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单词 dust
释义 dust nounadjective | ... of dust | verb + dust | dust + verb | dust + noun adjective➤fine细尘➤airborne浮尘➤radioactive放射性尘埃➤house, household室内尘埃➤desert (especially name) 沙尘➤cosmic, moon宇宙尘;月尘▸➤brick, chalk, coal, gold, etc.砖灰、粉笔灰、煤灰、砂金等➤fairy, magic, pixie (especially name) 仙尘;魔尘;精灵之尘... of dust➤cloud, layer一团尘土;一层灰尘◆the tractor came up the track in a cloud of dust.拖拉机卷着一团尘土沿着小路开了过来。◆there was a layer of fine dust on the table.桌子上有一层细细的灰尘。➤particle, speck灰尘颗粒;灰尘微粒◆remove any particles of dust on the surface of the paint.去除油漆表面的灰尘颗粒。◆microscopic specks of dust显微镜下的粒粒尘土verb + dust➤collect, gather聚积灰尘◆her chess set lay on a shelf gathering dust.她的一副国际象棋放在架子上积了灰尘。➤be covered in, be covered with尘封➤brush, remove, shake, sweep, sweep up, wipe刷掉/清除/抖去/扫掉/掸去/擦拭灰尘◆he brushed the dust off his clothes.他刷掉了衣服上的灰尘。◆she shook the dust from her hair.她抖去了头发上的灰尘。➤blow刮起灰尘◆the wind was blowing dust through the streets of the city.风刮得满城街道上尘土飞扬。dust + verb➤lie灰尘积于◆the dust now lay in a thick layer on her piano.现在她的钢琴上积了厚厚的一层灰。➤coat sth, cover sth灰尘覆盖⋯◆dust covered the whole shelf.整个架子都积了一层灰。➤settle灰尘落于◆the dust settled on everything in the kitchen.厨房里每一样东西上都落了灰。◆i waited for the dust to settle from her resignation before talking to her about it. (figurative) 我等到关于她辞职的消息尘埃落定之后才跟她谈论此事。➤blow, float, fly, swirl灰尘吹起来/飘浮起来/飞起来/盘旋起来◆dust swirled around them like a misty cloud.灰尘就像一团雾霭般盘旋在他们周围。➤fall, rise灰尘落下/扬起➤fill sth灰尘填满某物◆he started coughing as dust filled his lungs.因为粉尘填满了肺部,他开始咳嗽起来。➤clear尘埃散尽◆the dust cleared and hari could see a tiger.尘埃散尽后哈里看见了一只老虎。dust + noun➤cloud尘云▸➤grain, mote (old-fashioned) , particle尘粒▸➤storm尘暴➤ball, bunny (= a mass of dust and small pieces of hair, thread, etc.) (informal, both name) 尘球;积尘➤devil (= a small column of dust over land, caused by the wind) 尘卷风➤bowl风沙侵蚀区➤mite尘螨◆a house dust mite一只家尘螨➤cover (especially name) , sheet (bre) (= for furniture, etc.) 防尘罩;防尘布➤cover, jacket (= of a book) (图书的)护封➤mask防尘面罩dust [intransitive, transitive] to clean furniture or a room by removing dust from surfaces with a cloth; to remove dirt from a surface with your hands or a brush擦去⋯的灰尘;擦灰;掸去;擦去◆i broke the vase while i was dusting.我擦灰时把花瓶打碎了。◆could you dust the sitting room?你把起居室擦一擦好吗?◆she dusted some ash from her sleeve.她掸去了袖子上的灰。dust [uncountable] the fine powder of dirt that forms in buildings, on furniture, floors and other surfaces(室内各种表面积聚的)灰尘,尘埃◆there wasn't a speck of dust anywhere.到处都一尘不染。◆she is allergic to house dust.她对房子里的灰尘过敏。dust¹/dʌst ||; dʌst/noun [u] very small pieces of dry dirt, sand, etc in the form of a powder 尘埃;灰尘: ◇a thick layer of dust 厚厚的一层灰尘◇chalk/coal dust 粉笔末;煤尘◇the tractor came up the track in a cloud of dust. 拖拉机开上小路,扬起一团尘埃。◇a speck (= small piece) of dust 一点灰尘 ➔dusty adj ◇this shelf has got very dusty. 这块搁板积满了灰尘。 dust²/dʌst ||; dʌst/verb [i,t] to clean a room, furniture, etc by removing dust with a cloth 用布把灰尘抹去 · ◇let me dust those shelves before you put the books on them. 我把书架抹干净以后你再放书。 ☞look at the note at clean ². 参看clean^2的注释。dustsee ⇨ clean 5 ⇨ dirty 6     • • •• ⇨ gather dust☞ dust¹☞ dust²




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