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单词 corearea
释义 core area noun [countable] 1.the main part of a particular activity where most of the work or business is done; the place where most work or business is done 核心区◆the school offers courses in three core areas: business reasoning, social knowledge and interpersonal skills. 学校开设的课程包括三大核心领域:商业论证、社会知识和人际沟通技巧。◆we have more readers in our core area than any other newspaper. 我们在主要版面比其他任何报纸有更多的读者。 (hr 人力资源) one of the essential parts of a particular job 核心领域◆in your appraisal your work will be evaluated in five core areas. 将在五个核心领域对你的工作进行评价。




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