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单词 develop
释义 develop /dɪveləp/ verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to gradually grow or become bigger, more advanced, stronger, etc.; to make sth do this 发展;成长;使进化◆it developed from a small family business into a multinational group. 它从一个小型家族企业发展成为一个跨国集团。◆we have developed close relationships with our suppliers. 我们与供应商建立了紧密的关系。 2. [transitive] to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc. and make it successful 开发;构思;研制◆he helped develop our best-selling brand. 他协助开发了我们最畅销的品牌。◆the company develops and markets new software. 这公司开发并销售新软件。 3. [intransitive, transitive] to start to have a skill, an ability, a quality, etc. that becomes better and stronger; to become better and stronger 增强;发挥◆what new skills have you developed in the last six months? 你在过去的六个月里掌握了哪些新技能?◆his confidence as a negotiator has developed. 他作为谈判者的信心增强了。 (property 房地产) [transitive] to build new houses, factories, etc. on an area of land, especially land that was not being used effectively before 修建;开发◆the site is being developed as an airport. 这块地正被开发成一个机场。 5. [transitive] to start using an area of land, a mine, etc. as a source of natural materials 开发☞ developdevelop verb 1➤develop from a small village into a thriving resort从一个小村落发展成繁荣的旅游胜地➤develop new software开发新软件  ➡ see also the entry for improve 2另见 improve 条第 2 义develop ♦︎ move ♦︎ evolve ♦︎ progress ♦︎ gain ground ♦︎ advance ♦︎ shape up ♦︎ come on/along ♦︎ maturethese words all mean to gradually become bigger, better, stronger or more advanced.这些词均表示发展、壮大、进步。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to develop / move / evolve / progress / mature from sth◆to develop / move / evolve / progress to sth◆to develop / evolve / mature into sth◆to develop / move / evolve / progress / advance towards sth◆to develop / move / evolve / progress / advance beyond sth◆an idea develops / evolves / gains ground◆a style / theory develops / evolves◆a war / campaign develops / progresses◆to develop / move / evolve / progress / gain ground / advance / mature rapidly / slowly◆to develop / move / evolve / progress / gain ground / advance steadily◆to develop / move / evolve / progress / advance further◆to be developing / progressing / shaping up / coming on well■ develop [intransitive] to gradually become bigger, better, stronger or more advanced; to start to have a skill or quality that becomes better and stronger成长;发展;加强;增强◆the child is developing normally.这孩子发育正常。◆the place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort.那个地方已经由一个小渔村迅速发展成繁荣的旅游胜地。◆their relationship has developed over a number of years.他们的关系是多年发展起来的。  ➡ see also development → progress ■ move [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (rather informal) to make progress in the way or direction mentioned(以⋯方式或朝某方向)前进,进步,进展◆time is moving on.时代在进步。◆share prices moved ahead today.今天股票价格上涨了。◆things are not moving as fast as we hoped.事情的进展不像我们希望的那么快。ⓘ move is usually followed by an adverb of direction such as on, ahead or up, or an adverb indicating speed such as fast, slowly, quickly, rapidly, or steadily. * move 通常后接方位副词,如 on、ahead 或 up,或表示速度的副词,如 fast、slowly、quickly、rapidly 或 steadily。■ evolve /ivɒlv; name ivɑːlv/ [intransitive] (rather formal) to develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complicated form逐渐形成,逐渐发展,逐渐演变(尤指从简单变为复杂)◆the idea evolved from a drawing i discovered in the attic.这种想法是受了我在阁楼里发现的一幅画的启发。◆the company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer.该公司已逐步发展成一家主要的化学制品生产商。  ➡ see also evolve → turn 2 ▸ evolution /iːvəluːʃn, evəluːʃn-->/ noun [uncountable] ◆in politics britain has preferred evolution to revolution (= gradual development to sudden violent change).英国在政治上喜欢渐进而不喜欢革命。■ progress /prəgres/ [intransitive] to improve or develop over a period of time; to make progress进步;改进;进展◆the course allows students to progress at their own speed.本课程可以让学生按各自的速度学习。◆work on the new road is progressing slowly.新公路的修建工作在缓慢进行。ⓘ in this meaning progress is used to talk about a person such as a student who is learning over a period of time, or a piece of work or a project.表达此义时,progress 用来指学习、工作或项目的进度。  ➡ see also progress , progression → progress noun ■ gain ground -->idiomto become more powerful or successful发展壮大;取得进展;取得成功◆sterling continues to gain ground against the dollar.英镑对美元的比价继续坚挺。◆these ideas slowly gained ground over the next ten years.在随后的十年里这些观点慢慢地被人们接受了。ⓘ gain ground is most often used to talk about a system, a party or movement, or sb's views or ideas. * gain ground 的主语最常为 system、party、movement 或 views、ideas。■ advance [intransitive](of knowledge or technology) to develop and improve(知识或技术)发展,进步◆our knowledge of the disease has advanced considerably in recent years.近年来我们对这种疾病的了解大为加深。◆as medical science advances, treatments are becoming more and more expensive.随着医学的发展,治疗费用越来越高了。  ➡ see also advance , advancement → progress noun ■ shape up -->phrasal verb (often used in the progressive tenses常用于进行时) (rather informal, especially journalism尤用于新闻) to develop in a particular way, especially in a satisfactory way发展,进展(顺利)◆our plans are shaping up nicely (= showing signs that they will be successful).我们的计划进行得很顺利。◆it's shaping up to be an exciting climax to the championships.看来这将会成为这次锦标赛的一个激动人心的高潮。■ come on ■ come along -->phrasal verb(came, come) (usually used in the progressive tenses通常用于进行时) (spoken) to improve or develop in the way you want改进;改善;进展◆'how's the project going?' 'oh, it's coming on.'“项目进展得如何?”“哦,挺顺利的。”◆it was spring, and the garden was coming along nicely.那是春天,花园里一片欣欣向荣。■ mature /mətʃʊə(r), mətjʊ(r); name mətʃʊr, mətʊr/ [intransitive] (rather formal) to fully develop a particular skill or quality充分发展(技能或素质);成长◆she has matured into one of the country's finest actresses.她已经成长为这个国家最优秀的演员之一。develop verb 2➤develop from a small village into a thriving resort从一个小村落发展成繁荣的旅游胜地➤develop new software开发新软件  ➡ see also the entry for make 1另见 make 条第 1 义develop ♦︎ pioneer ♦︎ evolvethese words all mean to think of or produce a new idea or product and make it successful.这些词均表示开发、研制、开创。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to develop / pioneer / evolve a / an idea / technique / method / strategy / system / way / style / design / policy / plan◆to develop / pioneer a / an concept / model / approach / scheme / project / service / technology◆to develop / evolve a theory / framework / programme◆a / an scientist / team / group / institute / company / authority develops / pioneers sth■ develop [transitive] to think of or produce a new idea or product and make it successful开发;研制◆the company develops and markets new software.该公司开发并推销新软件。◆a new type of painkilling drug has recently been developed.最近刚研制出一种新的止痛药。 ➡ see also developer → designer ■ pioneer /paɪənɪə(r); name paɪənɪr/ [transitive, often passive] (especially written) to be one of the first people to do, discover or use sth new开发;发明;率先使用◆this is a new technique, pioneered by surgeons in a london hospital.这是一种新技术,由伦敦一家医院的外科医生开发使用。ⓘ pioneer is often used in scientific contexts. people typically pioneer a treatment, new approach or technique. it is often used in the passive, to talk about where a treatment or technique was first developed. * pioneer 常用于科学语境,其宾语常为 treatment、new approach 或 technique。该词常用于被动语态,说明一种疗法或技术是在哪里开发使用的。  ➡ see also pioneer → leader noun 2 ■ evolve /ivɒlv; name ivɑːlv/ [transitive] (rather formal, written, especially business尤用于商业) to develop sth gradually, especially from a simple to a more complicated form(使)逐渐形成,发展,演变(尤指从简单变为复杂)◆each school must evolve its own way of working.每所学校必须逐渐形成自己的办学方式。ⓘ people in organizations typically evolve a method, system, policy, style or technique. * evolve 的宾语常为 method、system、policy、style 或 technique。develop [intransitive] to start happening and then become more serious or important加剧;加重◆a crisis was rapidly developing in the gulf.海湾危机迅速加剧。 ➡ see also development → event 1 develop [intransitive] to gradually become bigger, better, stronger or more advanced; to start to have a skill or quality that becomes better and stronger成长;发展;加强;增强◆the child is developing normally.这孩子发育正常。◆the place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort.那个地方已经由一个小渔村迅速发展成繁荣的旅游胜地。◆their relationship has developed over a number of years.他们的关系是多年发展起来的。  ➡ see also development → progress develop [transitive] to think of or produce a new idea or product and make it successful开发;研制◆the company develops and markets new software.该公司开发并推销新软件。◆a new type of painkilling drug has recently been developed.最近刚研制出一种新的止痛药。 ➡ see also developer → designer develop [transitive, no passive] to get a disease, illness or problem患(病);出现(问题)◆she developed lung cancer at the age of sixty.她六十岁时得了肺癌。◆the car developed engine trouble and we had to stop.汽车发动机出了故障,我们只好停车。develop/dɪˈveləp ||; dɪˈvɛləp/verb1. [i,t] to grow slowly, increase, or change into sth else; to make sb/sth do this (使)成长;(使)发育;发展 [i] ◇to develop from a child into an adult 由儿童长大成人 [t] ◇a scheme to help pupils develop their natural talents 帮助学生发展天赋的计划◇scientists have developed a drug against this disease. 科学家已经研制出一种治疗这种疾病的药物。◇over the years, she's developed her own unique singing style. 这些年来,她已经形成自己独特的唱歌风格。 2. [i,t] to begin to have a problem or disease; to start to affect sth 开始出现(问题);患上(疾病);开始影响(某物) [t] ◇to develop cancer/aids 患上癌症╱艾滋病◇trouble is developing along the border. 边境开始出现麻烦。 3. [t] to make an idea, a story, etc clearer or more detailed by writing or talking about it more 更详尽阐述;使展开;发挥: ◇she went on to develop this theme later in the lecture. 她在讲课中接着更详尽地阐述了这个主题。 4. [t] to make pictures or negatives from a piece of film by using special chemicals 冲洗(照片): ◇to develop a film 冲洗胶卷 5. [t] to build houses, shops, factories, etc on a piece of land 开发(土地,在上面兴建房屋、商店、工厂等): ◇this site is being developed for offices. 这工地现正兴建办公楼。 develop1 to change over a period of time and become bigger, stronger etc2 in the process of developing3 a process or period during which someone or something develops4 to develop a new plan, idea, method5 to help something to developrelated wordssee alsochange/not change,grow,progress/make progress,increase,advanced,1. to change over a period of time and become bigger, stronger etc 经过一段时间变得更大、更强等 develop /dɪˈveləp/ [intransitive verb] in some patients, the disease develops very slowly. 这种疾病在一些病人身上发展得很慢。 the interesting part of the movie is how the two women's relationship develops. 影片中的有趣之处是这两个女人之间的关系是怎样发展的。 the internet has developed at a remarkable rate. 互联网的发展速度很惊人。develop from/into she developed from a shy child into an international star. 她由一位腼腆的小孩成长为一位国际明星。 evolve /ɪˈvɒlvǁɪˈvɑːlv/ [intransitive verb] to develop and change gradually over a long period of time 进化,演化;逐步形成 the city's importance as a financial centre has evolved slowly. 该市逐渐发展成为一个重要的金融中心。evolve from many scientists now believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs. 现在有许多科学家相信鸟类是由恐龙进化而来的。evolve into brooks's original idea has now evolved into an official nasa program. 布鲁克斯最初的设想现已发展为美国国家航空航天局的官方计划。2. in the process of developing 在发展过程中的 developing /dɪˈveləpɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] good nutrition is very important to a developing child. 良好的营养对正在发育的儿童是很重要的。 these drugs are effective in the developing stages of the disease. 在病情的发展阶段使用这些药物很有效。 embryonic /ˌembriˈɒnɪk◂ǁ-ˈɑːn-/ [adjective] plans, activities etc that are embryonic are in a very early stage of development, so that the details have not yet been fully planned or decided [计划、活动等]萌芽之中的,未成熟的 the program is still in the embryonic stage, but we are confident of its success. 该计划尚在萌芽阶段,但我们有信心它会成功。 online gambling as an industry is still illegal and embryonic. 网上赌博作为一种行业到目前为止仍是非法的,尚处于萌芽阶段。 emerging /ɪˈmɜːʳdʒɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] in an early stage of development and only just beginning to be noticed 新兴的 in 1911 the newly emerging car industry faced a crisis. 1911年新兴的汽车业面临着危机。 the program is designed to help identify emerging trends in drug use. 这个计划旨在帮助找出吸毒的新趋势。3. a process or period during which someone or something develops 某人或某事物的发展过程或阶段 development /dɪˈveləpmənt/ [uncountable noun] the country has experienced impressive economic development in the past decade. 该国在过去十年里经历了令人印象深刻的经济发展。 a child's emotional development may be severely damaged by a traumatic experience in its early years. 儿童如果在早期阶段经历创伤,其情感发展可能会受到严重的损害。development of climate was an important factor in the development of classical greek culture. 气候是古希腊文化发展过程中的一个重要因素。 developmental /dɪˌveləpˈmentl◂/ [adjective] a new form of the drug is still in the developmental stage. 这种药的新产品形式仍处于发展阶段。 evolution /ˌiːvəˈluːʃən, ˌevə-ǁˌevə-/ [uncountable noun] a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced 进化,演化过程 the process of biological evolution has taken billions of years. 生物进化的过程长达数十亿年。evolution of the next chapter describes the evolution of the international monetary system. 下一章讲述国际货币体系的发展。 progression /prəˈgreʃən/ [uncountable noun] a development from one situation or state to a better or more advanced one 发展,进展[指从一种情形或状态到更好或更高级的另一种情形或状态] progression of the exhibit is arranged to show the progression of picasso's work. 展品的摆放以展示毕加索绘画风格的发展变化为目的。progression from something to something the progression from school to university is difficult for many students. 从中学过渡到大学对许多学生来说都很困难。4. to develop a new plan, idea, method 形成一个新计划、观念、方法 develop /dɪˈveləp/ [transitive verb] to make something change over a period of time and become bigger, stronger, better etc 使形成;制定;培育 the department is developing a strategy to fight unemployment. 该部门正在制定一项解决失业问题的策略。 we need to help young people develop a sense of responsibility while they're still at school. 我们要在年轻人还在求学的时候就培养他们的责任感。 evolve /ɪˈvɒlvǁɪˈvɑːlv, ɪˈvɔːlv/ [transitive verb] to change something gradually over a long period so that it becomes better 逐步发展,使逐步形成 if you want to be a poet, you must evolve your own style of writing. 你如果想成为一名诗人,就必须逐步形成自己的写作风格。5. to help something to develop 帮助某事物发展 nurture /ˈnɜːʳtʃəʳ/ [transitive verb] written to spend a lot of time and effort thinking about and helping a plan, idea, feeling etc to develop 【书面】酝酿;培养;培育[计划、想法、感情等] the goal of the economic policies is to create jobs and nurture new industries. 这些经济政策的目标是要创造工作机会和发展新兴工业。 it is important to nurture potential in your employees. 培养雇员的潜力是很重要的。 foster /ˈfɒstəʳǁˈfɔː-, ˈfɑː-/ [transitive verb] written to help a skill, feeling, idea etc to grow and develop over a period of time 【书面】促进,培养,发展[技巧、感情、想法等] these classroom activities are intended to foster children's language skills. 这些课堂活动旨在培养孩子的语言技巧。 recent studies show that advertising usually fosters competition and therefore lower prices. 近来的研究结果显示广告宣传通常会促进竞争,因而导致价格下降。 de·vel·op /dɪ`vɛləp; dɪˈveləp/v 1. [i,t] to grow or change into something bigger or more important, or to make something do this (使)发展,(使)扩展,(使)成长:◇plans to develop the local economy 发展当地经济的种种计划◇+ into wright is fast developing into one of this country's most talented players. 赖特正在迅速成长为全国最有天赋的球员之一。 2. [t] to make a new product or idea successful 开发,发明[新产品、新观念]:◇scientists developing new drugs to fight aids 致力开发抗爱滋病新药的科学家们 3. [t] to begin to have an illness or feeling 发病; 出现[某种感觉]:◇her baby developed a fever during the night. 她的宝宝夜里开始发烧。 4. [i] to begin to happen or exist 显现,出现:◇a crisis seems to be developing within the conservative party. 保守党内部似乎已开始出现危机。 5. [t] to use special chemicals on photographic film to make the pictures 显影,冲印[照片] 6. [t] to build houses, offices etc on a piece of land 开发[指在一块土地上建房,造办公楼等] ☞ develop




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