标题 | 线索教学法在高中英语阅读中的应用 |
范文 | 杨淑霞 (此课选自外研版《英语》教材选修六第三单元。) 线索教学法(CBA)是通过线索提示,引导学生进行自主学习的方法。在新课改背景下,教师将词汇、语法、阅读、听力等多个部分结合起来,探索出更为有效的教学方法,来提升英语教学的有效性。线索教学法有助于学生思维的开放、课堂氛围的活跃,更有助于学生学习兴趣的提升。 《Roys story》是一篇记叙文。文章讲了Daniel因父亲工作调动而进入一所新学校,并认识了活泼开朗的罗伊(Roy),与之成为好朋友。可后来,罗伊因为父亲车祸去世而彻底改变,生活也变得拮据起来,有几次Daniel發现他偷东西,很想帮助他,可罗伊对Daniel却冷漠起来。 这篇文章有着清晰的线索,一条是明线索,即时间的先后顺序;另一条是暗线索,即两人之间的情感变化,直到文章结尾将事件推向高潮,留下意味深长的结局,由读者来思考如何处理这段友谊,怎样帮助罗伊走出内心的困境。这篇文章笔者在讲授时运用了线索教学法,收到了很好的效果。下面是教学的一个片段: T:Lets look at the title-Roys story,could you tell me what kind of passage it is? S:It is a narration. T:Correct.We know there are 3 kinds of basic structures about narration- in sequence of time(顺序), flashback(倒叙),and narration interspersed with flashbacks(插叙).Read this passage quickly and tell me which basic structure it is? S:In sequence of time. T:Yes, it is described in sequence of time.So now could you find out all of the time adverbials appeared in this passage? Three minutes will be given to you to finish it. S1:The first time they met. S2:Under a year ago. S3:During the five years later. S4:About three month ago. S5:Last week. S6:This weekend. T:You did a very good job.These time adverbials are the clues of the passages.The passage is developed in the order of time. Now lets look at what happened during these periods respectively? Read the passage carefully and find out the answers. (As students say the answers, teacher write them down on the blackboard.) From the table we know time is a clear clue in the passage while the relationship between them is an implied clue.Their relationship has gone through several stages-not familiar, close, a little distant, total distant.If you were Roy, what would you do in this situation? Would you treasure the friendship or desert it? Would you help or ignore Daniel? How would you help him? Let students discuss it for ten minutes and share their answers. 采用线索教学法教授这篇文章,在兴趣以及线索的引导之下,学生能够积极地融入到文章的阅读中,想要找到与之相关的知识,解决心中的迷惑,轻松地抓住了文章的重点。文章一明一暗两个线索,构成了文章的框架。讲授时利用隐藏的线索,对学生进行素养教育,使主题自然而然地得到升华。这是使用线索教学法的好处。 在英语阅读教学实践中,教师应为学生传授更多有用的阅读方法,培养学生突破问题、解决问题的能力,使学生英语学习实现质的飞跃,能够有所收获,获得学习的成就感。 编辑/李梦迪E-mail:514874815@qq.com |
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