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单词 back³
释义 back³v 1. [t] to support someone or something, especially by using your money or power 支持[某事]; 资助[某人]:◇the bill is backed by several environmental groups. 该议案得到好几个环保组织的支持。 2. [i,t] to move in the direction that is behind you, or to make a vehicle move in this way (使)倒退,(使)后退; 倒[车]:◇we slowly backed away from the snake. 我们慢慢地从蛇身边后退。◇teresa backed the car down the driveway. 特里萨顺着车道倒车。 3. [t] to bet that a horse, team etc will win something so that you get money if they do 下赌注于[赛马、球队等]:◇who did you back to win the superbowl? 你赌谁会赢得超级杯赛?back downto accept that you have lost or to admit that you are wrong 承认失败; 承认错误:◇rosen backed down when he saw how big the other guy was. 当罗森看到另一个家伙个子有多大时,他只好认输。back off1 to move away from something 后退:◇back off a little, you're too close. 退后一点,你靠得太近了。2 spoken, especially ame used to tell someone to stop annoying you 【口,尤美】滚开:◇back off! i don't need your advice. 走开!我不需要你的建议。back onto sthif a building backs onto a place, the back of the building is near it [建筑物]背对着:◇the houses back onto a busy road. 这些房子背对着一条热闹的马路。back outto decide not to do something that you had promised to do 不履行[诺言]:◇they backed out of the deal at the last minute. 他们在最后关头变了卦,决定不做那笔交易。back up1 [t back sb/sth ↔ up] to support what someone is doing or saying, or show that it is true 支持[某人做的事或说的话]; 证实[某事]:◇he had evidence on video to back up his claim. 他有录像证据来证实他的说法。2 [i,t back sth ↔ up] to make a copy of information on a computer [在电脑上]复制(资料)3 [i,t back sth ↔ up] to make a car go backwards 倒(车)




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