标题 | 一种基于码率控制的无线自组织网络传输功率优化方案 |
范文 | 葛亮等 摘 要: 围绕如何提高无线自组织网络(Ad Hoc)吞吐量,相对于传统基于码率控制机制,提出基于传输功率和传输码率联合控制的方法,研究了基于物理层纯ALOHA协议的Ad Hoc网络在不同传输功率和传输码率条件下的容量,构建多码率控制Ad Hoc数学模型,讨论模型中不同参数的具体计算方法,通过对链路增益函数的简化近似,计算并修正了网络吞吐量的表达式。分别对含有200个节点和100个节点的Ad Hoc网络进行OPNET仿真,结果表明理论与仿真曲线十分接近,证明建立的系统模型很好地反映了网络吞吐量随传输功率的变化关系。 关键词: 网络吞吐量; 功率优化; 多码率控制; Ad Hoc 中图分类号: TN929.5?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2015)09?0009?03 Scheme for Ad Hoc transmission power optimization based on code rate control GE Liang1, WU Cheng?qian2, WU Dan3, YANG Mao?fan1 (1. Unit 93197 of PLA, Shenyang 110044, China; 2. Unit 93886 of PLA, Urumqi 830000, China; 3. Unit 93246 of PLA, Changchun 130000, China) Abstract:To improve the network throughput of Ad Hoc, corresponding to the traditional code rate control method, the combined control method based on transmission power and transmission code rate is proposed. The capacity of Ad Hoc network under the conditions of different transmission power and transmission code rate based on the pure ALOHA protocol of the physical layer is discussed. The Ad Hoc mathematical model with multi?code rate control is built. The calculating method of the parameters in model is discussed. The expression of the network throughput is calculated and revised by simplification and approximation of the link gain function. OPNET simulation for Ad Hoc network with 200 nodes and 100 nodes was performed separately. The result indicates that the simulation curves are close to the theoretic curves, and proves that the system model can reflect the aviation of the network throughput with the transmission power quite well. Keywords: network throughput; power optimization; variable code rate control; Ad Hoc 0 引 言 作为无中心、自组织的对等网络,无线自组织网络(Ad Hoc)已经广泛应用于音视频传输等各种系统中[1]。Ad Hoc对网络吞吐量要求较高,而传输功率、传输码率、干扰以及空间复用等多种因素影响网络吞吐量[2?3],因此,研究这些参数的优化问题可以有效提高Ad Hoc网络吞吐量。 目前,已经有许多关于Ad Hoc优化传输功率算法的研究。随着多级调制技术和编码速率控制技术的发展,码率控制机制被认为是一种提高Ad Hoc吞吐量的行之有效方法,然而,通过对传输功率和传输码率联合控制来提高Ad Hoc网络吞吐量的研究还比较少。 2 性能分析 考虑一个Ad Hoc网络,有200个节点随机均匀分布在100 m×100 m的正方形区域内,对其进行OPNET性能仿真分析,仿真参数设置如表1所示。 节点传输范围即代表传输功率,图1实际上表示的是Ad Hoc网络吞吐量随节点传输功率的变化关系。从图1中可以看出,理论与仿真曲线十分接近;随着节点传输功率的增大,网络吞吐量先增加到某个最大值,然后逐渐减小。这个结果可以解释为:当节点传输功率低于某个门限值时,传输码率越大,网络吞吐量越大;当节点传输功率高于这个门限值时,随着码率的增大,网络中的干扰越来越大,导致吞吐量降低。图1给出的结果表明,建立的网络吞吐量模型能够较好地反映网络吞吐量与节点传输功率的关系。 对网络中含有100个节点的情况,在相同仿真参数设置条件下进行仿真分析,得到的仿真数值如表2所示。 表2 仿真数值结果 [节点个数\&理论最优传输范围 /m\&仿真最优传输范围 /m\&100\&10.87\&11.31\&200\&7.14\&7.99\&] 从表2可以看出,使网络吞吐量最大化的优化传输范围随着网络节点密度的变化而变化,当网络中节点数过多时,传输范围会降低。 3 结 论 本文研究了多码速率控制下的Ad Hoc网络吞吐量与传输功率的变化关系,围绕如何提高Ad Hoc网络吞吐量,建立了数学分析模型,对不同传输功率和传输码率进行优化,详细计算并修正了网络吞吐量表达式,通过OPNET仿真,得到了网络吞吐量随传输距离(即传输功率)的变化关系,讨论了优化传输距离与网络节点密度关系,仿真结果验证了本文提出数学模型的正确性。本文得出的结论对Ad Hoc网络优化设计具有一定借鉴意义。 参考文献 [1] CANSERVER D H, MICHELSON A M, LEVESQUE A H. Quality of service support in mobile Ad?Hoc IP networks[C]// IEEE Proc. MILCOM 1999, Atlantic City. NJ: IEEE Press, 1999: 30?34. [2] CHAKRABARTI S, MISHRA A. Qos issue in Ad Hoc wireless networks [J]. IEEE Communications Magazinc, 2001, 39(2): 142?148. [3] KLEINROCK L, SILVESTER J. Optimum transmission radii packet radio networks or why six is a magic number [C]// IEEE National Telecommunacation Conf. Birmingham, Alabama: IEEE, 1978: 431?436. [4] DUTKIEWIEZ E. Impact of transmit range on throughput performance in mobile Ad Hoc networks [C]// 2001 IEEE Proc. ICC. Helsinki: IEEE, 2001: 2933?2937. [5] GOMEZ J, CAMPBELL A T. Variable?range transmission power control in wireless Ad Hoc networks [J]. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2007, 6(1): 87?99. [6] FARMAN L, STERNER U, TRONARP O. Analysis of capacity in Ad Hoc networks with variable data rates [C]// IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC). [S.l.]: IEEE, 2004, 4: 2101?2105. [7] SOMARRIBA O. Analysis of capacity for spatial TDMA in wireless Ad Hoc networks with variable power and rate control [C]// IEEE 63rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC). [S.l.]: IEEE, 2006, 2: 906?910. [8] BETTSTETTER C, HARTENSTEIN H, PEREZ X. Stochastic properties of the random waypoint mobility model [J]. Wireless Networks, 2004, 10(5): 555?567. [9] ZHAO J Y H, UQWEJE O C. Analysis of capture probability performance techniques for wireless LAN [C]// IEEE 55th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC). [S.l.]: IEEE , 2002: 1190?1194. [10] HSU J L, RUBIN I. Performance analysis of directional random access scheme for multiple access mobile ad?hoc wireless networks [C]// IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). [S.l.]: IEEE, 2005, 1: 45?51. |
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