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单词 ready/not ready
释义 ready/not ready1 when you are ready to do something2 ready to be used or eaten3 ready to take action if it is needed4 when you are not ready to do something5 not ready to eat or use6 to do something or to happen when someone is not readyrelated wordswhen you think something will happen 认为某事会发生 expect,see alsoprepare,hurry,1. when you are ready to do something 准备好做某事 ready /ˈredi/ [adjective not before noun] if you are ready for something, you have done everything that needs to be done in order to prepare for it 准备就绪的 are you ready? the taxi's here. 你准备好了吗?出租车已经到了。 when everyone is ready, i'll give the signal to start. 大家都准备好了之后,我会发出开始信号。ready for i don't feel that i'm ready for the test yet. 我觉得自己还未准备好这次测验。ready to do something everything is packed and we're ready to leave. 一切都打点好了,我们准备走了。get ready prepare yourself to do something 作准备 that's settled then. i'll go and get ready. 那就这么定了。我去准备一下。 my sister always spends hours getting ready to go out. 我姐姐出门前总花上好几个小时作准备。 it was soon time for the actors to get ready for the evening performance. 演员很快就要为晚上的演出作准备了。ready and waiting the wedding guests were all ready and waiting long before the bride arrived. 新娘到来之前,参加婚礼的宾客都早已准备好并等待着。ready when you are i am ready to do something as soon as you are 当你准备好的时候 ‘shall we go then?’ ‘yes, ready when you are.’ “那我们去吗?”“好啊,等你准备好了就走。” prepared /prɪˈpeəʳd/ [adjective not before noun] ready to deal with a situation, because you were expecting it or because you have made careful preparations 准备好的[指因已作了精心的准备去处理某情况] prepared for the police were prepared for trouble. 警察对骚乱已作好准备。 i was not prepared for all the questions they asked. 我还没想好怎么回答他们提出的所有问题。well prepared the team was well prepared and focussed on the issues. 该小组已作了充分准备,并把注意力集中到这些议题上。 be ready to go /biː ˌredi tə ˈgəʊ/ [verb phrase] to be ready and eager to start doing something 准备好去[做某事] on christmas day, the kids are always up and ready to go at 6 o'clock. 圣诞那天,孩子们总是6点钟就起床准备好了。 if everyone's ready to go, let's get started. 如果大家都准备好了,那就开始吧。 be all set /biː ˌɔːl ˈset/ [verb phrase] to be ready to start doing something that you have planned to do and want to do 准备就绪[以开始实施计划和做想要做的事] dad got on his bike. ‘are you all set?’ he called. 爸爸骑上自行车。“你们都准备好了吗?”他大声问道。be all set for the team are all set for another comfortable victory. 该队已准备就绪,要不费吹灰之力获得另一次胜利。be all set to do something we were all set to start the barbecue when it started to rain. 我们都已准备好要开始烧烤,这时却下起雨来。 be geared up /biː ˌgɪəʳd ˈʌp/ [verb phrase] if an organization or group of people are geared up for something that is going to happen, they have made careful plans so that they can deal with it as soon as it happens [组织或一群人]作好准备 be geared up for there are clear signs that the governor is geared up for a second attempt at the white house. 有明显的迹象表明那位州长已准备好要再次进军白宫。be geared up to do something companies that survive are the ones that are geared up to meet the demands of the future. 能够生存下来的公司都是一些为将来的需求作好准备的公司。get geared up the airport was getting geared up to deal with a heavier schedule of flights. 机场正在准备应付更繁忙的航班时间表。 in readiness /ɪn ˈredinə̇s/ [adverb] if you do something in readiness for something that you expect will happen, you do it so that you will be ready 已作好准备 as the conflict grew worse, troops waited in readiness at the borders. 随着冲突加剧,军队已在边境严阵以待。in readiness for a new stage and seating area has been built in readiness for tonight's sell-out performance. 已建成一个新舞台和观众座席区,准备应付今夜爆满的演出。 do something when you are good and ready /ˌdu something wen juː əʳ ˌgʊd ən ˈredi/ [verb phrase] spoken used to tell someone who is impatient for you to do something that you will not do it until your are ready 【口】准备好了才做某事[用于告诉催促你做某事的人] dad says he'll come when he's good and ready. 爸爸说他准备好了就来。 leave me alone! i'll tell her when i'm good and ready. 别烦我!我准备好了就会告诉她的。 be good to go /biː ˌgʊd tə ˈgəʊ/ [verb phrase] american spoken to have completed all the necessary preparations and be ready to start doing something 【美口】万事俱备了,可以开始干了 we just need to get you a pair of skis and you're good to go. 我们只需给你弄副滑雪板,你就什么也不缺了。 ‘do you have all the hiking gear?’ ‘yeah, i'm good to go.’ “徒步旅行的用具你全都有了吗?”“都齐了,我可以出发了。” be ripe for /biː ˈraɪp fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] to be in a suitable condition to be ready for something, especially a positive change 时机成熟[尤指积极的改革] economists regard the region as being ripe for development. 经济学家认为这一地区的开发时机已经成熟。 after the divorce i was thoroughly fed up and ripe for a new start, so i agreed to take the job. 离婚后我心里很是厌烦,而且是时候有个新开端了,所以就答应接受这份工作。2. ready to be used or eaten 准备好了可以使用或吃的 ready /ˈredi/ [adjective not before noun] if something is ready, you can use it or eat it immediately 准备好的 lunch is ready! 午饭已经准备好了! when the pasta's ready, add the sauce. 面食做好了以后就浇上酱汁。 i'm sorry, your car isn't ready yet, sir. 很抱歉,先生,你的汽车还没修好。ready to eat/collect/use etc your suit will be ready to pick up on wednesday. 你的套装星期三就可以取了。 in a year's time, the wine will be ready to drink. 一年后这酒就可以喝了。 i tend to buy a lot of meals that are ready to eat they have already been cooked. 我往往会买许多现成做好的东西吃。ready for is everything ready for the party? 聚会所需的一切都准备好了吗?get something ready prepare it 把某物准备好 it took several months to get the boat ready for the voyage. 把船准备好出航花了几个月时间。 be in place /biː ɪn ˈpleɪs/ [verb phrase] if equipment, a system, a rule, or a plan is in place, it is ready to start being used [设备、系统、规则、计划等]准备就绪,准备妥当 a new pa system should be in place in the next three to six months. 一套新的公共广播音响系统在此后三到六个月内应该可以配备就绪。 when everything is in place, the building work begins, even if it means running two massive projects at the same time. 一切就绪之后建筑工程就会启动,尽管这意味着两项巨大的工程将同时进行。 the uncertain economy is forcing us to accelerate cost-cutting plans that are already in place. 动荡不定的经济形势迫使我们加快推行已准备就绪的降低成本计划。 ripe /raɪp/ [adjective] ripe fruit is soft, sweet, and ready to eat [水果等]成熟的 don't pick the apples until they're really ripe. 苹果未完全成熟时不要采摘。 is this melon ripe enough to eat? 这瓜熟到可以吃了吗? at the ready /ət ðə ˈredi/ [adverb] if something is at the ready, it is nearby or in your hands, so that you can use it immediately if something happens and you need it 就在旁边;拿在手中;随时可用 several reporters were outside, microphones at the ready. 几名记者就在外面,手里拿着麦克风。have/keep something at the ready i kept my camera at the ready in case the bird reappeared. 我把照相机准备好,等那只鸟再出现。with something at the ready two police officers advanced, with guns at the ready. 两名警察往前走,手里拿着枪。 in readiness /ɪn ˈredinə̇s/ [adverb] written ready to be used when something that you are expecting happens 【书面】准备就绪 the table was carefully laid in readiness. 桌子已小心摆好,准备用膳。in readiness for everything was laid out on the bed, in readiness for the new baby. 所有东西都摆在床上,准备迎接新生儿。3. ready to take action if it is needed 如有必要的话就准备采取行动 be standing by /biː ˌstændɪŋ ˈbaɪ/ [verb phrase] to be ready to take action or provide something when it is needed 待命,准备采取行动 officers in full riot gear were standing by outside the police station. 穿上全套防暴装备的警察在警察局外待命。 a plane was standing by to take the hostages from the airport. 一架飞机正在待命从机场接走人质。 be on standby /biː ɒn ˈstændbaɪ/ [verb phrase] if a group of people, especially soldiers or police are on standby, they are waiting, ready to go somewhere if they are needed when something happens that is expected to happen soon 待命出动[尤指士兵或警察] extra troops have been brought in, and riot police are on standby. 更多的部队奉召到场,防暴警察也在待命出动。 bomb squads are on 24-hour standby because of the threats. 因为受到恐吓,炸弹处理专家小组24小时随时待命。be on standby to do something raf medical crews are on standby to fly out to the war zone. 英国皇家空军的医疗队在待命飞往战区。 be on call /biː ɒn ˈkɔːl/ [verb phrase] if someone such as a doctor or engineer is on call, they are ready to give advice on the phone or go and help where they are needed, as part of their job [医生或工程师等]随叫随到,随时待命 as a doctor, you will be on call regularly at weekends. 作为一名医生,周末经常要随时待命。 there are four physiotherapists on call at the sports injury clinic. 在运动损伤诊所内有四名理疗师在值班。 be on full alert /biː ɒn ˌfʊl əˈlɜːʳt/ [verb phrase] if soldiers, police officers etc are on full alert, they are completely ready to deal with a dangerous situation [士兵、警察等]处于高度戒备状态 all ships were on full alert. 所有的船只都处于高度戒备状态。put/place something on full alert by 7 pm the president had placed american military forces on full alert. 到晚上7点钟,总统已命令美军进入高度戒备状态。be on full alert for the police were on full alert for further riots. 警方处于高度戒备状态,以应付进一步的骚乱。4. when you are not ready to do something 未准备好做某事 not ready /nɒt ˈredi/ [adjective not before noun] if you are not ready for something, you have not done everything that needs to be done in order to prepare for it 未准备好的 wait a minute! i'm not ready yet. 等一下!我还未准备好。not ready for the coaches felt stark wasn't ready for major league baseball yet. 教练觉得斯塔克尚未准备好在职业棒球大联盟比赛中上场。not ready to do something i felt that i wasn't ready to make a final decision. 我觉得自己尚未准备好作出最后的决定。 unprepared /ˌʌnprɪˈpeəʳd/ [adjective not before noun] written not ready to deal with something because you were not expecting it, and have not thought about it or made plans 【书面】没有准备的 unprepared for mexico was unprepared for war. 墨西哥没有作好战争的准备。 when i told her the news, i was totally unprepared for her reaction. 我把消息告诉她时,对她的反应一点都没有心理准备。unprepared to do something the study showed that 50% of the students were unprepared for work or college. 这项研究显示50%的学生未准备好去就业或上大学。5. not ready to eat or use 还不能吃或使用 not ready /nɒt ˈredi/ [adjective not before noun] if something is not ready, you cannot use it or eat it immediately 未准备好;还不能使用[吃] i'm afraid dinner's not ready yet. 恐怕晚餐还没准备好。 the blackberries won't be ready for another week or two. 黑莓还要过一两个星期才能吃。not ready for the zero-emission care is not ready for mass production. 这种无废气排放汽车还不可以大规模生产。not ready to eat/drink/use etc the paint's not ready to use when you buy it. you have to mix it with water. 这种油漆买来时还不能用,要把它加水搅拌。 unripe /ˌʌnˈraɪp◂/ [adjective] fruit that is unripe is not soft, sweet, or ready to eat [水果]尚未成熟的 don't use unripe apples for making cider. 不要用尚未成熟的苹果酿苹果酒。 the cherries on the tree were still unripe. 树上的樱桃还没熟。6. to do something or to happen when someone is not ready 在某人尚未准备就绪时做某事或发生某事 be caught napping /biː ˌkɔːt ˈnæpɪŋ/ [verb phrase] informal if you are caught napping by something that happens, you are not expecting it and are not ready to deal with it, although you should expect it and be ready for it 【非正式】被弄得措手不及 stock traders who ignore these signs are in danger of being caught napping when a recession hits. 当经济衰退到来时,那些对此类迹象掉以轻心的证券商就可能会被弄得措手不及。be caught napping by nowadays, no company can afford to be caught napping by a technological development. 如今没有哪家公司能承受因技术发展带来的令人措手不及的后果。 catch somebody off guard /ˌkætʃ somebody ɒf ˈgɑːʳd/ [verb phrase] to say or do something when someone is not expecting it so that they cannot deal with it as well as they would like to 使某人毫无准备,让某人猝不及防 ‘are you married?’ vick asked, catching her off guard. “你结婚了吗?”维克问道,让她感到不知所措。 the prime minister admitted to being caught off guard by news of the attack. 首相承认进攻的消息让他猝不及防。 catch somebody with their pants down /ˌkætʃ somebody wɪð ðeəʳ ˈpænts daʊn/ [verb phrase usually in passive] informal to arrive or to do something when someone is not ready, and make them feel stupid or embarrassed 【非正式】使某人措手不及,趁某人不备;令某人窘迫 the city got caught with its financial pants down, and the scandal has led to 12 high-level officials losing their jobs. 该市的经济猝不及防陷入窘境,而这个丑闻导致12名高层官员官职不保。 catch somebody on the hop /ˌkætʃ somebody ɒn ðə ˈhɒpǁ-ˈhɑːp/ [verb phrase] british informal to do something, or to happen, when someone is not expecting it and is not ready to deal with it 【英,非正式】使某人猝不及防,使某人来不及应对 the dramatic fall in share prices caught even the experts on the hop. 股价的大幅下跌让专家都感到措手不及。 many politicians have been caught on the hop by a good interviewer. 很多政治家都有过给优秀的采访者弄得措手不及的情况。 wing it /ˈwɪŋ ɪt/ [verb phrase] informal to try to do something even though you are not ready, especially when you have to pretend you know more about something that you do 【非正式】临时应付一下,硬充一下[尤要装作对所做的事知道更多] if you are asked a question that you're not ready for, it's better to say ‘i hadn't considered that’ than to wing it and get it wrong. 假如你被问到一个没有准备的问题,最好是说“这问题我还没考虑过”,而不要随便应付一下,把问题答错。 we have to wing it in the first game, but we'll be more prepared for the next one. 第一场比赛我们只好先应付一下,下一场我们就准备得更充分了。




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