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单词 giddy
释义 giddy adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel头晕;感到眩晕▸➤become, come over all, informal) , get开始头晕;突然感到头晕;感到头晕◆my mum came over all giddy and had to sit down.我妈妈突然头晕目眩,不得不坐了下来。➤leave sb, make sb使某人头晕◆steep stairs may leave you giddy and faint.陡直的楼梯会让人头晕目眩。adverb➤positively确实头晕▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些头晕preposition➤from由⋯引起头晕◆he felt giddy from the sleeping pill.安眠药使他觉得头晕。➤with因⋯头晕◆i was giddy with the heat.我热得头昏脑胀。◆she was giddy with anticipation about spending two months with her father.especially name) (figurative, 想到要和父亲一起待两个月,她兴奋不已。giddy/ˈgɪdi ||; ˈgɪdɪ/adj having the feeling that everything is going round and that you are going to fall 晕眩;头晕: ◇i feel giddy. i must sit down. 我觉得有点晕,得坐下来。 [syn] dizzy 同义词为dizzygiddysee ⇨ balance 6 gid·dy /`gɪdɪ; ˈɡɪdi/adjfeeling slightly sick and unable to balance; dizzy 眩晕的,头晕的




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