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单词 clock
释义 clock nounadjective | verb + clock | clock + verb | clock + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤accurate准确的时钟▸➤12-hour, 24-hour * 12 小时 /24 小时时钟▸➤digital, electric数字钟;电钟➤atomic原子钟➤time考勤钟▸➤bedside, kitchen床头钟;厨房钟▸➤alarm, carriage, cuckoo, grandfather, pendulum, travel, travelling, wall闹钟;便携式时钟;布谷鸟自鸣钟;落地摆钟;摆钟;旅行钟;挂钟➤ticking滴答作响的时钟➤countdown (name) 倒计时器◆his countdown clock reads forty seconds.他的倒计时器显示还剩下 40 秒。➤biological, body, circadian (biology生物) , internal生物钟◆with jet lag, your biological clock is out of synch with the actual time.因为时差的缘故,你的生物钟与实际时间不同步了。verb + clock➤reset, set, wind重调时间;调时间;给钟上弦◆i've set my alarm clock for six tomorrow.我已经把闹钟定到了明早 6 点。➤move back, put back, set back, turn back (often figurative) 往后拨钟;追溯◆let's turn back the clock to the last decade.让我们把时间拨回到上一个 10 年。➤move ahead, put forward, set ahead, turn forward (often figurative) 往前拨钟➤calibrate, synchronize校准时钟▸➤stop (for example in a game比赛时) 使钟停下◆pressing the buzzer stops the clock.按下蜂鸣器停止计时。➤check, glance at, look at核对钟表;瞥一眼钟;看看钟▸➤watch不停地看时间◆employees who are always watching the clock (= wanting their day's work to end) 总是在不停地看表等着下班的员工➤beat (= do something in less time than is allowed) 在规定的时间以前完成◆the player beat the clock and set a new record.这位选手提前到达终点,创下了一项新纪录。clock + verb➤beep, buzz, chime (sth), ring, strike sth, tick时钟嘟嘟响/嗡嗡响/报(⋯时)/鸣响/敲⋯点/滴答响◆the clock struck the hour.时钟整点报时。◆i could hear a clock ticking somewhere in the house.我能听见钟在房子里某个地方滴答作响。➤stop钟停▸➤keep time钟走得准◆this clock doesn't keep time.这钟不准。➤be fast, be slow钟快;钟慢◆that clock's fast.那钟快。➤gain time, lose time钟走得快;钟走得慢➤be right, be wrong钟走时准确/不准▸➤go back, go forward钟回拨/往前拨◆the clocks go back tonight.今天晚上把钟往回拨。➤say sth, tell sth钟报时◆the clock on the wall said twelve o'clock.墙上的钟报 12 点了。◆her clock told her it was time to get up.她的时钟告诉她该起床了。➤go off钟响闹铃◆my alarm clock didn't go off this morning.我的闹钟今天早上没有响。clock + noun➤face钟面▸➤tower钟楼▸➤radio收音机闹钟preposition➤against the clock抢时间◆to work against the clock (= to work fast in order to finish before a particular time) 抢时间工作➤around the clock, round the clock (= all day and all night) (especially bre) 日夜不停◆to work around the clock夜以继日地工作➤by the clock根据这个钟◆it's ten o'clock by the kitchen clock.厨房的钟 10 点了。phrases➤the dial of a clock, the face of a clock, the hands of a clock钟盘;钟面;钟的指针 clock /klɒk; name klɑːk/ verb ●clock in/on (bre) (name punch in) to record the time at which you arrive at work, especially by putting a card into a machine (尤指用机器)记录上班时间,上班打卡◆staff should clock in on arrival. 员工到达时须打卡。●clock out/off (bre) (name punch out) to record the time at which you leave work, especially by putting a card into a machine (尤指用机器)记录下班时间,下班打卡◆she clocks off at 5.15. 她在 5 点 15 分打卡下班。●clock up sth (informal) to reach a particular amount or number, especially one that is very large or high 高达(某一数量)◆the company has clocked up nearly $400 million in losses. 公司的亏损已高达近 4 亿元。◆clocking up record profits 高达创纪录的利润☞ clockclock¹/klɒk ||; klɑk/noun[c] 1. an instrument that shows you what time it is 时钟: ◇an alarm clock 闹钟◇a church clock 教堂的钟 ☞look at watch. 参看watch。 2. an instrument in a car that measures how far it has travelled (汽车的)里程计,里程表: ◇my car has only got 10000 miles on the clock. 我汽车上的里程表显示只走了10000英里。 against the clock if you do sth against the clock, you do it fast in order to finish before a certain time (为如期完成任务)争分夺秒: ◇it was a race against the clock to get the building work finished on time. 为了让大楼工程如期完成而与时间赛跑。 around/round the clock all day and all night 日夜不停;夜以继日: ◇they are working round the clock to repair the bridge. 他们正日夜抢修这座桥梁。 put the clock/clocks forward/back to change the time, usually by one hour, at the beginning/end of summer (在夏季开始或结束的时候)把钟拨快或拨慢(通常为一小时)clock²/klɒk ||; klɑk/verb clock in/on; clock off to record the time that you arrive at or leave work, especially by putting a card into a type of clock 记录上下班时间(尤指把记录卡放入记时计);打卡 clock sth up to achieve a certain number or total 达到(某一数目): ◇our car clocked up over 2000 miles while we were on holiday. 我们度假的时候开车跑了2000多英里。 clock• ⇨ around the clock• ⇨ put/turn the clock back• ⇨ work/race against the clock☞ clock¹☞ clock²




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