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单词 shuffle
释义 shuffle verb¹ 1walk by sliding your feet along拖着脚走adverb | preposition adverb➤quickly, slowly快速地/缓慢地拖着脚走➤awkwardly不灵活地拖着脚走◆simon shuffled awkwardly up to them.西蒙脚步踉跄地朝他们走去。➤quietly静静地拖着脚走▸➤along, away, back, forward, off, out, over, sideways拖着脚向前;拖着脚走开;慢吞吞地走回;拖着脚前行;一步一拖地走出;慢吞吞地走过◆the crowd shuffled slowly forward.人群缓慢往前移动。◆he slowly shuffled over to the bathroom.他慢吞吞地走向浴室。preposition➤across, down, into, out of, towards/toward, etc.慢吞吞地走过、走下、走进、走出、走向等shuffle verb² 2move your body/feet around身体或脚移来移去adverb | phrases adverb➤nervously, uncomfortably, uneasily坐立不安◆she shuffled nervously on the bench.她在长凳上紧张地扭来扭去。➤about, around动来动去◆the boys shuffled around uncomfortably.男孩们不安地动来动去。phrases➤shuffle from foot to foot, shuffle from one foot to the other左右脚倒来倒去▸➤shuffle in your chair, shuffle in your seat在椅子上/在座位上扭来扭去 shuffle /ʃʌfl/ [intransitive, transitive] = reshuffle ☞ shuffleshuffle [transitive] to move paper or things into different positions or a different order; to completely change the order of all the playing cards in a pack (= set) before playing a game(把纸张或物品)变换位置,打乱次序;洗牌◆he nervously shuffled the papers on his desk.他紧张不安地胡乱翻动桌上的报纸。◆shuffle the cards and deal out seven to each player.洗洗牌,然后给每人发七张。shuffle [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to walk slowly without lifting your feet completely off the ground; to move your feet in an awkward or embarrassed way拖着脚走;(笨拙或尴尬地)把脚动来动去◆the line shuffled forward a little.队列往前挪动了一点。◆she shuffled her feet nervously.她紧张得来回蹭着脚。shuffle¹/ˈʃʌfl ||; ˈʃʌfḷ/verb1. [i] to walk by sliding your feet along instead of lifting them off the ground 曳足而行;拖着脚走路: ◇the child shuffled past, wearing her mother's shoes. 小孩穿着母亲的鞋子,拖着脚走过。 2. [i,t] to move your body or feet around because you are uncomfortable or nervous (因不舒服或紧张)挪动身体或双脚: ◇the audience were so bored that they began to shuffle in their seats. 观众感到沉闷,开始坐不安稳。 3. [i,t] to mix a pack of playing cards before a game 洗牌: ◇it's your turn to shuffle. 轮到你洗牌了。◇she shuffled the cards carefully. 她仔细洗牌。 shuffle²/ˈʃʌfl ||; ˈʃʌfḷ/noun[c] [usu.sing] 1. a way of walking without lifting your feet off the ground 拖着脚走路 2. an act of shuffling cards 洗牌 shufflesee ⇨ walk 5 shuf·fle /`ʃʌfḷ; ˈʃʌfəl/v 1. [i] to walk slowly and noisily, without lifting your feet off the ground 拖着脚走:◇the old man shuffled across the room. 那老人拖着脚穿过房间。 2. [t] to move something such as papers or cards into a different position or order 将…移来移去,移到另一位置; 按不同的顺序放:◇ginny shuffled the papers on her desk. 金妮把桌子上的文件搬来搬去。 3. [i,t] to move your body around when sitting down or to move your feet slightly because you are bored or embarrassed [坐时]挪动身子; [因无聊或尴尬而]挪动[双脚]:◇ernie looked nervous and shuffled his feet. 厄尼看上去很紧张,双脚挪来挪去。 4. [i,t] to mix playing cards into a different order before playing a game 洗(牌):◇it's jo's turn to shuffle. 轮到乔洗牌了。 shufflen [c,u]




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