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单词 material
释义 material noun¹ 1cloth布料adjective | ... of material adjective➤coarse, rough, thick粗劣的/粗糙的/厚实的布料▸➤fine, silky, soft, thin精致的布料;丝质的布料;柔软的布料;薄布料▸➤woven机织的布料... of material➤piece, scrap, strip一块/一小块/一窄条布料◆a patchwork quilt is a good way of using up scraps of material.做百衲被是利用零碎布料的好办法。material noun² 2substance物质adjective | verb + material adjective➤combustible, flammable, hazardous, inflammable, nuclear, radioactive, toxic可燃物;危险品;易燃物;核材料;放射性物质;有毒物质▸➤primary, raw主要材料;原料◆higher raw material costs have pushed up the price of many manufactured goods.原材料成本的提高推高了很多制成品的价格。➤natural, organic, plant天然材料;有机材料;植物原料◆the decomposition of dead organic material such as vegetation植物等有机物质死亡后的降解➤recyclable, recycled可回收物;再生材料➤artificial, man-made, synthetic人造材料;合成材料➤composite复合材料◆the artificial turf is laid onto a rubber composite material.人造草皮覆盖在橡胶复合材料上。➤biological, genetic生物/基因材料◆we have 98% of the same genetic material as chimpanzees.我们有 98% 的基因材料与黑猩猩相同。➤industrial工业材料▸➤building, construction建筑材料◆a storeroom full of building materials装满建筑材料的库房➤original原先的材料◆many of the original materials were reused in the restoration of the building.有很多原先的材料重新用在了该建筑物的修复之中。➤art, drawing, writing艺术材料;绘画材料;书写用品◆prisoners were not allowed writing materials.囚犯不容许使用纸笔。verb + material➤contain, incorporate, use含有/包含/使用物质◆the corn contains genetically modified material.这种玉米含有转基因物质。material noun³ 3written, printed, or recorded matter文字材料;印刷品;音像材料adjective | verb + material | preposition adjective➤fascinating, good, relevant, useful吸引人的素材;好素材;相关资料;有用的素材▸➤source原始资料◆the letters were used as source material in this new biography.这本新传记把这些信件用作原始资料。➤original原始素材◆the magazine contains not one bit of original material.这本杂志中无任何原创素材。➤classified, confidential, sensitive机密/保密/敏感资料➤copyright, copyrighted受版权保护的资料➤printed印刷资料◆the collection includes objects and printed material.这批收藏品包括实物和印刷资料。➤unpublished未发表的资料➤reading阅读材料◆this is not really suitable reading material for a young child.这份阅读材料的确不适合年幼的孩子。➤educational, instructional, reference, teaching教材;讲义;参考资料➤marketing, promotional营销/宣传推广资料➤additional, bonus, extra, supplemental, supplementary补充资料;附赠资料◆the dvd includes some great supplementary material.这张数字光碟包含一些宝贵的补充资料。➤archival, biographical, historical档案/传记/历史资料◆the library has a wealth of old photographs and other archival material.图书馆里有丰富的老照片及其他档案资料。➤explicit, indecent, obscene, pornographic露骨的性爱素材;淫秽素材;色情资料◆he was convicted of importing indecent material.他因进口淫秽书刊被判罪。verb + material➤collect, find, gather, get hold of收集素材;找到素材;搜集资料;获得资料◆he's collecting material for a new book on space travel.他正在为一本关于太空旅行的新书收集素材。◆i can't find any relevant material on him in the library.我在图书馆找不到他的任何相关资料。➤contain, include包括⋯材料◆this new biography contains a wealth of previously unpublished material.这部新传记包含大量以前未公开的材料。➤produce, publish制作资料;出版材料preposition➤material for⋯需要的资料◆useful material for a documentary纪录片需要的有用资料➤material on关于⋯的资料◆original material on the first world war一战的原始资料 material /mətɪəriəl; name -tɪr-/ noun [countable, uncountable] 1.a substance that things can be made from 原材料◆building materials (= bricks, sand, glass, etc.) 建筑材料◆recycled materials 再生材料◆they produce insulating materials for the electrical industry. 他们生产电力工业用的绝缘材料。2.things that are needed in order to do a particular activity 材料◆cleaning/packaging materials 清洁/包装材料3.written information, ideas, etc. used for a particular purpose 资料;素材◆the company produces its own training material. 这家公司自编培训教材。◆marketing/promotional materials 营销/促销资料 bill of materials ◇ collateral material ◇ direct materials ◇ raw material material /mətɪəriəl; name -tɪr-/ adjective1.connected with physical objects, money, etc. 物质的;非精神的◆he must adapt to changes in his material circumstances. 他必须适应自身物质环境的变化。 opp non-material 2.important 重要的;决定性的◆the deal will have a material impact on our results. 这笔交易将会对我们的绩效产生重大影响。◆there are unlikely to be any material changes in our strategy. 我们的策略不可能发生任何重大改变。 ▸ materially /mətɪəriəli; name -tɪr-/ adverb☞ material☞ material material nounmaterial ♦︎ substance ♦︎ chemical ♦︎ gas ♦︎ liquid ♦︎ fluid ♦︎ stuff ♦︎ matter ♦︎ solid ♦︎ elementthese are all words for sth from which other things are made.这些词均表示材料、原料、物质。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a natural material / substance / chemical / gas◆a chemical substance / element◆organic material / substances / chemicals / liquid / matter / elements◆radioactive material / substances / chemicals / gas / liquid / matter / elements◆a toxic material / substance / chemical / gas / liquid / element◆a flammable material / substance / gas / liquid◆(a) sticky substance / stuff / liquid / fluid / solid◆waste material / chemicals / gas / matter■ material [countable, uncountable] something that things can be made from材料;原料◆toxic chemicals and other materials have been found.已查出含有有毒化学品和其他原料。◆there were bricks, sand and other building materials in the courtyard.院子里有砖、沙子和其他建筑材料。◆oil is the raw material for plastic.石油是生产塑料的原料。■ substance [countable] a material that has particular qualities物质;物品◆psychoactive drugs are chemical substances that act on the brain.精神药物是作用于大脑的化学物质。◆substances can be divided into elements, compounds and mixtures.物质可分为元素、化合物和混合物。■ chemical [countable] a substance obtained by or used in a chemical process (= a process that involves changes to molecules or atoms) 化学制品;化学品◆this chemical is often used to make cleaning products.这种化学品常用来制作清洁产品。◆hormones are chemicals that are released in the body and control many important functions.激素是体内释放的化学物质,调控很多重要的机能。■ gas [countable, uncountable] any substance like air that is neither a solid nor a liquid, for example hydrogen or oxygen气体◆air is a mixture of gases.空气为混合气体。◆producing methane gas from organic waste is another extremely practical use of resources.利用有机废物生产沼气是另一种极为切实可行的利用资源的方法。■ liquid [countable, uncountable] a substance that flows freely and is not a solid or a gas, for example water or oil液体◆she offered me a cup containing a dark brown liquid.她递给我一杯深棕色的液体。◆as the air became warmer the droplets of liquid turned to invisible water vapour.随着空气变热,液滴转化成看不见的水蒸气。▸ liquid adjective◆water is liquid at room temperature.水在室温下是液态的。◆the samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen.这些样本冷冻在液态氮中。opp solid → solid ■ fluid /fluːɪd/ [countable, uncountable] (formal or technical术语) a liquid; a substance that can flow液体;流体;液◆the doctor told him to drink plenty of fluids.医生嘱咐他多喝流质。◆the attacker's dna pattern was identified from a sample of body fluid.袭击者的 dna 图谱从体液样本中鉴定了出来。ⓘ although a fluid is usually a liquid, it can be any substance which can flow, for example a gas or a liquid containing small solid pieces.尽管 fluid 通常是 liquid,但也有可能是任何流动的物质,如气体或含小块固体的液体。■ stuff [uncountable] (informal) used to refer to a substance or material when you do not know the name, when the name is not important or when it is obvious what you are talking about(用于事物名称不详、无关紧要或所指事物明显时)东西,物品,玩意儿◆what's all that sticky stuff on the carpet?地毯上那黏糊糊的都是什么玩意儿?◆the chairs were covered in some sort of plastic stuff.那些椅子包了某种塑料膜。◆this wine is good stuff.这酒不错。◆ (disapproving) i don't know how you can eat that stuff.我不明白你怎么能吃那种东西。  ➡ see also stuff → thing 3 , thing → thing 2 ■ matter [uncountable] (formal or physics物理) a substance or things of a particular sort; physical substance in general that everything in the world consists of; not mind or spirit(某种)东西,物品,材料;(统称)物质◆the soil is rich in organic matter.这里的土壤富含有机物。◆she didn't approve of their choice of reading matter.她不赞同他们挑选的阅读材料。◆the behaviour of matter can be quantified by measures such as weight.物质的特性可以用重量等度量单位来作量化描述。■ solid [countable] a substance or object that is hard or firm, not a liquid or gas固体◆is calcium carbonate normally a solid or a liquid?碳酸钙在通常情况下是固体还是液体?◆the baby is not yet on solids (= eating solid food).那婴儿还不能吃固体食物。  ➡ see also solid → solid adj. ■ element [countable] (chemistry化学) a simple chemical substance that consists of atoms of only one type and cannot be split by chemical means into a simpler substance. gold, oxygen and carbon are all elements.元素(如金、氧、碳)◆all chemical substances, whether elements, compounds or mixtures, are made up of three types of particles.所有化学物质,无论是元素、化合物还是混合物,都由三种粒子构成。material [countable, usually plural, uncountable] things that are needed for a particular activity(某一活动所需的)材料,用品◆you have to buy your own art materials.你得自己买美工材料。◆many household cleaning materials are highly toxic.许多家用清洁用品都有剧毒。◆we usually produce our own teaching material.我们通常自行编写教材。note 辨析 equipment or material? equipment is usually solid things, especially large ones. materials may be liquids, powders or books or tapes containing information, as well as small solid items. * equipment 通常指体积大的固体器材,material 则可以是液体、粉末,或是含有信息的书、录音带,也可以是体积小的固体材料。material [uncountable, countable] fabric used for making clothes, curtains, etc.(制作衣服、窗帘等的)织物,布料◆you'll need a piece of material about 20 cm square.你将需要一块 20 厘米见方的布料。◆'what material is this dress made of?' 'cotton.'“这件连衣裙是用什么料子做的?”“棉布。”ⓘ material is a more general word than fabric or cloth as it has the related meaning of 'a substance that things can be made from'. it is not used when it might not be clear which type of material is meant. * material 另有与此义相关的“材料、原料”之义,因而较 fabric 和 cloth 含义更广。不清楚是哪种材料时不用 material◆furnishing material ◆the material industry/trade ◆a material merchant/mill/manufacturer material [uncountable] information or ideas used in books, etc.素材;用以创作的材料(或构想)◆she's collecting material for her next novel.她在为下一部小说收集素材。material [countable, uncountable] something that things can be made from材料;原料◆toxic chemicals and other materials have been found.已查出含有有毒化学品和其他原料。◆there were bricks, sand and other building materials in the courtyard.院子里有砖、沙子和其他建筑材料。◆oil is the raw material for plastic.石油是生产塑料的原料。material (formal or law法律) important to a particular situation and needing to be considered重要的;必要的◆she omitted information that was material to the case.她遗漏了此案的重要资料。opp immaterial → irrelevant ▸ materially adverb◆their comments have not materially affected our plans (= in a noticeable or important way).他们的评价并未对我们的计划产生多重要的影响。material¹/məˈtɪəriəl ||; məˈtɪrɪəl/noun1. [c,u] a substance that can be used for making or doing sth 材料;原料: ◇raw materials 原料◇writing/teaching/building materials 书写用具;教学用具;建筑材料◇this new material is strong but it is also very light. 这种新材料牢固,但也很轻。 ☞picture at building 见building插图 2. [c,u] cloth (for making clothes, etc) 衣料;布料: ◇is there enough material for a dress? 有够做一件连衣裙的衣料吗? 3. [u] facts or information that you collect before you write a book, article, etc (写作前搜集的)资料,素材material²/məˈtɪəriəl ||; məˈtɪrɪəl/adj1. connected with real or physical things rather than the spirit or emotions 物质的;实体的;肉体的: ◇we should not value material comforts too highly. 我们不应把物质上的享受看得太重。 ☞ look at spiritual. 参看spiritual。 2. important and needing to be considered 重要而需要考虑的: ◇material evidence 重要证据 ☞ this word is not common but look at immaterial. 这个词并不常用。参看immaterial。 ➔materially adv material1 a solid or liquid substance2 material for making clothes, curtains etcrelated wordssee alsosoft,hard,strong (4-5),1. a solid or liquid substance 一种固体或液体 substance /ˈsʌbstəns/ [countable noun] a type of solid or liquid, such as a chemical, a mineral, or something produced by a plant 物质 poisonous substances, such as garden chemicals, should be clearly labelled. 像园艺化学制品之类的有毒物质应该贴上醒目的标签。 resin is a dark, sticky substance. 树脂是一种深色黏性的物质。 the problem of disposing of radioactive substances 处置放射性物质的难题 the green colour of the leaf is due to a substance called chlorophyll. 叶子之所以是绿色的是因为一种称为叶绿素的物质在起作用。 material /məˈtɪəriəl/ [countable/uncountable noun] any solid substance that can be used for making things [固体的]材料 steel is a stronger material than iron. 钢是一种比铁坚硬的材料。 the company supplies building materials such as bricks and cement. 这家公司供应砖和水泥之类的建筑材料。 a layer of insulating material should be placed between the panels and the solid wall. 在嵌板和实心墙之间应该加一层绝缘材料。 stuff /stʌf/ [uncountable noun] especially spoken, informal a substance 【尤口,非正式】物品,东西 what's that sticky stuff on the floor? 地上那黏乎乎的东西是什么? do you have any of that clear plastic stuff to cover food with? 你有那种透明的用来盖食物的塑料东西吗? matter /ˈmætəʳ/ [uncountable noun] formal any physical substance - used especially in science 【正式】[物理世界的]物质[尤为科学用词] they are investigating an area of space that contains more than the usual amount of matter. 他们在探究一片太空区域,那里的物质密度高于通常水平。 the forces exerted between particles of matter 物质的粒子之间的吸引力vegetable/organic matter in order to decompose, all vegetable matter needs supplies of nitrogen. 所有植物性物质的分解都需要氮气的供应。waste matter dietary fibre makes waste matter from the food we eat pass through our bodies quickly. 膳食纤维使我们吃下去的食物中的废物很快地经过我们体内。2. material for making clothes, curtains etc 用于制衣服、窗帘等的布料 material /məˈtɪəriəl/ [countable/uncountable noun] a material woven from threads, which is used for making clothes or curtains, covering furniture etc 布料 she was wearing a long black dress made of some silky material. 她穿了一条某种丝质布料做的黑色长连衣裙。 some materials are easier to dye than others. 有些布料要比别的布更容易染色。dress/curtain material could i have six metres of that curtain material? 那种窗帘布料给我剪六米,行吗? fabric /ˈfæbrɪk/ [countable/uncountable noun] woven material 织物;布料 i want to buy some fabric to make a skirt. 我要买些布料做条裙子。 man-made fabrics such as polyester are easy to wash and iron. 人造织物如聚酯纤维等很容易洗熨。 rayon is used extensively to make furnishing fabrics. 人造丝被广泛用于制造家具布料。 cloth /klɒθǁklɔːθ/ [uncountable noun] woven material, especially made from natural substances such as cotton and wool [尤指由棉和羊毛等天然物质织成的]布料,衣料 the main trade was the production of woollen cloth. 主要的生意是生产毛料。 she ran her eye over the rolls of brightly-coloured cloth displayed on the stall. 她打量着摊位上陈列的一卷卷色彩鲜艳的布料。 cloth [adjective] the diamonds were contained in cloth bags bags made of cloth. 钻石装在布袋内。 textiles /ˈtekstaɪlz/ [plural noun] formal woven material - use this especially to talk about the business of producing and selling material 【正式】纺织品[尤用于谈到纺织品的生产和销售] textiles are one of mexico's main exports. 纺织品是墨西哥主要出口产品之一。 modern textiles can look too bright in an old building. 现代纺织品在旧建筑内看起来可能显得太鲜亮。textile industry the textile industry is booming, with profits up 15% on last year. 纺织业正飞速发展,利润比去年增加了15%。☞ material¹☞ material²




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