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单词 sober
释义 sober adjectiveverbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, feel, look, seem清醒;感到清醒;看上去清醒;好像清醒➤become, get变得清醒▸➤remain, stay保持清醒◆she wanted a drink, but she had to stay sober.她想喝点儿酒,但她必须保持清醒。➤keep sb使某人保持清醒◆only the thought of her kept him sober.只有想到她才能使他保持清醒。adverb➤completely, entirely, perfectly, quite, stone-cold, totally完全清醒;十分清醒;滴酒未沾▸➤not entirely不是很清醒▸➤almost, fairly, pretty, reasonably, relatively几乎清醒;尚算清醒;相对清醒◆by this time he felt reasonably sober again.到这个时候,他算是清醒过来了。➤enough足够清醒◆at that point she was still sober enough to ask sensible questions.那时她还够清醒,还能问一些理智的问题。phrases➤clean and sober (especially name) 不吸毒不喝醉◆i've been clean and sober for four years.这四年来我都是规规矩矩,不沾毒也不醉酒。sober /səʊbə(r); name soʊbər/ [not usually before noun] not affected by alcohol没有喝醉;清醒◆i promised him that i'd stay sober tonight.我答应过他,今晚我不会喝醉。 opp drunk → drunk sober /səʊbə(r); name soʊbər/ (rather formal, written) serious and sensible持重的;冷静的◆on sober reflection (= after thinking about it seriously) i have decided to drop the case.冷静思考之后,我决定撤诉。sober¹/ˈsəʊbə(r) ||; ˈsobɚ/adj1. (of a person) not affected by alcohol (指人)未醉的,清醒的: ◇he'd been drunk the first time he'd met her, but this time he was stone-cold sober. 他第一次遇见她的时候喝醉了,但这一次他完全清醒。 2. not funny; serious 不滑稽的;严肃的: ◇a sober expression 严肃的表情◇her death is a sober reminder of just how dangerous drugs can be. 她的死使人们清楚认识到毒品的祸害。 3. (of a colour) not bright or likely to be noticed (指颜色)暗淡的,不起眼的: ◇a sober grey suit 一套素净的灰色衣服 sober²/ˈsəʊbə(r) ||; ˈsobɚ/verb sober (sb) up to become or make sb become normal again after being affected by alcohol (使)醒酒: ◇i need a cup of black coffee to sober me up. 我得喝一杯黑咖啡来解酒。◇there's no point talking to him until he's sobered up. 在他酒醉未醒之前跟他说话是没有意义的。 sobersee ⇨ drunk 9 ⇨ serious 6☞ sober¹☞ sober²




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