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单词 crop up
释义 crop upphrasal verb(-pp-) (rather informal) to appear or happen, especially occasionally or when it is not expected(尤指偶尔或意外地)出现,发生◆it's the kind of problem that crops up from time to time.这就属于那种时不时就会出现的问题。◆i'll be late-something's cropped up at the office.我要晚点到,办公室里出了点事。 crop up to appear suddenly, when you are not expecting it 突然出现: ◇we should have finished this work yesterday but some problems cropped up. 我们昨天本该完成这项工作,可是突然出现了一些问题。 crop upsee ⇨ happen 1 crop upphr v [i]to happen or appear suddenly and unexpectedly 突然而意外地发生[出现]:◇let me know if any problems crop up. 如果突然发生什么问题要告诉我。




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