since the law was introduced.自从推行这项法规之后污染已经大大减少。➤modest, slight, small适度的/轻微的/小规模的减少▸➤gradual, progressive, steady逐渐的/渐次的/稳步的减少➤rapid, sudden快速/突然减少▸➤corresponding, relative相应的减少◆fewer houses are available, but there is no corresponding decrease in demand.房子供应减少,但需求没有相应减少。➤general, overall总体减少➤threefold, tenfold, etc.三分之二、九成等的减少➤5%, 25%, etc. * 5%、25% 等的减少verb + decrease➤demonstrate, display, exhibit, indicate, reveal, show表明减少;显示减少◆this year's figures show a decrease of 30% on last year.今年的数字显示比去年减少了三成。➤experience, have, suffer减少◆it is not uncommon to experience a decrease in confidence after a divorce.在离婚后信心减少是很常见的现象。➤report报告减少◆half the companies in the survey reported a decrease in sales.调查中有一半公司表示销售有所减少。➤cause, lead to, produce, result in引发/导致/致使/造成减少preposition➤on the decrease在减少◆marriage is still on the decrease.结婚人数仍在减少。➤decrease from... to...从⋯减少到⋯◆a decrease from 62% to just under half从 62% 减少到不足一半➤decrease in在⋯方面的减少◆the new treatment led to a huge decrease in the number of deaths.新疗法使死亡人数大大减少。➤decrease of(某幅度)的减少◆a decrease of 20%20% 的减少decrease verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤considerably, dramatically, drastically, greatly, markedly, sharply, significantly, substantially大量减少;急剧减少;骤减;显著减少▸➤slightly, somewhat略微减少◆spending has decreased slightly this year.今年的花费略有减少。➤rapidly迅速减少▸➤progressively, steadily逐渐/稳步减少▸➤gradually, slowly逐步减少preposition➤by降低 ( 某幅度 )◆crime has decreased by 20%.犯罪活动减少了 20%。➤from, to从⋯降低;降低到⋯◆average family size has decreased from five to three children.家庭平均规模从 5 个孩子降到了 3 个。➤with随着⋯降低◆the number of quarrels among children decreases with age.孩子年龄越大,吵架的次数就越少。phrases➤decrease in number, size, value, etc.数量减少、尺寸变小、价值降低等◆the heart gradually decreases in size.心脏逐渐变小。 decrease verb /dɪkriːs/ [intransitive, transitive] to become or make sth become smaller in size, number, etc. (使大小、数量等)减少,降低◆profits decreased by 9.4%, from €1.17 million to 1.05 million. 利润从 117 万欧元降至 105 万欧元,下降了 9.4%。◆people's savings have decreased in value. 人们的储蓄贬值了。◆decreasing costs 逐渐下降的成本  ➡  see note at increase ⨁ to decrease considerably / dramatically / sharply / significantly大幅度/急剧/明显地下降 ⨁ to decrease gradually / slightly / steadily逐渐/轻微/稳步地下降 ⨁ to decrease in number / size / value数目/规模/价值下降 ▸ decreased adjective [only before noun] ◆decreased productivity 下降的生产力 decrease noun /diːkriːs/ [countable, uncountable] the process of reducing sth; the amount that sth is reduced by 减少;降低;减少量◆there has been a slight decrease in consumer spending this year. 今年的消费开支略有减少。◆a decrease of nearly 6% in the number of visitors 游客人数近 6% 的减少 opp increase ⨁ a large / marked / sharp / slight decrease大量的/明显的/急剧的/轻微的减少 ⨁ a price / revenue / sales / tax decrease价格/收入/销售额/税收的减少 ☞ decrease☞ decrease☞ increases and decreasesdecrease [intransitive] (rather formal) to fall in number or level(数量)减少;(水平)下降◆the number of new students decreased from 210 to 160 this year.今年新生人数从 210 减少到 160。◆the number of quarrels among children decreases with age (= the older they are, the fewer quarrels they have).儿童间争吵的次数随着年龄增长而减少。opp increase → rise  ➡ see also decrease → reduction noun decrease [transitive] (rather formal) to reduce the amount or level of sth减少,减小,降低(数量或水平)◆people should decrease the amount of fat they eat.人们应减少脂肪的摄入量。◆the dose was gradually decreased after eight weeks.剂量在八周后逐渐减少。 opp increase → increase verb ⓘ decrease is more formal and less frequent than increase; it is used especially in the contexts of health and medicine. the more usual opposite of increase is reduce. * decrease 比 increase 正式,较不常用,尤用于医疗保健和医学语境中。increase 更常用的反义词是 reduce。decrease /diːkriːs/ [countable, uncountable] a reduction that happens in the amount, level or number of sth(数量)减少;(水平)降低◆there has been a decrease of nearly 6% in the number of visitors to the museum.参观该博物馆的人数下降了近 6%。◆marriage is still on the decrease.结婚率仍在下降。opp increase → increase noun  ➡ see also decrease → fall verb 1 ⓘ decrease looks like the most direct opposite of increase, but it is not nearly as frequent as increase. for deliberate reductions, use reduction or cut. for reductions that happen, fall or drop are often preferred, especially in business contexts. * decrease 看起来像是 increase 最直接的反义词,但它远不如 increase 常用。表示人为的降低用 reduction 或 cut ;表示自然发生的降低往往用 fall 或 drop,特别是在商务语境中。decrease¹/dɪˈkri:s ||; dɪˈkris/verb [i,t] to become or to make sth smaller or less 减少;降低: ◇profits have decreased by 15%. 利润下降了15%。◇decrease speed when you are approaching a road junction. 快到路口时便要减速。 [opp] increase 反义词为increasedecrease²/ˈdi:kri:s ||; ˈdikris/noun [c,u] (a) decrease (in sth) the process of becoming or making sth smaller or less; the amount that sth is reduced by 减少;降低;减少之量 [c] ◇a 10% decrease in sales 销售额下降一成 decreasesee ⇨ less 5 ⇨ reduce 1,7 de·crease /dɪ`kris; dɪˈkriːs/v [i,t]to become less, or to make something do this (使)减少,(使)降低:◇the number of people who smoke has continued to decrease. 吸烟的人数在不断下降。→ opposite 反义词 increase¹ decrease /`dikris; ˈdiːkriːs/n [c,u]◇a decrease in sales 销售量的减少 ☞ decrease




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