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单词 bypass
释义 bypass noun¹ 1medical operation医疗手术adjective | verb + bypass | bypass + noun adjective➤coronary, heart冠状动脉/心脏搭桥术➤gastric胃旁路术➤quadruple, triple接四通管/三通管的分流术verb + bypass➤perform做搭桥手术➤undergo接受搭桥手术bypass + noun➤operation, surgery搭桥手术◆coronary bypass surgery冠状动脉搭桥手术bypass noun² 2 (especially bre) road around a city绕城路verb + bypass | preposition verb + bypass➤build建绕行道preposition➤along a/the bypass沿着旁道◆she was speeding along the bypass, thinking about other things.她沿着绕行道快速行驶,心里想着其他事情。➤around a/the bypass, round a/the bypass (especially bre) 围绕旁路◆we drove around the bypass to the airport.我们开车绕道旁路去机场。◆they're building a new bypass around the town.他们正在建一条新的绕城旁道。➤on a/the bypass在旁路上◆the traffic on the bypass旁路上的交通 bypass /baɪpɑːs/ verb [transitive] to ignore a system, a rule, or sb in authority 不顾(规章制度);不请示◆coffee growers are now bypassing the middlemen and dealing directly with consumers. 咖啡种植者现在正绕过中间商,直接与消费者交易。☞ bypass bypass /baɪpɑːs/ [countable] a road that passes around a town or city rather than through its centre(绕过城市的)旁路,旁道◆there were protests against the building of the bypass.对于修建这条绕城公路有一些反对的声浪。☞ bypass¹☞ bypass²




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