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单词 bad at doing sth
释义 bad at doing sth1 not good at doing something2 very bad at doing somethingrelated wordsoppositegood at,see alsobad,can/can't,careless,fail,1. not good at doing something 不善于做某事 bad /bæd/ [adjective] not able to do something well, for example a job, sport, or activity 糟糕的,差的 he's the worst driver i've ever seen. 他是我所见过的最糟糕的司机。 critics blame the students’ poor test performances on bad teaching. 批评者把学生可怜的考试成绩归于教学质量差。bad at i was always really bad at french! 我以前法语总是一塌糊涂!bad at doing something i'm very bad at remembering people's names. 我很不擅长记住别人的名字。 badly /ˈbædli/ [adverb] if you do something badly, you do it carelessly, not skilfully, or you do it in the wrong way [把事情做得]很糟糕,很差劲 adams admitted that he had played badly. 亚当斯承认自己的表现很差劲。 the company had been badly managed from the start. 这家公司从一开始就管理不善。 lorna speaks spanish so badly that no one in our class can understand her. 洛娜的西班牙语讲得很糟,我们班上没人听得懂。 not very good also not much good british /ˌnɒt veri ˈgʊd, ˌnɒt mʌtʃ ˈgʊd/ [adjective phrase not before noun] especially spoken not able to do something well 【尤口】不善于,不擅长 not very good at i'm afraid i'm not very good at math. 恐怕我的数学不行。 i'm not much good at speeches but i'll do my best. 我不擅长演讲,但我会尽力而为。not very good at doing something she's not very good at communicating with other people. 她不太善于与别人交流。 he has never been much good at dealing with people. 他向来不太善于与人打交道。not very well ‘do you play the piano?’ ‘yes, but not very well.’ “你会弹钢琴吗?”“会,但弹得不好。”not very good as she's a nice person, but not much good as a boss. 她是个好人,但做老板不行。 no good at something /nəʊ ˈgʊd ət something/ spoken bad at a skill or activity 【口】不擅长做某事 i'm no good at tennis. 我不会打网球。 cait freely admits that she's no good at anything except singing. 凯特大方地承认自己除了唱歌其他都不行。no good at doing something leo's no good at lying -- his face always turns red when he's not telling the truth. 利奥不会说谎,他不讲实话时总要脸红。 second-rate/third-rate /ˌsekənd ˈreɪt◂, ˌθɜːʳd ˈreɪt◂/ [adjective] not very good, especially not as good as other people who do the same thing 二流的/三流的 she's a second-rate singer. 她是个二流歌手。 we spent the evening listening to third-rate writers read their poetry in a seedy nightclub. 那晚上我们就在一家邋遢的夜总会里听一些三流作家朗诵自己的诗作。 weak/poor /wiːk, pʊəʳ/ [adjective] not having much ability or skill in a particular activity or subject [能力或技巧]不足的,低下的 this is boston's weakest team in years. 这是多年来波士顿最弱的一支球队。 when managers’ leadership skills are poor, productivity suffers. 如果经理的领导才能不足,那么生产力就会受影响。 i wouldn't trust her. she's always been a poor judge of character. 我不相信她。她向来不善于鉴别人的性格。weak/poor at science/history etc she's weak at mathematics, and this affects her physics results as well. 她的数学很差,这也影响到了她的物理成绩。2. very bad at doing something 做某事的水平非常糟糕的 terrible/awful/hopeless /ˈterɪbəl, ˈterəbəl, ˈɔːfəl, ˈhəʊpləs/ also useless british /ˈjuːsləs/ [adjective] very bad at doing something, or doing something very badly 蹩脚的,差劲的 poor daniel. he loves football but he's a terrible player. 可怜的丹尼尔,他热爱足球,可球技却遭透了。 she'll never pass the exam -- she's an awful student. 她永远也通不过这次考试—她是个蹩脚的学生。 make sure you bring a map -- erin has a hopeless sense of direction. 你别忘了带张地图——埃琳的方向感差极了。terrible/awful/hopeless at my brother's a computer genius but he's useless at everything else. 我弟弟是个电脑天才,但除此之外他一无是处。terrible/awful/hopeless at doing something the manager made john a barman as he was obviously hopeless at waiting on tables. 约翰显然实在不会做餐桌服务员的工作,所以经理就让他当了酒吧侍应。 lousy /ˈlaʊzi/ [adjective] especially spoken very bad at doing something 【尤口】糟透的;很蹩脚的 i'm such a lousy cook that i usually eat out. 我饭菜做得太差了,一般都出去吃。lousy at i was lousy at biology in school. 上学时我的生物成绩糟透了。 pathetic /pəˈθetɪk/ [adjective] use this about someone who is so bad at doing something that you have no respect for them 太差的,蹩脚的 she's clever, but as a teacher she's pathetic. 她很聪明,但作为老师却不像样。 i can't believe we wasted our money on that pathetic comedian last night. 我真不敢相信昨晚我们竟然把钱浪费在那个蹩脚的喜剧演员身上。 incompetent /ɪnˈkɒmpɪtənt, ɪnˈkɒmpətəntǁ-ˈkɑːm-/ [adjective] use this about someone who cannot do their job at all and should not be doing it 不称职的,不胜任的 this government is totally incompetent. 这个政府完全不称职。 legislators are planning a new bill that will protect patients from incompetent doctors. 立法者计划通过一项新的法案来保护病人免受不称职医生的危害。 can't do something to save your life /ˌkɑːnt duː something tə ˌseɪv jɔːʳ ˈlaɪfǁˌkænt-/ [verb phrase] informal to be very bad at something even though you would like to be able to do it properly 【非正式】无论如何也做不好某事 can't draw/paint/cook/act etc to save your life adrian can't draw to save his life. 阿德里安无论如何也不会画画。 you don't expect me to take part in the play, do you? i can't act to save my life. 你不会指望让我来参加戏剧演出吧?要我表演简直是要我的命。 the truth is i couldn't write poetry to save my life. 事实是你要了我的命我也不会写诗。




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