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单词 originally
释义 originallyadverb◆the school was originally very small.这所学校一开始很小。◆he comes originally from peru.他原本来自秘鲁。originallyadverb◆the school was originally very small.这所学校一开始很小。◆he comes originally from peru.他原本来自秘鲁。originally/əˈrɪdʒənəli ||; əˈrɪdʒənḷɪ/adv1. in the beginning, before any changes or developments 起初;原先;本来: ◇i'm from london originally, but i left there when i was very young. 我在伦敦出生,但年幼时就离开了那里。 2. in a way or style that is new and different from any others 独创;与众不同: ◇she has a talent for expressing simple ideas originally. 她能用新颖的方式来表达简单的意念。 originallysee ⇨ beginning 2 o·rig·i·nal·ly /ə`rɪdʒənḷɪ; əˈrɪdʒɪnəli/advin the beginning 最初,原先:◇her family originally came from thailand. 她的家族最初来自泰国。 ☞ originally




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