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单词 duration
释义 duration nounadjective | verb + duration | preposition adjective➤brief, short短暂的持续时间➤limited有限的持续时间◆jobs were of limited duration and usually paid low wages.工作持续时间都有限,而且工资通常很低。➤long, prolonged长时间;延长的时间▸➤indefinite无限的持续时间▸➤maximum, minimum最长/最短持续时间▸➤overall, total总的持续时间◆the overall duration of the flight was 11 hours.全部持续飞行时间为 11 小时。➤average, mean平均持续时间➤expected, likely预期的持续时间;可能的持续时间◆the expected duration of the disease这种疾病的预计持续时间➤desired, ideal希望得到的/理想的持续时间verb + duration➤decrease, reduce, shorten减少持续时间;缩短持续时间◆taking antibiotics will shorten the duration of the illness.服用抗生素能够缩短病程。➤limit限制持续时间➤extend, increase延长/增加持续时间➤calculate, determine, estimate, measure计算/确定/估计/测量持续时间preposition➤for the duration (of)在⋯期间◆she stayed there for the duration of the trip.旅行期间她一直待在那儿。➤of... duration⋯的一段时间◆the next contract will be of shorter duration.下一个合同持续时间会短一些。➤throughout the duration of⋯的整个期间◆this continued throughout the duration of their marriage.在他们的婚姻存续期间情况一直如此。duration/djuˈreɪʃn; us dʊˈreɪʃn ||; dυˈreʃən/noun [u] the time that sth lasts 期间: ◇please remain seated for the duration of the flight. 飞行途中请勿离座。 durationsee ⇨ time 8 du·ra·tion /dj`reʃən; djʊˈreɪʃən/n [u]formal the length of time that something continues 【正式】 [持续的]一段时间,期间:◇food was rationed for the duration of the war. 战争期间食品限量配给。




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