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标题 分析,自适应控制一个有乘积项的混沌系统





    摘要: 文章中引入了一个含有系统参数乘积项的三维光滑自治混沌系统。其基本的动力学行为用相图、最大李氏指数、poincaré 截面及分岔图分别进行了详细的分析。由于系统中的参数含有乘积项当系统参数未知时,可以预见控制系统会比较困难。基于自适应控制和李亚谱诺夫稳定理论,设计了一个新颖自适应控制器成功地将混沌系统控制到不稳定的平衡点原点,并且能准确估计出未知参数的值。最后,用一个数值仿真验证了所给出的理论正确性。

    关键词:混沌系统 ; 自适应; 不定参数; 李亚谱诺夫稳定理论 ; 数值仿真

    中图分类号:TP29 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2016)15-0232-03

    Abstract: This paper introduces a three-dimensional smooth autonomous chaotic system including a product term of system parameters. Basic dynamical properties of the system are analyzed by means of maximum Lyapunov exponent, poincaré mapping and bifurcation diagram. Owing to a product term of system parameters it can be predicted that chaotic control of the system becomes more difficulty by taking account of uncertain system parameters. Based on adaptive control and Lyapunov stability theory, a novel daptive controllers were designed to stabilize the chaotic system to its unstable equilibrium at the origin and estimate the values of the unknown parameters. At last , numerical simulations are presented to confirm the theoretical result。

    Keywords : chaotic system; adaptive ; uncertain parameters; Lyapunov stability theory; simulation

    1 概述





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