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单词 during
释义 during/ˈdjʊərɪŋ; us ˈdʊər- ||; ˈdυrɪŋ/prep within the period of time mentioned 在…期间: ◇during the summer holidays we went swimming every day. 暑假里我们每天都去游泳。◇grandpa was taken very ill during the night. 夜里爷爷病得好厉害。 notice that you use during to say when something happens and for to say how long something lasts i went shopping during my lunch break. i was out for about 25 minutes. 某事在什么时候发生,用during;说某事持续了多久,要用for:i went shopping during my lunch break. i was out for about 25 minutes. 我趁午饭的时候去买东西,我出去了大约25分钟。during1 during2 happening during the time that something else happensrelated wordsat the same time 在同时 time,1. during 在·…期间 during /ˈdjʊərɪŋǁˈdʊ-/ [preposition] at one point in a period of time, or through the whole of a period of time 在…期间的某一时候;在…的整个期间 terry's work has improved a lot during the last three months. 特里的工作在过去的三个月里进步了不少。 henry died during the night. 亨利在夜里去世了。 during the summer we spend a lot more time out of doors. 夏天我们在户外的时间比起其他季节要多得多。 at some time during the weekend someone broke into the building. 周末的某个时候有人闯入了大楼内。 this place was an air-raid shelter during the war. 这地方在战时是一个防空洞。 in /ɪn/ [preposition] between the beginning and end of a period of time 在…期间 the long vacation is in august. 长假是在8月份。 in the last six years, carol has moved three times. 过去六年时间里,卡罗尔搬了三次家。 in 1982 paget was living in geneva. 1982年佩吉特住在日内瓦。 i always feel drowsy early in the morning. 一大早我总感到昏昏欲睡。 within /wɪðˈɪnǁwɪðˈɪn, wɪθˈɪn/ [preposition] during a period of time or before the end of a period - use this to emphasize that it is a short or limited period of time 在[某段时间]内[强调是较短的、有限的一段时间] there have been five serious accidents within the last few days. 过去几天之内就发生了五起严重的事故。 if we do not hear from you within 14 days, we will contact our solicitors. 如果14天之内没有你的回复,我们就会和我们的事务律师联系。 through /θruː/ [preposition] during the whole of a period of time, continuing until the end 在整个…期间;自始至终 the party continued through the night until dawn. 聚会彻夜进行,一直持续到黎明时分。 we'll have to see how he copes through the next couple of months. 我们得看看在接下来的几个月里他会是怎么应付的。 all through/throughout /ɔːl ˈθruː, θruːˈaʊt/ [preposition] through - use this to emphasize that something continues from the beginning to the end of a long period 在整个…期间;自始至终 it's closed all through the winter, and opens again in april. 它整个冬天都关闭,到4月份再开放。 throughout her career she has worked hard and maintained high standards. 她在整个职业生涯都努力工作,并保持着高标准。 over /ˈəʊvəʳ/ [preposition] during a particular period of time 在…期间 she's been a great help to me over the past year. 在过去一年内她给了我极大的帮助。 they plan to redecorate their house over the christmas period. 他们打算在圣诞节期间重新装修一下房子。 they met in 1962 and wrote each other several letters over the next few years. 他们于1962年相遇,此后几年内相互通了几封信。 in the course of/during the course of /ɪn ðə ˈkɔːʳs ɒv, ˌdjʊərɪŋ ðə ˈkɔːʳs ɒvǁˌdʊərɪŋ-/ [preposition] formal during a process or particular period of time 【正式】在…过程中;在…期间 in the course of a few years, lambert built up a highly successful export business. 兰伯特在几年间建立了一家非常成功的出口企业。 we expect to see some important political developments during the course of the next week or two. 我们希望在接着的一两周内能看到政治上有些重要的进展。 by day/by night /baɪ ˈdeɪ, baɪ ˈnaɪt/ [adverb] if you do something by day or by night you do it during the day or night 在白天/在夜里 by day they relied on the sun for direction, and by night they followed the stars. 白天他们靠着太阳辨别方向,到了夜里就按星星的方位行动。 by day he works at a construction company, but by night he's a bartender. 白天他在一家建筑公司上班,晚上他就当酒保。 they attacked by night, hoping to surprise their enemy. 他们在夜里进攻,以期能使敌人猝不及防。2. happening during the time that something else happens 某事发生在其他事情发生期间 while /waɪl/ [conjunction] during the same period of time that something is happening 在…的时候 i bought a magazine while i was waiting for the train. 我在等火车时买了本杂志。 i'll just make a phone call while you finish the dishes. 你收拾碗碟时我去打个电话。 meanwhile /ˈmiːnwaɪl/ [adverb] while something else is happening 与此同时 they're still working on our bedroom. meanwhile, we're sleeping out back in tents. 他们还在弄我们的卧室,这段期间,我们还是在外面的帐篷里睡觉。 people keep complaining about the service at hospitals, and meanwhile more and more nurses are losing their jobs. 大家在不断抱怨医院的服务质量,而同时却有越来越多的护士失去工作。 in the meantime /ɪn ðə ˈmiːntaɪm/ [adverb] during the period of time between now and a future event or between two events in the past 在此期间 we'll meet again on april 21st, and in the meantime i'll collect some more information for you. 我们在4月21日再见面,在此期间我会给你们多收集一些信息。 i came back to work after just a month, but in the meantime, all my things had been moved to a smaller office. 仅一个月后我就回去上班了,但在此期间我的所有东西都被人搬至一间小办公室里去了。 dur·ing /`drɪŋ; ˈdjʊərɪŋ/prep 1. all through a period of time 在…期间:◇i try to swim every day during the summer. 夏天我争取每天都游游泳。 2. at some point in a period of time 在…的时候:◇henry died during the night. 亨利在夜里去世了。usage note 用法说明: during and 和 forduring answers the question 'when'. 回答 when(何时)一类的问题时可用 during:◇she learned italian during her stay in milan. 她在米兰逗留期间学会了意大利语。for answers the question 'how long?' 被问道 how long(多久)时,可用 for 作答:◇he studied in the us for five years. 他在美国读了五年书。 ☞ during




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