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标题 反相气相色谱研究金属离子中介甲醛印迹聚合物的气相识别
范文 李辉等
摘 要 采用配位聚合法制备了中介的甲醛印迹聚合物,用红外光谱和扫描电镜研究了分子印迹聚合物的表面结构。以甲醛印迹聚合物作为气相色谱固定相,采用反相气相色谱技术研究了印迹材料对模板及其结构相似物的选择保留性能、等温吸附及吸附热力学,并探讨了分子印迹聚合物对室内空气中甲醛的脱除效果。结果表明,在相同色谱条件下,分子印迹柱对模板分子的容量因子均远高于乙醛。较低柱温和较低载气流速有利于印迹材料对气态模板分子的选择保留,当柱温为90℃,载气流速7.0 mL/min,进样体积为3.0 μL时,分子印迹柱对模板的容量因子高达61.1,对模板及结构类似物的分离因子达到10.66。模板分子在印迹聚合物柱上的气相吸附等温线呈近似线性,而结构类似物乙醛的吸附等温线符合BET吸附的Ⅲ类模型。分子印迹聚合物对室内空气中的甲醛也具有一定的脱除能力。
关键词 分子印迹聚合物; 气相吸附; 反相气相色谱; 甲醛
1 引 言
关于分子印迹识别的研究多在溶液环境中进行[1~3],分子印迹聚合物的气相识别研究迄今鲜有报道。与液相识别环境不同,在气相中研究分子印迹聚合物的重键行为,没有溶剂分子的干扰,不必考虑溶剂对印迹聚合物识别的影响,也无需担心其溶胀现象,因此,可以更直接考察聚合物基体中专一性识别位点对模板分子的结合作用[4]。反相气相色谱(Inverse gas chromatography,IGC)是利用气相色谱技术,研究材料聚集状态及性质的一种方法[5,6],它将研究对象作为气相色谱固定相,选择与之有相互作用的物质(称为"分子探针")注入色谱柱中,测定材料的吸附、保留等性能[7,8]。利用反相气相色谱研究分子印迹聚合物的气相保留和识别是一种新的尝试。甲醛是危害人类健康的重要污染物之一,对皮肤粘膜具有刺激作用,可引起过敏性皮炎,高浓度甲醛还是一种基因毒性物质[9,10]。由于甲醛挥发时间长,残留甲醛很难完全清除[11,12],采用高选择性吸附剂脱除空气中甲醛具有重要研究价值和应用前景[13~15]。
2 实验部分
2.1 仪器与试剂
4 结 论
采用反相气相色谱研究分子印迹气相色谱固定相的保留行为,发现在相同的色谱条件下,分子印迹柱对气态模板分子呈现较强的保留能力,其容量因子均远高于其结构类似物。较低柱温和载气流速有利于印迹柱对气态模板分子的选择识别,当柱温为90 ℃,载气流速7 mL/min,进样体积为3.0 μL时,分子印迹柱对模板的容量因子高达61.1,对模板及其结构类似物的分离因子达到10.66。此外,研究表明,甲醛在分子印迹柱上的吸附热高于其结构类似物的吸附热,且其吸附等温线呈近似线性,说明印迹基体对甲醛分子的较高亲和力,而对结构类似物的吸附能力较弱。分子印迹聚合物对室内空气中的甲醛也具有一定的脱除能力。
1 Li H, Liu Y J, Zhang Z H, Liao H P, Nie L H, Yao S Z. J. Chromatogr. A, 2005, 1098(12): 66-74
2 GONG YanRu, WANG Yue, DONG JiaBin, YANG Jing, REN XiaoWei, GONG BoLin. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2014, 42(1): 28-35
龚艳茹, 王 玥, 董佳斌, 杨 静, 任晓伟, 龚波林. 分析化学, 2014, 42(1): 28-35
3 Zheng M M, Gong R, Zhao X, Feng Y Q. J. Chromatogr. A, 2010, 1217(14): 2075-2081
4 Tominaga Y, Kubo T, Yasuda K, Keita K, Ken H. Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 2012, 156: 161-165
5 Cordeiro N, Gouveia C, M. John M J. Ind. Crop. Prod., 2011, 33(1): 108-115
6 Rückriem M, Inayat A, Enke D, Glser R, Einicke W D, Rockmann R. Colloid Surf. A, 2010, 357(13): 21-26
7 Dremetsika A V, Siskos P A, Katsanos N A. J. Hazard. Mater., 2007, 149(3): 603-608
8 Matsushita Y, Saori W, Fukushima K, Yasuda S. Ind. Crop. Prod., 2006, 23(2): 115-121
9 HE YunBing, JI HongBing, WANG LeFu. Chem. Ind. Eng. Prog., 2007, 26(8): 1104-1109
何运兵, 纪红兵, 王乐夫. 化工进展, 2007, 26(8): 1104-1109
10 Hu W L, Chen S Y, Liu L T, Ding B, Wang H P. Sensor. Actuat. BChem., 2011, 157(2): 554-559
11 Liang W J, Li J, Li J X, Jin Y Q. J. Hazard. Mater., 2010, 175(13): 1090-1095
12 Chen D, Qu Z P, Sun Y H, Wang Y. Colloid. Surf. A, 2014, 441: 433-440
13 Chen B B, Shi C, Crocker M, Wang Y, Zhu A M. Appl. Catal. BEnviron., 2013, 132-133: 245-255
14 Nuasaen S, Opaprakasit P, Tangboriboonrat P. Carbohyd. Polym., 2014, 101: 179-187
15 Zhou Q X, Wang C Y, Fu Z B, Zhang H, Tang Y J. Comput. Mater. Sci., 2014, 82: 337-344
16 Aurelia B, Francine L, Pierre G, Alexandre F, Violette D. J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 969(12): 9-16
17 LOU DaWei, OU JunJie, ZHU Bo, WANG Ling, WANG Kun, WU WeiYi. J. Anal. Sci., 2011, 27(6): 723-726
楼大伟, 欧俊杰, 祝 波, 王 玲, 王 昆, 吴维艺. 分析科学学报, 2011, 27(6): 723-726
Investigation on Gas Phase Recognition for MetalIon Mediated
Formaldehyde Imprinted Polymer by Inversed
Phase Gas Chromatography
LI Hui *, LU CuiMei, XIE Feng, XU MiaoMiao, WANG SuSu, LI ZhiPing
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China)
Abstract A Co2+ ionmediated formaldehyde imprinted polymer (MIP) was prepared by coordination polymerization method in present work and its surface structure characterized by using IR spectrum and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Inversed phase gas chromatography (IGC) technique using this formaldehyde imprinted polymer as stationary phase was utilized to investigate on the retention selectivity, isotherm adsorption and adsorption thermodynamics for this imprint material toward the template and its structural analogue. Also, the ability of this polymer in the removal of formaldehyde from room atmosphere was explored. Results indicated that the capacity of the template on the molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) column was much higher than that of aldehyde and the lower column temperature and flow rate of carrier gas was beneficial for the selective retention of imprint material toward the template molecule, possessing a higher capacity factor of 61.1 for the template and a higher separation factor of 10.66 for this imprint polymer toward formaldehyde and aldehyde under the optimized chromatographic conditions (column temperature: 363 K; flow rate of carrier gase: 7.0 mL/min; injection volume: 3.0 μL). An approximate linear adsorption isotherm for the template and a BET Ⅲ one for the analogue on the MIPs was observed. In addition, this molecularly imprinted polymer was shown with higher capability in the removal of formaldehyde from room atmosphere.
Keywords Molecularly imprinted polymer; Gas adsorption; Inversed phase gas chromatography; Formaldehyde
(Received 25 January 2014; accepted 24 March 2014)
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21077042)
12 Chen D, Qu Z P, Sun Y H, Wang Y. Colloid. Surf. A, 2014, 441: 433-440
13 Chen B B, Shi C, Crocker M, Wang Y, Zhu A M. Appl. Catal. BEnviron., 2013, 132-133: 245-255
14 Nuasaen S, Opaprakasit P, Tangboriboonrat P. Carbohyd. Polym., 2014, 101: 179-187
15 Zhou Q X, Wang C Y, Fu Z B, Zhang H, Tang Y J. Comput. Mater. Sci., 2014, 82: 337-344
16 Aurelia B, Francine L, Pierre G, Alexandre F, Violette D. J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 969(12): 9-16
17 LOU DaWei, OU JunJie, ZHU Bo, WANG Ling, WANG Kun, WU WeiYi. J. Anal. Sci., 2011, 27(6): 723-726
楼大伟, 欧俊杰, 祝 波, 王 玲, 王 昆, 吴维艺. 分析科学学报, 2011, 27(6): 723-726
Investigation on Gas Phase Recognition for MetalIon Mediated
Formaldehyde Imprinted Polymer by Inversed
Phase Gas Chromatography
LI Hui *, LU CuiMei, XIE Feng, XU MiaoMiao, WANG SuSu, LI ZhiPing
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China)
Abstract A Co2+ ionmediated formaldehyde imprinted polymer (MIP) was prepared by coordination polymerization method in present work and its surface structure characterized by using IR spectrum and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Inversed phase gas chromatography (IGC) technique using this formaldehyde imprinted polymer as stationary phase was utilized to investigate on the retention selectivity, isotherm adsorption and adsorption thermodynamics for this imprint material toward the template and its structural analogue. Also, the ability of this polymer in the removal of formaldehyde from room atmosphere was explored. Results indicated that the capacity of the template on the molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) column was much higher than that of aldehyde and the lower column temperature and flow rate of carrier gas was beneficial for the selective retention of imprint material toward the template molecule, possessing a higher capacity factor of 61.1 for the template and a higher separation factor of 10.66 for this imprint polymer toward formaldehyde and aldehyde under the optimized chromatographic conditions (column temperature: 363 K; flow rate of carrier gase: 7.0 mL/min; injection volume: 3.0 μL). An approximate linear adsorption isotherm for the template and a BET Ⅲ one for the analogue on the MIPs was observed. In addition, this molecularly imprinted polymer was shown with higher capability in the removal of formaldehyde from room atmosphere.
Keywords Molecularly imprinted polymer; Gas adsorption; Inversed phase gas chromatography; Formaldehyde
(Received 25 January 2014; accepted 24 March 2014)
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21077042)
12 Chen D, Qu Z P, Sun Y H, Wang Y. Colloid. Surf. A, 2014, 441: 433-440
13 Chen B B, Shi C, Crocker M, Wang Y, Zhu A M. Appl. Catal. BEnviron., 2013, 132-133: 245-255
14 Nuasaen S, Opaprakasit P, Tangboriboonrat P. Carbohyd. Polym., 2014, 101: 179-187
15 Zhou Q X, Wang C Y, Fu Z B, Zhang H, Tang Y J. Comput. Mater. Sci., 2014, 82: 337-344
16 Aurelia B, Francine L, Pierre G, Alexandre F, Violette D. J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 969(12): 9-16
17 LOU DaWei, OU JunJie, ZHU Bo, WANG Ling, WANG Kun, WU WeiYi. J. Anal. Sci., 2011, 27(6): 723-726
楼大伟, 欧俊杰, 祝 波, 王 玲, 王 昆, 吴维艺. 分析科学学报, 2011, 27(6): 723-726
Investigation on Gas Phase Recognition for MetalIon Mediated
Formaldehyde Imprinted Polymer by Inversed
Phase Gas Chromatography
LI Hui *, LU CuiMei, XIE Feng, XU MiaoMiao, WANG SuSu, LI ZhiPing
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China)
Abstract A Co2+ ionmediated formaldehyde imprinted polymer (MIP) was prepared by coordination polymerization method in present work and its surface structure characterized by using IR spectrum and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Inversed phase gas chromatography (IGC) technique using this formaldehyde imprinted polymer as stationary phase was utilized to investigate on the retention selectivity, isotherm adsorption and adsorption thermodynamics for this imprint material toward the template and its structural analogue. Also, the ability of this polymer in the removal of formaldehyde from room atmosphere was explored. Results indicated that the capacity of the template on the molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) column was much higher than that of aldehyde and the lower column temperature and flow rate of carrier gas was beneficial for the selective retention of imprint material toward the template molecule, possessing a higher capacity factor of 61.1 for the template and a higher separation factor of 10.66 for this imprint polymer toward formaldehyde and aldehyde under the optimized chromatographic conditions (column temperature: 363 K; flow rate of carrier gase: 7.0 mL/min; injection volume: 3.0 μL). An approximate linear adsorption isotherm for the template and a BET Ⅲ one for the analogue on the MIPs was observed. In addition, this molecularly imprinted polymer was shown with higher capability in the removal of formaldehyde from room atmosphere.
Keywords Molecularly imprinted polymer; Gas adsorption; Inversed phase gas chromatography; Formaldehyde
(Received 25 January 2014; accepted 24 March 2014)
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21077042)




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