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单词 justification
释义 justification nounadjective | verb + justification | preposition adjective➤considerable, every, some大量/一切/某些正当理由◆you have every justification for feeling angry.你完全有理由感到愤怒。➤compelling令人信服的正当理由◆there was no compelling justification for the invasion.这次入侵没有令人信服的理由。➤the slightest一丁点儿理由◆she had not given him the slightest justification for thinking she was interested in him.她根本没有给他任何机会让他觉得她对他有好感。➤adequate, ample, sufficient足够的/充足的/充分的理由▸➤ethical, ideological, moral伦理方面的/意识形态上的/道德方面的理由▸➤intellectual, philosophical, rational, scientific, theological, theoretical智力上的/哲学上的/理性的/科学的/神学的/理论上的正当理由▸➤economic, legal, political经济上的/法律上的/政治上的正当理由verb + justification➤give (sb), offer (sb), provide (sb with)给予(某人)正当理由;向(某人)提供正当理由◆she's unable to provide any justification for her actions.她无法为自己的行为辩解。➤see看出正当理由➤find找到正当理由◆i could find no real justification for the proposed reorganization.我没发现提出重组有什么正当理由。➤need, require需要/要求说明正当理由◆such a step requires substantial justification to be accepted by the public.采取这一措施必须有充分的正当理由才能被公众接受。preposition➤in justification辩解◆the argument which he put forward in justification他用以辩解的理由➤with justification有理由◆he felt, with some justification, that he had been unfairly treated.他感觉自己受到了不公正对待也不是没有理由的。➤without justification毫无理由◆she was arrested entirely without justification.她被毫无理由地逮捕了。➤justification for作为⋯的理由◆i can see some justification for her remarks.我能看出她说那些话有些道理。➤justification of⋯的理由◆she never presents an ideological justification of her work.她从来不会从意识形态角度为自己的工作提出辩解。justification /dʒʌstɪfɪkeɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) a good reason why sth exists or is done(某事物存在或做某事的)正当理由◆i can see no possible justification for any further tax increases.我看不出还有何理由再加税。◆the government is struggling to find a justification for this war.政府在为这场战争竭力寻找理由。 ➡ see also justify → explain 2 note 辨析 grounds or justification? justification is used to talk about finding or understanding reasons for actions, or trying to explain why it is a good idea to do sth. it is often used with words like little, no, some, every, without, and not any. grounds is used more for talking about reasons that already exist, or that have already been decided, for example by law. * justification 用于表示想知道或想明白为什么会这么做,或力图说明为什么应这么做,常与 little、no、some、every、without 和 not any 等词连用。grounds 多指现成的理由,或已确定的根据,如法律上的◆moral / economic / constitutional / environmental / ethical / medical / legal grounds道德/经济/宪法/环境/伦理/医学/法律依据justification/ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃn ||; ˌdʒʌstəfəˈkeʃən/noun [c,u] (a) justification (for sth/doing sth) (a) good reason 充分、正当的理由: ◇i can't see any justification for cutting his salary. 我看不出有什么理由减他的薪水。 justificationsee ⇨ reason 2     • • •• ⇨ be no excuse/justification jus·ti·fi·ca·tion /ˏdʒʌstəfə`keʃən; ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/n [c,u]a good reason for doing something 正当的理由:◇i can't see any possible justification for the attack. 我觉得这次攻击是毫无理由的。




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