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单词 genius
释义 genius noun¹ 1very great and unusual ability天分adjective | ... of genius | verb + genius | genius + verb | preposition adjective➤great, pure, real, sheer, true了不起的天才;纯粹的天资;真正的天赋▸➤natural天赋➤wayward (especially bre) 怪异的天赋... of genius➤flash, spark, stroke, touch一瞬间的灵感;灵感的火花;灵感的闪现;灵机一动◆in a flash of pure genius, she realized the answer to the problem.灵感一闪间,她知道了问题的答案。◆it was a stroke of genius on my part to avoid such awkward questions.我灵机一动回避了这些尴尬的问题。verb + genius➤have具有天分◆she has a genius for sorting things out.她非常擅长处理问题。➤show表现出天分◆a work which shows real genius一件展示真正天才的作品genius + verb➤lie in sth天才在于⋯◆his genius lies in his ability to convey pure terror in his work.他的天才在于他能够在作品中传达真正的恐怖。preposition➤of genius天赋高的◆a writer of genius天才的作家➤genius for⋯的才能◆his genius for pinpointing the absurd他能准确指出荒谬之处的天赋genius noun² 2person with great and unusual ability有天分的人adjective➤great伟大的天才➤natural天才▸➤eccentric, mad怪才;疯癫的天才➤creative有创造力的天才➤boy天才男孩➤evil邪恶的天才▸➤artistic, comedic, comedy, comic, computer, literary, math, mathematical, maths, military, musical, scientific, etc.艺术天才、喜剧天才、计算机天才、文学天才、数学天才、军事天才、音乐天才、科学天才等 genius noungenius ♦︎ prodigy ♦︎ mastermind ♦︎ brainthese are all words for a person who is very intelligent or one who is very skilled at music, art, science, etc.这些词均表示天才、奇才。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆the genius / mastermind / brains behind sth◆a great genius / brain◆a true genius / prodigy◆an evil genius / mastermind◆a child genius / prodigy◆a musical genius / prodigy / mastermind◆a scientific genius / brain■ genius /dʒiːniəs/ [countable] a person who is unusually intelligent or artistic or has a particularly high level of skill, especially in one area天才人物;(某领域的)天才◆he was undoubtedly the greatest comic genius of his age.他无疑是当时最伟大的喜剧天才。◆she's a genius at getting things organized.她做事有条有理,真是个天才。◆you don't have to be a genius to see that this plan is not going to work.傻子都能看出这个计划行不通。ⓘ genius is sometimes used informally when sb has just had a very good idea or done sth particularly well. * genius 有时用于非正式地形容某人想到一个好主意或某事做得特别好◆you're an absolute genius!你真是个天才!■ prodigy /prɒdədʒi; name prɑːdʒi/ [countable] a young person who is unusually intelligent or skilful for their age(年轻的)天才,奇才;神童◆the 12-year-old prodigy will play america's reigning chess champion next week.那个 12 岁的神童将在下周迎战美国国际象棋冠军。■ mastermind /mɑːstəmaɪnd; name mæstərmaɪnd/ [countable] an intelligent person who plans and directs a complicated project or activity, often a criminal one(极具才智的)决策者;(犯罪活动的)主谋,策划者◆there's a criminal mastermind behind all this.所有这一切背后有一个主谋。■ brain [countable, usually plural] a very intelligent person极聪明的人;有智慧的人◆we have the best scientific brains in the country working on this.我们有国家最优秀的科技人才为此出力。ⓘ the brains [singular] is the most intelligent person in a particular group or the person who is responsible for thinking of and organizing sth. * the brains 指群体中最聪明的人或策划组织者◆she's always been the brains of the family.她一直是家里最聪明的人。◆the band's drummer is the brains behind their latest venture.乐队的鼓手是他们最近一次活动的策划人。genius /dʒiːniəs/ [countable] a person who is unusually intelligent or artistic or has a particularly high level of skill, especially in one area天才人物;(某领域的)天才◆he was undoubtedly the greatest comic genius of his age.他无疑是当时最伟大的喜剧天才。◆she's a genius at getting things organized.她做事有条有理,真是个天才。◆you don't have to be a genius to see that this plan is not going to work.傻子都能看出这个计划行不通。ⓘ genius is sometimes used informally when sb has just had a very good idea or done sth particularly well. * genius 有时用于非正式地形容某人想到一个好主意或某事做得特别好◆you're an absolute genius!你真是个天才!genius /dʒiːniəs/ [uncountable] unusually great intelligence, skill or artistic ability天才;天资;天赋◆the genius of shakespeare莎士比亚的天赋◆she was at the peak of her creative genius.她的创作力处于巅峰状态。◆it's undoubtedly a work of genius.那无疑是天才之作。◆that was a stroke of genius.那是高明的一着。genius/ˈdʒi:niəs ||; ˈdʒinjəs/noun1. [u] very great and unusual ability 天才;非凡的禀赋: ◇her idea was a stroke of genius. 她的点子是福至心灵的好主意。 2. [c] a person who has very great and unusual ability, especially in a particular subject 天才人物: ◇einstein was a mathematical genius. 爱因斯坦是数学天才。 ☞look at prodigy. 参看 prodigy。 3. [sing] a genius for (doing) sth a very good natural skill or ability 天赋;天资 geniussee ⇨ intelligent 2,10     • • •• ⇨ be no expert/genius/einstein etc• ⇨ stroke of genius ge·ni·us /`dʒinjəs; ˈdʒiːniəs/n 1. someone who has an extremely high level of intelligence, artistic ability, or skill at a particular activity, for example einstein or picasso 天才人物 2. [u] great and unusual ability 天才,天赋:◇a work of pure genius 绝对的天才之作




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