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单词 restrained
释义 restrained adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be克制adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常克制▸➤remarkably特别克制◆i thought she was remarkably restrained in the circumstances.我认为她在那种情况下非常克制。restrainedshowing calm control rather than emotion克制的;有节制的◆she smiled a restrained smile.她矜持地微微一笑。 opp unrestrained ⓘ unrestrained emotions are not controlled. * unrestrained 修饰情感时表示放纵的◆unrestrained aggression / delight肆无忌惮的挑衅;纵情的欢乐  ➡ see also restraint → restraint noun note 辨析 controlled or restrained? controlled is usually used to describe a person or their behaviour when they are able to stop themselves from panicking or getting angry (or showing their anger). * controlled 通常指人或其行为在恐慌或愤怒时能够克制住◆controlled panic / aggression / anger / fury克制住的恐慌;有节制的攻击;克制住的怒气/暴怒 restrained is used more to talk about people being polite, and not shouting or getting too excited about things. restrained is used mostly to describe actions and behaviour rather than the people themselves. * restrained 更多指人举止文雅、不喧哗吵闹或激动,主要指行为举止而不指人本身◆a restrained approach / attitude克制的方式/态度◆restrained optimism / passion适度的乐观/激情restrained/rɪˈstreɪnd ||; rɪˈstrend/adj not showing strong feelings 克制的;自制的 re·strained /rɪ`strend; rɪˈstreɪnd/adj 1. calm and not excited, angry etc 克制的,有节制的:◇a typically restrained performance 典型的含蓄的表演 2. not brightly coloured [颜色]平和的,不鲜艳的




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