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单词 lull
释义 lull nounadjective | verb + lull | preposition adjective➤brief, temporary短时的/暂时的间歇➤long (especially name) 长时间的间歇verb + lull➤hit (name) 停歇下来◆has your fitness routine hit a lull?你那套健康计划还没停歇吗?preposition➤during a/the lull在间歇期间◆they crossed the road during a lull in the traffic.他们趁车辆不多时穿过马路。➤lull in⋯的间歇期◆a brief lull in the fighting战斗的短暂间歇期 lull /lʌl/ noun [countable, usually singular] a quiet period between times of activity (活动间的)间歇,平静时期◆there was an increase in trading this week after the usual summer lull. 在经历了通常夏季交易的淡静时期后,本周交易有所增加。◆a lull in consumer spending 消费支出的暂时停滞☞ lulllull [countable, usually singular] (especially written) a quiet period between times of activity(活动间的)平静时期,间歇◆there was a lull in the conversation.谈话中出现了一段沉寂。◆just before an attack everything would go quiet, but we knew it was just the lull before the storm (= before a time of noise or trouble).就在攻击开始前一切都变得沉寂,但我们知道这只是风暴前的平静。ⓘ lull is often used in business contexts to talk about a period of time when people are not buying many products or services. * lull 常用于商务语境,指业务淡季◆ (business商业) there will probably be a lull over the winter, followed by a resurgence of activity next spring.整个冬天都可能会是淡季,接着会在来年春天复苏。lull¹/lʌl ||; lʌl/noun [c] [usu.sing] a lull (in sth) a short period of quiet between times of activity 暂时平静;(活动)暂停 lull²/lʌl ||; lʌl/verb[t] 1. to make sb relaxed and calm 使宁息;使安静: ◇she sang a song to lull the children to sleep. 她唱了一首歌哄孩子们入睡。 2. lull sb into sth to make sb feel safe, and not expecting anything bad to happen 使感到安全: ◇our first success lulled us into a false sense of security. 首次的成功使我们产生了一种虚假的安全感。 lullsee ⇨ pause 3☞ lull¹☞ lull²




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