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单词 happiness
释义 happiness nounadjective | verb + happiness | preposition | phrases adjective➤deep, great深切的/巨大的幸福▸➤perfect, pure, sheer, true绝对的幸福;真正的幸福▸➤eternal, lasting永久的幸福▸➤future未来的幸福◆living together before you marry is no guarantee of future happiness.婚前同居不能保证将来的幸福。➤earthly尘世的快乐▸➤human人的快乐▸➤personal个人幸福▸➤domestic, family, marital家庭幸福;婚姻幸福verb + happiness➤be filled with, feel充满喜悦;感到幸福▸➤glow with因幸福而脸色发红◆her face was glowing with happiness.她因为心情愉快而容光焕发。➤cry with, sigh with高兴地哭;幸福地感叹▸➤achieve, find获得/找到幸福◆she seems to have found happiness with her new husband.她似乎已经在新任丈夫那儿找到了幸福。➤bring (sb)(给某人)带来快乐◆it is easy to believe that money brings happiness.人们容易相信金钱能带来幸福。➤buy (sb)(为某人)买到幸福◆you cannot buy happiness.金钱买不到幸福。➤wish sb祝某人幸福preposition➤with happiness愉快地▸➤happiness at因⋯的快乐◆he was weeping with happiness at being free.他因为获得自由而高兴得哭了。phrases➤a feeling of happiness幸福感▸➤wish sb every happiness祝某人幸福美满◆we wish them every happiness in their new life.我们祝愿他们在新生活中万事如意。happiness [uncountable] the good feeling that you have when you are happy幸福;快乐◆her eyes shone with happiness.她双眼闪烁着幸福的光芒。◆money can't buy you happiness.金钱买不到幸福。 opp sadness , unhappiness → grief  ➡ see also happy → happy ☞ happyhappinesssee ⇨ happy 7 hap·pi·ness /`hæpɪnɪs; ˈhæpinɪs/n [u]when someone is happy 幸福; 快乐




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