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单词 drink
释义 drink nounadjective | ... of drinks | verb + drink | drink + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤cold, cool, iced, refreshing冷饮;冰镇饮料;提神饮料◆i could do with a nice cool drink.给我一杯冷饮就好了。➤hot, warm热饮▸➤milky (bre) 含乳饮料➤sugary, sweet含糖饮料;甜味饮料➤fruit, fruity (name) 水果/果味饮料▸➤carbonated, fizzy (bre) 碳酸饮料;汽水▸➤non-alcoholic, soft非酒精饮料;软饮料▸➤alcoholic酒精饮料▸➤stiff, strong (= with a lot of alcohol in it) 烈性酒➤mixed (name) 混合饮料▸➤diet, low-calorie低热量饮料➤energy, sports (especially name) 能量/运动饮料➤caffeinated含咖啡因饮料▸➤long大杯冷饮料◆she took a long drink of cold water.她喝了一大杯凉水。➤quiet (especially bre) 静酌▸➤quick匆匆饮下的酒➤after-dinner, pre-dinner餐后/餐前饮品◆they invited us for pre-dinner drinks.他们邀请我们餐前小酌。➤early-evening, lunchtime (especially bre) 傍晚酒;午餐酒➤celebratory喜庆酒▸➤farewell (especially bre) 送行酒▸➤welcome (especially bre) 接风酒◆you will be offered a welcome drink on arrival at the hotel.入住后酒店会送上迎宾酒水。➤free免费酒水◆the entrance charge includes a free drink.入场费含一杯免费饮料。... of drinks➤round一巡饮料◆we ordered a round of drinks while waiting for a table.等餐桌时我们要了一轮饮料。verb + drink➤consume (formal) , drink, have喝饮料◆i'll just drink my drink then we can go.我喝完饮料咱们就走。◆she had a hot drink and went to bed.她喝了热饮之后就睡觉了。➤enjoy享用饮料◆they were enjoying a drink by the pool.他们正在游泳池旁享用饮料。➤want想喝◆do you want a drink?你想来一杯吗?➤need需要喝◆i really need a cold drink.我非常想来一杯冷饮。➤sip小口喝饮料▸➤down, finish, knock back喝完饮料;大口喝完饮料◆he knocked back his drink in one go and ordered another one.他一口喝完饮料,接着又要了一杯。➤take喝饮料◆he took a drink of his beer and sat down.他喝了一口啤酒后就坐了下来。➤go for, go out for去喝饮料◆would you like to go out for a drink after work?下班后你想去喝一杯吗 ?➤buy (sb), get (sb), grab, offer (sb), order (sb)(给某人)买饮料;(给某人)拿饮料;拿饮料喝;(给某人)提供饮料;(给某人)点饮料◆can i buy you a drink?我给你买一杯饮料好吗 ?◆let's go grab a drink.咱们去喝一杯吧。➤pour (sb), serve (sb)(为某人)斟饮料;(为某人)端饮料◆he poured himself a stiff drink to calm his nerves.他给自己倒了杯烈酒,想稳定一下心神。➤make, mix调制饮料◆he taught her how to mix drinks.他教她如何调制饮料。➤refill重新斟满;续杯◆she went around refilling everyone's drinks.她走了一圈儿,重新给每个人斟满。➤spill(无意中)将酒弄洒◆some idiot spilled my drink.有个白痴弄洒了我的酒。➤spike在饮料中加烈酒◆the robbers spiked his drink before taking his wallet and passport.劫匪在他的饮料里加了烈酒,然后才拿走他的钱包和护照。➤drive sb to逼迫某人开始酗酒◆her money problems drove her to drink (= made her start drinking a lot of alcohol).经济困难使她开始酗酒。➤turn to (especially bre) 开始大量饮酒◆after his wife died, he turned to drink.妻子去世后,他就开始酗酒。drink + noun➤drinks party酒会◆we've been invited to a drinks party.我们获邀参加酒会。➤drinks cabinet (especially bre) 饮料柜◆she took a bottle from the drinks cabinet.她从饮料橱柜里拿出一瓶饮料来。➤problem (bre) (drinking problem in name) 酗酒问题◆she suspected her boss had a drink problem.她怀疑老板酗酒。➤bottle饮料瓶◆plastic drink bottles can be recycled.塑料饮料瓶可以回收利用。preposition➤in a/the drink在饮料里◆do you want ice in your drink?你的饮料要加冰吗 ?➤drink of一杯⋯◆i'll have a drink of milk, please.请给我一杯牛奶。phrases➤food and drink, food and drinks餐饮;食物和饮料◆a stand serving food and drinks餐饮摊位drink verb¹ 1take liquid into the body喝adverb | verb + drink | preposition | phrases adverb➤greedily, thirstily贪婪地喝;痛饮◆i opened the can and drank thirstily.我打开罐子贪婪地喝了起来。➤deeply饱饮◆she drank deeply from the stream.她猛喝了一通溪水。➤down, up喝下;喝光◆he filled a cup with water and drank it down in one gulp.他倒了一杯水,一饮而尽。◆drink up, and let's go home.喝完,然后咱们回家吧。verb + drink➤find sth to, get yourself sth to, have sth to(给自己)找点儿⋯喝;有⋯喝◆go and get yourself something to eat and drink.你自己去找点儿吃的和喝的吧。preposition➤from用⋯喝◆he drank from a tumbler.他用平底玻璃杯喝。➤through用⋯喝◆she was drinking soda through a straw.她用吸管喝汽水。phrases➤eat and drink, eat or drink吃喝◆do you want something to eat or drink?你想吃点儿或是喝点儿什么吗?drink verb² 2drink alcohol喝酒adverb | phrases adverb➤excessively, heavily, to excess, too much酗酒; 嗜酒◆he's been drinking heavily since he lost his job.自从失业以后他就酗酒。➤in moderation, moderately, responsibly, sensibly (especially bre) 有节制地饮酒;理性饮酒;适量饮酒◆ads that tell people to drink responsibly告知人们要理性饮酒的广告➤steadily持续不断地饮酒◆she had been drinking steadily since the early morning.从一大清早起她就一直在喝酒。➤regularly经常喝酒◆she had never been someone who drank regularly.她绝不是个经常喝酒的人。➤alone独酌;独自喝酒◆i never drink alone.我从不一个人喝酒。➤legally合法饮酒◆at that age they can legally drink alcohol.依照法律,他们这个年龄可以饮酒。phrases➤drink and drive酒后开车◆the campaign aims to persuade people not to drink and drive.这项运动旨在劝诫人们不要酒后驾车。➤drink like a fish (= drink a lot) 大量饮酒◆simon was drinking like a fish that evening.西蒙那天晚上喝了很多酒。➤drink yourself to death喝得酩酊大醉◆he knew that he was probably drinking himself to death.他知道自己很可能要喝得酩酊大醉了。drink noun 1➤a drink of water一杯水➤alcoholic drinks酒精饮料drink ♦︎ beverage ♦︎ soft drinkthese are all words for liquid that you drink.这些词均表示饮料。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a / an hot / cold / alcoholic / non-alcoholic drink / beverage■ drink [countable, uncountable] liquid for drinking饮料◆can i have a drink?给我来一杯饮料好吗?◆i felt better after having a drink of water.喝了一杯水之后我感觉好多了。◆ (bre) there are crisps and fizzy drinks (= drinks with bubbles of gas in them) in the kitchen.厨房里有薯片和汽水。◆food and drinks will be available.将提供食物和饮料。■ beverage /bevərɪdʒ/ [countable] (formal) any type of drink except water(除水以外的)饮料◆studies on the consumption of various alcoholic beverages have been conducted.已经进行了对各种酒精饮料消费情况的研究。■ soft drink [countable] a cold drink that does not contain alcohol软饮料(不含酒精)◆snacks, soft drinks, tea and coffee will be served during the interval.中场休息期间将供应小吃、软饮料、茶和咖啡。ⓘ in american english soft drink usually only refers to a fizzy drink.在美式英语中,soft drink 通常仅指起泡饮料。drink noun 2➤a drink of water一杯水➤alcoholic drinks酒精饮料drink ♦︎ alcohol ♦︎ liquor ♦︎ spirit ♦︎ boozethese are all words for drinks which contain alcohol and can make you drunk.这些词均表示含酒精的饮料。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆alcoholic drinks / liquor◆strong drink / liquor◆to drink alcohol / liquor / spirits / booze◆to consume alcohol / liquor◆to turn to / keep off / stay off (the) drink / alcohol / booze◆a drink / an alcohol / a booze problem■ drink [countable, uncountable] alcohol or an alcoholic drink; sth that you drink on a social occasion酒;酒精饮料◆let's go for a drink.咱们去喝一杯吧。◆he downed his drink.他端起酒杯一饮而尽。◆i need a stiff drink (= a strong drink).我需要一杯烈酒。◆she bought another round of drinks.她又买了一巡酒给大家喝。◆the drinks are on me (= i'll pay for them).酒钱由我付。◆ (bre) jim's got a drink problem.吉姆有贪杯的毛病。◆ (name) a drinking problem贪杯的毛病 ➡ see also drunk → drunk ■ alcohol [uncountable] drinks such as beer, wine and whisky, that can make people drunk含酒精饮料;酒◆he never touches alcohol.他滴酒不沾。◆the level of alcohol in his blood was over the legal limit.他血液中的酒精含量超标了。■ liquor /lɪkə(r)/ [uncountable] (especially name) strong alcoholic drink烈酒◆they were standing outside the liquor store.他们正站在酒行的外面。◆she drinks beer and wine but no hard liquor.她喝啤酒和葡萄酒,但不沾烈性酒。ⓘ in technical british english liquor means any alcoholic drink.在英式英语术语中,liquor 指任何酒精饮料◆the sale of liquor to persons under 18 is prohibited.禁止向未满 18 岁的人出售酒精饮料。■ spirit [countable, usually plural] (especially bre) a strong alcoholic drink烈酒◆i don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits.我不喝威士忌和白兰地,也不喝其他烈性酒。◆a standard measure of spirits is 25ml.一份标准量的烈酒是 25 毫升。■ booze [uncountable] (informal) alcoholic drink酒精饮料◆the party was great but we had run out of booze by midnight.派对办得很成功,但到午夜时我们的酒便不够喝了。 drink verbdrink ♦︎ sip ♦︎ suck ♦︎ drain ♦︎ booze ♦︎ swigthese words all mean to take liquid into the body through the mouth.这些词均表示喝或饮。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to sip / suck / swig at sth◆to drink / sip / swig from a bottle / glass of sth◆to drink / suck sth up◆to drink / sip / drain your drink / pint◆to drink / sip / swig beer / wine◆to drink / sip tea / coffee / water■ drink (drank, drunk) [transitive, intransitive] to take liquid into the mouth and swallow it; to drink alcohol, especially regularly喝;饮;喝酒(尤指经常喝)◆what would you like to drink?你想喝点什么?◆i don't drink coffee.我不喝咖啡。◆he was drinking straight from the bottle.他直接对着酒瓶口喝酒。◆he doesn't drink (= doesn't drink alcohol).他不喝酒。◆don't drink and drive (= drive a car after drinking alcohol).切勿酒后驾车。◆she's been drinking heavily since she lost her job.她失业后便常常酗酒。◆i drank far too much last night.我昨天晚上喝得酩酊大醉。 ➡ see also drink → sip noun , drunk → drunk ■ sip (-pp-) [transitive, intransitive] to drink sth, taking a very small amount each time小口喝;抿◆he slowly sipped his wine.他慢酌浅饮。◆ (bre) she sat there, sipping at her tea.她坐在那儿抿着茶。  ➡ see also sip → sip noun ■ suck [transitive, intransitive] to take liquid or air into your mouth by using the muscles of your lips; to keep sth in your mouth and pull on it with your lips and tongue吮吸;咂;含在嘴里吸食◆she was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.她正用吸管咕嘟嘟地喝着牛奶。◆he sucked a mint.他嘴里含着一粒薄荷糖。◆he sucked on a mint.他嘴里咂着一粒薄荷糖。■ drain [transitive] to empty a cup or glass by drinking everything in it喝光;喝干◆in one gulp, he drained the glass.他一口喝干了杯中的水。◆she quickly drained the last of her drink.她一下子就把最后一点儿酒喝掉了。■ booze [intransitive] (usually used in the progressive tenses通常用于进行时) (informal) to drink alcohol, especially in large quantities喝酒(尤指狂饮)◆he's out boozing with his mates.他和朋友们喝酒去了。■ swig (-gg-) [transitive] (informal) to take a quick drink of sth, especially alcohol大口喝(酒)◆they sat around swigging beer from bottles.他们闲坐在一起,对着瓶子大口地喝啤酒。 ➡ see also swig → sip noun drink [countable, uncountable] liquid for drinking饮料◆can i have a drink?给我来一杯饮料好吗?◆i felt better after having a drink of water.喝了一杯水之后我感觉好多了。◆ (bre) there are crisps and fizzy drinks (= drinks with bubbles of gas in them) in the kitchen.厨房里有薯片和汽水。◆food and drinks will be available.将提供食物和饮料。drink [countable, uncountable] alcohol or an alcoholic drink; sth that you drink on a social occasion酒;酒精饮料◆let's go for a drink.咱们去喝一杯吧。◆he downed his drink.他端起酒杯一饮而尽。◆i need a stiff drink (= a strong drink).我需要一杯烈酒。◆she bought another round of drinks.她又买了一巡酒给大家喝。◆the drinks are on me (= i'll pay for them).酒钱由我付。◆ (bre) jim's got a drink problem.吉姆有贪杯的毛病。◆ (name) a drinking problem贪杯的毛病 ➡ see also drunk → drunk drink(drank, drunk) [transitive, intransitive] to take liquid into the mouth and swallow it; to drink alcohol, especially regularly喝;饮;喝酒(尤指经常喝)◆what would you like to drink?你想喝点什么?◆i don't drink coffee.我不喝咖啡。◆he was drinking straight from the bottle.他直接对着酒瓶口喝酒。◆he doesn't drink (= doesn't drink alcohol).他不喝酒。◆don't drink and drive (= drive a car after drinking alcohol).切勿酒后驾车。◆she's been drinking heavily since she lost her job.她失业后便常常酗酒。◆i drank far too much last night.我昨天晚上喝得酩酊大醉。 ➡ see also drink → sip noun , drunk → drunk drink [countable, usually singular] an amount of liquid that you drink一杯,一份,一口(饮料)◆she took a drink from the glass and then put it down.她喝了一口饮料,然后把杯子放下。  ➡ see also drink → drink verb drink¹/drɪŋk ||; drɪŋk/verb (past tense drank /dræŋk ||; dræŋk/ past participle drunk /drʌŋk ||; drʌŋk/) 1. [i,t] to take liquid into your body through your mouth 喝;饮 · ◇would you like anything to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?◇we sat drinking coffee and chatting for hours. 我们坐了好几个钟头,一边谈天一边喝咖啡。 2. [i,t] to drink alcohol 喝酒: ◇i never drink and drive so i'll have an orange juice. 我从不酒后驾车,所以我就喝橙汁吧。◇what do you drink -- beer or wine? 你喝什么,啤酒还是葡萄酒?◇her father used to drink heavily but he's teetotal now. 她父亲过去酒喝得很凶,但现在酒不沾唇了。 drink to sb/sth to wish sb/sth good luck by holding your glass up in the air before you drink 为…祝酒: ◇we all drank to the future of the bride and groom. 我们都向这对新人祝酒,祝他们百年好合。 ☞look at toast ². 参看toast^2。 drink (sth) up to finish drinking sth 喝个干净: ◇drink up your tea -- it's getting cold. 茶要凉了,快喝吧。 drink²/drɪŋk ||; drɪŋk/noun[c,u] 1. liquid for drinking 饮料 · ◇can i have a drink please? 可以给我一点喝的吗?◇a drink of milk 一杯牛奶◇soft drinks (= cold drinks without alcohol) 软饮料(不含酒精的冷饮) 2. alcoholic drink 酒: ◇he's got a drink problem. 他有酗酒问题。◇shall we go for a drink ? 我们去喝一杯酒,好不好? drink1 to drink something2 to drink very quickly3 to drink all of something4 something that you drink5 drinks that contain gas or do not contain gas6 drinks that contain alcohol7 drinks that do not contain alcohol8 to drink alcohol9 someone who never drinks alcohol10 to stop drinking alcoholic drinks11 what people say when they drink alcohol togethersee alsothirsty,drunk,eat,taste,delicious,1. to drink something 喝东西 drink /drɪŋk/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to take liquid into your mouth and swallow it 喝,饮 drink your coffee before it gets cold. 趁咖啡还热喝了它吧。! is this water safe to drink? 这水能喝吗? he was drinking vodka straight from the bottle. 他直接用酒瓶喝伏特加。 she picked up the cup and began to drink thirstily. 她拿起杯子匆匆地喝了起来。 have /hæv/ [transitive verb not in passive] to have a drink of something 喝,饮 we always have tea in the morning. 我们早上总是喝茶。 robin was driving, so he just had a glass of orange juice. 罗宾在开车,所以他只喝了杯橙汁。 we had a couple of beers and talked about old times. 我们喝了几杯啤酒,谈论着过去的时光。have a drink (of something) can i have a drink of water, please? 给我喝杯水好吗? sit down and have a drink. 坐下来喝一杯。 take /teɪk/ [transitive verb] to drink a small amount or a single mouthful of something 喝一点,喝一口 he was very weak, but managed to take a mouthful of water from my bottle. 他极度虚弱,费力地从我的瓶子里喝了一口水。 jody took another sip of wine. 乔迪又喝了一口酒。 sip /sɪp/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to drink something slowly, in very small amounts 小口地喝,呷 sue sat at the bar sipping a martini. 休坐在酒吧里呷着马提尼酒。 she sipped water all the way through the interview. 接受采访的过程中她一直在小口小口地喝水。 sip [countable noun] can i just try a sip, to see if i like it. 我喝一小口吧,这样就知道是否喜欢喝了。sip of jenny cautiously took a couple of sips of the liquid. 珍妮小心翼翼地呷了几口那种液体。 quench your thirst /ˌkwentʃ jɔːʳ ˈθɜːʳst/ [verb phrase] written to drink something in order to stop being thirsty 【书面】[喝东西]解渴 we stopped in a small village to quench our thirst and refuel the jeep. 我们在一个小村庄里停下来喝水解渴,并给吉普车加油。 thirst-quenching [adjective] ice-cool, thirst-quenching beers on sale here! 这儿有冰凉解渴的啤酒卖啦! slurp /slɜːʳp/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to drink liquid while making a noisy sucking sound 咕嘟咕嘟地喝 he bent his face over the steaming bowl and slurped loudly. 他脸朝下凑着冒热气的碗大声地喝了起来。 the old man started to slurp his beer. 那老人开始咕嘟咕嘟地喝起了啤酒。 lap/lap up /læp, ˌlæp ˈʌp/ [transitive verb/transitive phrasal verb] if an animal laps or laps up a liquid, it drinks it with quick movements of its tongue [动物]舐,舐食[液体] we spotted the cubs lapping water from a stream in the forest. 我们看到那些幼兽在林中小溪边舐水。lap something up the tiny creature started to lap the milk up eagerly. 这小动物开始急切地舔牛奶。lap up something a large dog lapped up the gravy that had spilt on the floor. 一条大狗舔着洒落在地上的肉汁。2. to drink very quickly 很快地喝 gulp/gulp down /gʌlp, ˌgʌlp ˈdaʊn/ [transitive verb/transitive phrasal verb] to drink something quickly, taking large mouthfuls 快速吞下;大口地喝 i gulped down my tea and dashed out of the house. 我大口喝完茶便冲出屋子。 rodney gulped his wine nervously. 罗德尼紧张不安地大口喝下了那杯酒。 manny gulped his beer down and followed me. 曼尼把啤酒一饮而尽,然后跟着我一起走。 gulp [countable noun] she finished the drink in a single gulp. 她把饮料一饮而尽。 swig /swɪg/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to drink something quickly, especially from a bottle, taking large mouthfuls [尤指用瓶子]大口地喝;痛饮 the soldiers took it in turns to swig vodka. 那些士兵轮流大口大口地喝伏特加酒。 jack swigged the last of his tea and got up to leave. 杰克把剩下的茶一口喝掉就起身离开了。swig from the old man wandered along, swigging occasionally from a whiskey bottle. 那老汉在闲逛着,偶尔从瓶子里喝一大口威士忌。 swig [countable noun] he took a swig of brandy from a small metal flask. 他从一只小金属扁酒瓶里喝了一大口白兰地。3. to drink all of something 喝完,喝光 drink up /ˌdrɪŋk ˈʌp/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] come on, drink up. i want to go home. 快点喝完,我要回家了。drink something up come on, drink your milk up. 快,把牛奶喝掉。drink up something she drank up her brandy and signalled to the waiter to bring another. 她喝光了白兰地,然后示意服务员再给她拿一杯。 knock back /ˌnɒk ˈbækǁˌnɑːk-/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to quickly drink large quantities of an alcoholic drink 【非正式】喝下[大量酒],狂饮 knock back something two bored-looking businessmen were knocking back glasses of schnapps. 两个一脸厌烦的商人一杯杯地喝下大量荷兰烈酒。 he knocked back the last of the bourbon, then lit his last cigarette. 他喝完最后一杯波旁威士忌酒,然后点燃他最后一支香烟。knock something back when his whisky arrived, he knocked it back in a single gulp. 他点的威士忌酒送上来后,他一口就把它喝了。 down /daʊn/ [transitive verb] to drink all of a drink fairly quickly, especially an alcoholic drink [尤指把酒]一口喝下 the servant brought a glass of water, which i downed in a single mouthful. 仆人拿来一杯水,我一口把它喝完了。 after downing a whole bottle of tequila, she swallowed several dozen sleeping tablets. 她喝下一整瓶龙舌兰酒后,又吃了几十片安眠药。 drain /dreɪn/ [transitive verb] drain a bottle/glass/cup etc to drink everything that is in a bottle etc, including the last few drops 喝完[喝干]一瓶/一杯等[的饮料] jim drained his glass then offered to buy everyone another one. 吉姆喝完自己的一杯后,提出由他请客给每人都再来一杯。 hurriedly draining her cup, she reached for her purse. 她急急地喝下一杯就去拿钱包。 polish off /ˌpɒlɪʃ ˈɒfǁˌpɑː-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to finish something that you enjoy drinking, especially quickly or before someone else can drink it 喝完[喜欢喝的东西,尤指动作很快地喝或赶在别人前面] polish something off i think i'll polish that last beer off before george gets in. 我想我要赶在乔治进来之前把最后的一点啤酒喝完。polish off something did you polish off all the wine last night? 你昨晚把酒都喝光了吗?4. something that you drink 所喝的东西 drink /drɪŋk/ [countable noun] something that you drink 饮料;酒 ‘would you like a drink?’ ‘yes, i'll have a lemonade please.’ “你想来一杯饮料吗?”“好,请来杯柠檬水。” a nice cool drink 可口冰凉的饮料 she tipped her drink over his head and stormed out. 她把饮料往他头上一倒,就气愤地冲了出去。a drink of something give the children a drink of milk and something to eat. 给孩子们喝杯牛奶,吃点东西。food and drink(s) you can bring your own food and drink to the picnic. 你可以自带食物和饮料去野餐。 it's under $10 for lunch and drinks at the ivy bush. 在“常青藤灌木”餐厅用餐加饮料一起不超过10美元。 something to drink /ˌsʌmθɪŋ tə ˈdrɪŋk/ [noun phrase] especially spoken a drink 【尤口】喝的东西 i'm really thirsty. let's stop for something to drink. 我渴极了,我们停下来喝点东西吧。 can i get you something to drink? 要不要我给你弄点喝的? beverage /ˈbevərɪdʒ/ [countable noun] written a word meaning something that you drink -- used especially in restaurants and by people in the food and drinks business 【书面】饮料[尤用于餐厅或供应食品和饮料的行业] non-alcoholic beverages will be on sale in the foyer. 不含酒精饮料将在休息厅内有售。5. drinks that contain gas or do not contain gas 含气泡或不含气泡的饮料 carbonated also fizzy british /ˈkɑːʳbəneɪtɪd, ˈkɑːʳbəneɪtəd, ˈfɪzi/ [adjective] carbonated or fizzy drinks have gas in them [饮料]含二氧化碳的;冒气泡的 fizzy lemonade 柠檬汽水 i don't like fizzy drinks much. 我不太喜欢有气饮料。 i'd like a glass of carbonated mineral water, please. 请给我来杯有气矿泉水。 sparkling /ˈspɑːʳklɪŋ/ [adjective] sparkling water or wine has gas in it [水或酒]含气泡的 a sweet, sparkling wine 一杯甜葡萄气酒 a bottle of sparkling mineral water 一瓶冒气泡的矿泉水 still british /uncarbonated american /stɪl, ʌnˈkɑːʳbəneɪtə̇d/ [adjective] still or uncarbonated drinks, especially water, do not have gas in them [尤指水等饮料]不冒气泡的,不含二氧化碳的 would you like that still or sparkling, madam? 太太,你要不起泡的还是起泡的? flat /flæt/ [adjective] if a drink that should contain gas is flat, there is no gas left in and it is not pleasant to drink [饮料]走了气的 i don't know why some english people prefer flat beer. 我弄不懂为什么有些英格兰人爱喝走了气的啤酒。go flat that champagne must have gone flat by now. 那瓶香槟酒现在肯定已经走气了。6. drinks that contain alcohol 含酒精饮料 alcohol /ˈælkəhɒlǁ-hɔːl/ [uncountable noun] drinks that contain alcohol - used especially in rules and warnings about alcoholic drinks 含酒精饮料;酒[尤用于法规或警告] we're not allowed to serve alcohol to people under 18. 我们不可以卖酒给18岁以下人士。 low-alcohol wines not containing a lot of alcohol 酒精含量低的酒 he doesn't drink alcohol or smoke. 他不喝酒,不抽烟。 she could smell alcohol on his breath. 她从他的呼吸中可闻出酒精味。 alcoholic /ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk◂ǁ-ˈhɔː-/ [adjective] containing alcohol 含酒精的 you can't sell alcoholic drinks unless you have a licence. 除非你持有牌照,否则不可以出售含酒精饮料。 drink /drɪŋk/ [countable/uncountable noun] a drink that contains alcohol. in british english, drink can also be an uncountable noun, meaning alcoholic drinks in general 含酒精饮料;酒[在英国英语中,drink也可用作不可数名词,泛指所有含酒精的饮料] ‘can i get you a drink?’ ‘i'll have a gin and tonic, please.’ “给你来杯酒好吗?”“我要一杯杜松子酒加奎宁水。” after a few drinks, rick began to feel better. 几杯酒下肚,里克开始感到好些了。 they've always got loads of drink in the house. 他们家里总有很多酒。go (out) for a drink go somewhere such as a bar to drink alcohol 出去喝一杯 do you feel like going out for a drink tonight? 今晚你想出去喝一杯吗? they all went for a drink together after the film. 他们看完电影后一起去喝酒了。 liquor /ˈlɪkəʳ/ [uncountable noun] american drinks that contain alcohol, especially strong alcoholic drinks 【美】含酒精饮料;酒;[尤指]烈性酒 the man was holding a bottle of liquor in one hand and a cigarette in the other. 那男人一手握着瓶酒,另一只手中夹着根烟。 a liquor store 出售酒类的商店hard liquor strong alcoholic drinks 烈性酒 he got used to drinking hard liquor at an early age. 他很小就习惯喝烈性酒了。 booze /buːz/ [uncountable noun] informal alcoholic drinks 【非正式】酒 the doctor told jimmy to stay off the booze for a while. 医生叫吉米戒一阵子酒。 the prince is known for his love of women, gambling, and booze. 人所周知那位王子热衷于女人、赌博和喝酒。7. drinks that do not contain alcohol 不含酒精的饮料 soft drink /ˌsɒft ˈdrɪŋkǁˌsɔːft-/ [countable noun] a cold drink, such as fruit juice, which does not contain alcohol 软饮料[指果汁等不含酒精的饮料] do you want a beer, or would you prefer a soft drink? 你要啤酒还是喜欢软饮料? a soft drinks manufacturer 软饮料生产商 non-alcoholic /ˌnɒn ælkəˈhɒlɪk◂ǁ-ˈhɔː-/ [adjective] a non-alcoholic drink does not contain alcohol - use this especially about drinks that are normally alcoholic 不含酒精的[尤用于指通常含酒精的饮料] we got some non-alcoholic wine for lisa because she doesn't drink. 我们给莉萨喝的是不含酒精的葡萄酒,因为她不喝酒的。 non-alcoholic beer 不含酒精的啤酒 low-alcohol /ˌləʊ ˈælkəhɒl◂ǁ-hɔːl◂/ [adjective] low-alcohol beer or wine contains very little alcohol [啤酒或葡萄酒]低度的,酒精含量低的 there is a growing market for low-alcohol beers. 酒精含量低的啤酒市场越来越大了。 there's quite a variety of low-alcohol drinks available now. 现在可以买到种类繁多的低度酒。8. to drink alcohol 喝酒 have a drink /hæv ə ˈdrɪŋk/ [verb phrase] to drink something alcoholic 喝一杯[含酒精饮料] we had a few drinks to celebrate. 为了庆祝我们喝了几杯酒。 you can't have a drink if you're driving mary home. 你要开车送玛莉回家就不能喝酒了。 cliff wanted us all to go and have a drink after the show. 克利夫要我们在演出结束后都去喝一杯。 drink /drɪŋk/ [intransitive verb] to drink alcohol, especially regularly 喝酒[尤指经常地] he's been depressed, and drinking a lot more recently. 他感到压抑,近来一直在酗酒。 did you drink a lot over christmas? 你圣诞节喝了许多酒吗? it was obvious that jimmy had been drinking. 很明显吉米一直在酗酒。drink and drive drink alcohol before driving your car 酒后驾车 i think people who drink and drive should be banned from driving permanently. 我认为那些酒后驾驶的人应该被永远禁止驾车。drink heavily drink a lot 酗酒 it was clear that malone had been drinking heavily. 显而易见马隆一直在酗酒。 she's been drinking more heavily recently. 近来她酗酒更厉害了。drink like a fish informal regularly 【非正式】经常狂饮 my uncle drinks like a fish, and has done for years. 我叔叔经常狂饮,许多年来一直这样。 drinking [uncountable noun] his family life is beginning to be affected by his drinking. 他的家庭生活因他酗酒而开始受到了影响。 we went out drinking last night. 昨晚我们出去喝酒了。9. someone who never drinks alcohol 从不喝酒的人 don't drink/doesn't drink /ˌdəʊnt ˈdrɪŋk, ˌdʌzənt ˈdrɪŋk/ [intransitive verb] i'll have orange juice please. i don't drink. 请给我来一杯橙汁,我不喝酒。 ben is the only one of my friends who doesn't drink. 本是我朋友中唯一一个不喝酒的人。 teetotaller british /teetotaler american /tiːˈtəʊtələʳ/ [countable noun] someone who never drinks anything containing alcohol, often for religious or moral reasons [出于宗教或道德原因]滴酒不沾的人 he's recently become a strict teetotaller. 他最近变得滴酒不沾。! we're not teetotalers, but we recommend sensible drinking limits. 我们虽然算不上滴酒不沾,但我们主张喝酒要有理性的节制。 teetotal /ˌtiːˈtəʊtl◂/ [adjective] he's a teetotal, non-smoking vegetarian yoga teacher. 他是个烟酒不沾、吃素食的瑜珈教练。 not touch /nɒt ˈtʌtʃ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to not drink even a little of anything alcoholic, usually because you have decided to stop drinking alcohol [因决定戒酒而]不沾[酒] i used to drink a bottle of whisky a week but i never touch it these days. 我以前一个星期喝一瓶威士忌,但现在滴酒不沾。not touch a drop ‘rick hasn't touched a drop in years,’ said mrs marsden proudly. “里克已经很多年不沾酒了。”马斯登夫人自豪地说。10. to stop drinking alcoholic drinks 戒酒 give up drinking/stop drinking /ˌgɪv ʌp ˈdrɪŋkɪŋ, ˌstɒp ˈdrɪŋkɪŋǁ-ˌstɑːp-/ [verb phrase] to stop drinking anything alcoholic, especially because it is becoming a problem 戒酒 sam's been told that unless he stops drinking, he could be dead within a year. 萨姆已经得知,除非他马上戒酒,否则活不过一年。 i didn't realize i had a problem until i tried to give up drinking but couldn't. 一直到我想戒酒却戒不掉时,我才意识到自己出了问题。 be on the wagon /biː ɒn ðə ˈwægen/ [verb phrase] informal no longer drink alcohol, or to have stopped drinking alcohol for a short time 【非正式】已戒酒;已戒了酒一段时间 do you want a beer, harry, or are you still on the wagon? 你要喝一杯啤酒吗,哈里,还是仍在戒酒? i thought you were on the wagon! 我还以为你戒酒了呢!11. what people say when they drink alcohol together 人们一起喝酒时说的话 cheers /tʃɪəʳz/ spoken say this as you raise your glass when you are drinking with someone 【口】干杯 they all clinked glasses and said ‘cheers!’ 他们一起碰杯说:“干杯! here's to ... /ˈhɪəʳz tuː/ spoken say this when you want other people to drink with you to wish someone happiness or success 【口】为…祝酒,祝贺…,为…干杯 here's to clare and malcolm! may they have a long and happy marriage! 为克莱尔和马尔科姆干杯!祝愿他俩的婚姻天长地久,幸福美满!☞ drink¹☞ drink²




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