释义 |
briton/ˈbrɪtn ||; ˈbrɪtṇ/noun [c] a person who comes from great britain 从英伦三岛来的人;大不列颠人 this is normally only used in newspapers, or when talking about the inhabitants of britain in earlier times three britons killed in air crash. the ancient britons. otherwise we say ‘a british man’, ‘a british woman’. 这个词通常只见于报章,也指英伦三岛的早期居民:three britons killed in air crash.三名英国人死于空难。·the ancient britons不列颠原居民。其他情况下一般说a british man、a british woman。 brit·on /`brɪtṇ; ˈbrɪtn/n [c]someone from great britain 英国人 |