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单词 adjustment
释义 adjustment noun¹ 1small change made细小的改变adjective | verb + adjustment | preposition adjective➤delicate, fine, minor, slight, small微调;细微的调整▸➤important, major, significant重要的调整;重大调整▸➤appropriate, necessary适度的/必要的调节▸➤automatic自动调节▸➤financial财政上的调整verb + adjustment➤make进行调整◆the mechanic made the necessary adjustments to the engine.机械师对发动机作了必要的调整。➤need, require需要调整;要求作调整◆the dosage may need adjustment to suit the individual.剂量也许要因人而进行调整。preposition➤adjustment for为⋯作调整◆a cut of 1.5% in real terms (after adjustment for inflation)(根据通货膨胀作调整后)实际降低 1.5%➤adjustment in在⋯方面作的调整◆adjustments in the exchange rates汇率的调整➤adjustment to对⋯作的调整◆a few minor adjustments to the schedule对日程表作的几项细微调整adjustment noun² 2process of changing改变过程adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤successful成功的适应▸➤emotional, personal, social情感的变化;个人的变化;社会的变迁preposition➤adjustment to对⋯的适应◆the company's adjustment to the new markets has been successful.公司已经成功地适应了新的市场。phrases➤a period of adjustment适应期◆there was a long period of adjustment under the new boss.很长时间后才适应了在新老板手下工作。➤the process of adjustment适应过程◆the process of adjustment to life in another country can be very difficult.适应另一国家的生活可能会非常困难。adjustment /ədʒʌstmənt/ noun [countable, uncountable] 1.a small change made to sth in order to correct or improve it 调整;调节◆we'll have to make a few adjustments to the design. 我们要对设计作几处调整。◆adjustments in the exchange rate 汇率调整◆wages have fallen by 10% in real terms (after adjustment for inflation). 按实值计算(剔除通货膨胀因素之后)的工资已下降了 10%。⨁ a fine / minor / slight / small adjustment微调 ⨁ an important / a major / significant adjustment重要/重大调整 2.a process of changing to meet a new situation 适应◆the company's adjustment to the new markets has been successful. 这公司成功地适应了新市场。 (insurance 保险) the agreement reached between an insurance company and a person making a claim about how much money that person will receive 理算协议(指保险公司与投保人就索赔金额达成的协议) (insurance 保险) the amount of money paid to the person who makes the claim (保险)赔偿金 cost-of-living adjustment ◇ debt adjustment ☞ adjustment adjustment /ədʒʌstmənt/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a small change that is made to sth in order to correct or improve it; a change in the way a person behaves or thinks调节;(行为或思想的)调整,适应◆i've made a few adjustments to the design.我对设计作了几处调整。◆some adjustment of the lens may be necessary.可能需要调整一下镜头。◆she went through a period of emotional adjustment after her marriage broke up.婚姻破裂后,她熬过了一段感情调整期。ⓘ adjustment is usually used to talk about small changes made to objects, rather than documents. * adjustment 常指对物品,而非文件作的小调整、小变化。  ➡ see also adjust → adjust adjustmentsee ⇨ change/not change 18 ad·just·ment /ə`dʒʌstmənt; əˈdʒʌstmənt/n [c,u] 1. a small change made to a machine, plan, or system 调节,调整:◇make adjustments to sth i've made a few adjustments to our original calculations. 我稍微调整了一下我们原来的计算。 2. a change in the way you behave or think 适应:◇make adjustments you have to make some adjustments when you live abroad. 当你住在国外,你必须作一些调整去适应。




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