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单词 forestry
释义 forestry nounadjective | forestry + noun adjective➤commercial商业性林业▸➤community (name) 社区林业▸➤sustainable可持续发展的林业forestry + noun➤plantation (bre) 林场▸➤practice林业经营▸➤track (bre) 林中小道▸➤worker林业工人▸➤industry, management林业;林业管理▸➤policy, programme/program, project林业政策;林业项目▸➤department林业部门 forestry /fɒrɪstri; name fɔːr-; fɑːr-/ noun [uncountable] the science or industry of planting and taking care of trees and forests 林学;林业◆a forestry company 林业公司◆forestry products such as timber and paper 诸如木材和纸张等林业产品☞ forestryforestry/ˈfɒrɪstri ||; ˈfɔrɪstrɪ/noun [u] the science of planting and taking care of trees in forests 林学;森林学 for·est·ry /`fɔrɪstrɪ; ˈfɒrɪstri/n [u]the job of planting and taking care of trees in forests 林业




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