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单词 department
释义 department noun¹ 1of a government政府adjective | department + noun | preposition adjective➤federal, government, state联邦部门;政府部门;州部门▸➤education department, health department, etc.教育部、卫生部等▸➤fire, police (both name) 消防/警察部门◆the tokyo police department is clamping down on organized crime.东京的警察部门正严厉打击有组织犯罪。department + noun➤official, spokesman, spokesperson, spokeswoman部门官员;部门发言人;部门女发言人➤personnel, staff部门全体人员/员工preposition➤department for⋯部门◆the department for transport (in the uk) 交通部➤department of⋯部门◆the department of transportation (in the us) 交通运输部department noun² 2of an organization机构adjective | verb + department | department + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤accident and emergency, casualty, emergency, hospital, outpatient急诊处;急诊室;门诊部▸➤design, finance, hr, legal, marketing, personnel, planning, publicity, sales, etc.设计部、财务部、人力资源部、法务部、营销部、人事部、规划部、宣传部、销售部等▸➤biology, english, science, etc.生物系、英语系、科学系等verb + department➤head, manage, run领导/管理/经营部门◆staff criticized the way the history department was run.员工对历史系的管理提出了批评。➤join加入部门◆a new member of staff has joined the department.一名新成员加入了这个部门。➤create, establish创建/建立部门▸➤contact联系部门◆contact our sales department for more information.若需要了解更多信息,可与我们的销售部联系。department + noun➤chair, coordinator, head, manager部门主席/协调员/领导/经理▸➤member, staff部门成员/员工preposition➤in a/the department在部门◆complaints are dealt with in a different department.投诉由另一个部门处理。➤within a/the department在部门之内◆to gain promotion within the department在部门内得到提升➤department of⋯部门◆the department of planning规划部phrases➤the head of a/the department, the head of department部门主管➤a member of a/the department部门成员department /dɪpɑːtmənt; name -pɑːrt-/ noun [countable] a section of a large organization, store or government (大机构、大商店的)部门;(政府的)司,局,处,科,部,部门◆she heads the company's legal department. 她负责公司的法律部门。◆he works in the finance department. 他在财务部工作。◆do people outside your department ask you to help on projects? 部门外的人要求你为项目提供协助吗?◆the home furnishings/jewellery department 家居用品/珠宝部◆the department of the environment 环境部⨁ to head / manage / run a department领导/管理/主管某部门 ⨁ department heads / managers / staff部门主管/经理/员工 ●be sb's department (only used in spoken english 只用于口语英语) to be sth that sb is responsible for or knows a lot about 某人的职责范围(或知识范围)◆that's not my department—let me transfer you (= said on the telephone). 那不是我的职责范围 ── 我把你的电话转给相关的负责人吧。☞ department department noundepartment ♦︎ division ♦︎ branch ♦︎ unit ♦︎ arm ♦︎ wingthese are all words for a part of an organization.这些词均表示组织里的部门。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an administrative department / division / branch / arm◆a research department / division / unit / arm◆the finance / marketing department / division / arm◆a political department / unit / arm / wing◆a military unit / arm / wing◆a regional department / division / branch / unit■ department [countable] a part of a large organization, especially a business, shop, university, government or hospital, that deals with one particular activity(企业或商店的)部门;(大学的)系;(政府的)部,司,局;(医院的)科◆i work in the sales department.我在销售部工作。◆the children's department sells a wide range of good quality clothes.儿童用品部售卖各式各样的优质服装。◆several professors from the history department will also speak at the event.历史系有几位教授也将在这次活动上发言。◆the department of trade and industry refused to comment on the allegations.工业贸易署拒绝对这些指控发表评论。■ division [countable] a large and important part of an organization, especially a military one or a business(商业机构的)部门;(军队的)师◆the commander of the fourth infantry division defied orders.第四步兵师师长违抗命令。◆the company's sales division is going to be restructured.该公司的销售部将会重组。■ branch [countable] a local office or shop belonging to a large company or organization(公司或机构的)分支,分部,分行◆the bank has branches all over the country.这家银行在全国各地设有支行。◆our new york branch is dealing with the matter.我们的纽约分部正在处理此事。ⓘ some departments of a government or other organization may have a name which includes the word branch. * branch 可能会用在政府或机构的部门名称中◆scotland yard's anti-terrorist branch swung into action.苏格兰场的反恐部门立即行动起来。■ unit [countable] a department, especially in a hospital, that provides a particular kind of care or treatment; a part of a military organization(医院的)科,病区;(军队的)班组,小队◆she was taken to the intensive care unit.她被送进了重症监护室。◆the hospital's maternity unit is to be closed.该医院的妇产科即将关闭。◆enemy units have infiltrated the territory.敌方小分队已经潜入这个地区。  ➡ see also unit → army ■ arm [countable, usually singular] (used especially in compounds尤用于复合词) a department of an organization分部;职能部门◆the report was published by the research arm of the department of transport.该报告是交通部的研究部门发表的。◆the bank plans to sell part of its us finance arm.该银行计划卖掉其设在美国的金融部门的部份业务。■ wing [countable] one section of an organization, especially a political or military one, which has a particular function or whose members share the same opinions(尤指政治或军事机构中具有特殊职能或持相同观点的)派,翼◆the radical wing of the party was dissatisfied with the policies.该党的激进派对这些政策不满。department [countable] a part of a large organization, especially a business, shop, university, government or hospital, that deals with one particular activity(企业或商店的)部门;(大学的)系;(政府的)部,司,局;(医院的)科◆i work in the sales department.我在销售部工作。◆the children's department sells a wide range of good quality clothes.儿童用品部售卖各式各样的优质服装。◆several professors from the history department will also speak at the event.历史系有几位教授也将在这次活动上发言。◆the department of trade and industry refused to comment on the allegations.工业贸易署拒绝对这些指控发表评论。department/dɪˈpɑ:tmənt ||; dɪˈpɑrtmənt/noun [c] (abbr dept) 1. one of the sections into which an organization, for example a school or a business, is divided (企业的)部门;(学校的)系: ◇the modern languages department 现代语言系◇she works in the accounts department. 她在会计部工作。 2. a division of the government responsible for a particular subject; a ministry (政府的)部: ◇the department of health 卫生部 departmentsee ⇨ government 6 ⇨ part 4 de·part·ment /dɪ`pɑrtmənt; dɪˈpɑːtmənt/n [c]one of the parts of a large organization such as a college, government, or company 部(门),科,系,局,处:◇she works in the design department of a large company. 她在一家大公司的设计部门工作。 ☞ department




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