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单词 reversible
释义 reversible adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be可逆转◆the operation is easily reversible.这一操作可以轻易地反向进行。adverb➤easily, readily容易逆转▸➤completely完全可逆reversible/rɪˈvɜ:səbl ||; rɪˈvɝsəbḷ/adj1. (used about clothes) that can be worn with either side on the outside (指衣服)正反面都可穿的,双面式的: ◇a reversible coat 双面式外套 2. (used about a process, an action or a disease) that can be changed so that sth returns to its original state or situation (指过程、行动或疾病)可逆的 [opp] irreversible 反义词为irreversible reversibleadj◇a reversible coat 可以两面穿的外套 re·vers·i·ble /rɪ`vɜsəbḷ; rɪˈvɜːsɪbəl/adj 1. something that is reversible can be changed back to how it was before 可逆转的,可恢复原状的:◇this decision may be reversible in the future. 这个决定将来可能会被撤销。 2. if a coat, sweater etc is reversible, the inside part can be worn on the outside [外套、套头毛衣等]可两面穿的




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