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单词 tree
释义 tree nounadjective | ... of trees | verb + tree | tree + verb | tree + noun | preposition adjective➤deciduous, evergreen落叶树;常绿树▸➤coniferous针叶树▸➤native土生树▸➤exotic, tropical外来树;热带树▸➤ornamental装饰性的树▸➤forest, woodland (especially bre) 林木▸➤big, giant, great, high, huge, large, massive, mighty, tall大树;高大的树;巨树▸➤low, small, stunted矮树;小树;生长不良的树▸➤mature长成的树▸➤old, young老树;幼树▸➤bare, leafless光秃秃的树▸➤shady成荫的树◆we sat beneath a shady tree.我们坐在一棵成荫的树下。➤shade遮阳树◆it was a small town of dust lanes and wide shade trees.这个小镇道路上满是尘土,遮阳树稀稀拉拉。➤hollow中空树▸➤gnarled多瘤节的树◆a gnarled old apple tree多瘤节的老苹果树➤fallen倒下的树◆a fallen tree was blocking the road.一棵倒下的树挡住了路。➤dead死树▸➤fruit果树▸➤apple, cherry, maple, peach, pear, etc.苹果树、樱桃树、槭树、桃树、梨树等▸➤beech, oak, palm, pine, willow, etc.山毛榉树、栎树、棕榈树、松树、柳树等▸➤christmas圣诞树... of trees➤clump, copse, grove一丛树;一处矮林;一个小树林▸➤avenue, belt, line一排林荫树;一片林带;一排树verb + tree➤grow, plant种树;植树▸➤climb爬树▸➤chop down, cut down, fell砍倒树;伐木◆protesters formed a human blockade to stop loggers felling trees.抗议者组成人墙阻止伐木者伐木。➤uproot将树连根拔起◆the floods left a tide of mud and uprooted trees.洪水过后,留下了一地污泥和连根拔起的树。➤prune修剪树▸➤be shaded by有树荫遮阳tree + verb➤grow树生长▸➤stand树挺立◆an enormous oak tree stands at the entrance to the school.学校门口长着一棵硕大的栎树。➤line sth, surround sth树沿⋯排成行;树环绕⋯◆palm trees line the broad avenue.宽阔的道路两旁种着棕榈树。➤sway树摇摆◆trees swayed gently in the breeze.树在微风中轻轻摇曳。➤be blown down, blow down, fall树被吹倒▸➤bear sth, produce sth树上结出⋯/长出⋯◆the tree produces tiny white blossoms.这棵树开白色的小花。➤provide sth树提供⋯tree + noun➤bark, branch, leaves, limb, root, stump, trunk树皮;树枝;树叶;树的主枝;树根;树桩;树干▸➤tops (usually treetops) 树梢▸➤canopy树冠◆dappled shafts of light which struggled through the tree canopy穿过树冠的斑驳光影➤cover林木植被◆tree cover would prevent further soil erosion.林木植被能防止进一步的水土流失。➤felling, planting伐树;植树➤trimmer树木修剪器▸➤species树的种类▸➤line (usually treeline) 林木线◆above the treeline, take a grassy path leading steeply to the summit.过了林木线之后沿着一条长满青草的陡峭小道直达峰顶。➤belt树带◆the tree belt around the fields acts as a windbreak.田地周围的林带起着挡风墙的作用。➤growth树的生长▸➤rings树的年轮◆the forest can be dated by studying tree rings.通过观察树的年轮可以推测森林形成的年代。➤damage对树的损伤◆tree damage caused by acid rain酸雨对树的伤害➤nursery苗圃◆he bought tools and seeds with the aim of setting up a tree nursery.他买了工具和种子想要建一个苗圃。➤surgeon树木修补专家➤hugger (usually tree-hugger) (= sb who is anxious to protect the environment) (disapproving, humorous) “抱树人”;激进的环保主义者preposition➤in a/the tree在树上◆a bird in a tree树上的鸟➤on a/the tree树上的◆fruit on a tree树上的果实➤under a tree在树下◆we sat under a tree, in the shade.我们坐在树下的阴凉处。➤up a/the tree在树上◆the cat got stuck up a tree.猫被困在树上了。tree/tri: ||; tri/noun [c] a tall plant that can live for a long time. trees have a thick wooden central part from which branches grow 树: ◇an oak/apple/elm tree 橡树;苹果树;榆树 ☞picture on page c2 见c2页插图 tree /tri; triː/n [c]a tall plant that has a trunk, branches, and leaves 树(木):◇an apple tree 苹果树 ☞ tree




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