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单词 novel
释义 novel nounadjective | ... of a novel | verb + novel | novel + verb | preposition adjective➤hardback, hardcover, paperback精装本小说;平装本小说➤debut小说处女作▸➤first, second, etc.第一部、第二部等小说◆a prize for the best first novel of the year年度最佳小说处女作奖➤latest, new, recent小说新作➤unfinished, unpublished未写完的/未出版的小说▸➤good, great不错的/优秀的小说◆one day i'm going to write the great american novel.有一天我会写出美国最优秀的小说。➤original原创小说▸➤acclaimed评价高的小说◆his critically acclaimed novel他受评论家推崇的小说➤famous著名小说▸➤classic经典小说➤literary文学小说▸➤best-selling, popular畅销/通俗小说➤dime (name, old-fashioned) , pulp, trashy廉价小说;低俗小说▸➤contemporary, modern当代/现代小说▸➤19th-century, victorian * 19 世纪/维多利亚时代小说▸➤adult, children's成人/儿童小说▸➤autobiographical自传体小说➤adventure, comic, epic, epistolary, graphic, historical, romantic, satirical冒险/喜剧/史诗/书信体/绘本/历史/言情/讽刺小说◆samuel richardson's novels are all epistolary in form.塞缪尔・理查森的小说都是书信体的。➤fantasy, gothic, horror, sci-fi, science-fiction奇幻小说;哥特小说;惊悚小说;科幻小说▸➤crime, detective, mystery, spy犯罪/侦探/悬疑/间谍小说... of a novel➤copy一本小说◆i took a copy of a graham greene novel on the train with me.我乘火车时随身携带了一本格雷厄姆・格林的小说。verb + novel➤produce, write创作小说;写小说▸➤publish出版小说▸➤read读小说➤complete, finish完成/写完小说◆she completed her first novel at the age of 53.她 53 岁时完成了第一部小说。➤inspire给小说创作灵感◆the events that inspired the novel给这部小说带来创作灵感的事件➤translate翻译小说▸➤adapt改编小说◆the process of adapting the novel for television把小说改变成电视剧的过程➤review评论小说novel + verb➤be based on sth小说以⋯为素材◆the novel was based on a true life story.这部小说是根据真人真事写成的。➤be set, take place小说故事的发生地点设在⋯;小说故事发生于⋯◆the novel was set in a small town in france.这部小说的故事发生在法国的一个小镇。preposition➤novel about有关⋯的小说◆a novel about growing up一部关于成长的小说novel adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, sound具创意;听上去新奇◆the plan sounded rather novel.这个计划听上去挺有新意。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极为/相当/非常新奇▸➤completely, totally, etc.极其/十分新颖▸➤relatively比较新奇▸➤essentially基本上是新奇的novel [countable] a printed story long enough to fill a complete book, in which the characters and events are usually imaginary(长篇)小说◆detective / historical / romantic novels侦探/历史/言情小说◆his first novel was published in 1934.他的第一部小说于 1934 年出版。  ➡ see also novelist → writer novel (often approving) different from anything known before; new, interesting and often seeming slightly strange新颖的;与众不同的;珍奇的◆it was an american who came up with the novel idea of drive-in restaurants.是一个美国人想出了“免下车”餐馆这个新奇的点子。 ➡ see also original → creative ▸ novelty noun [uncountable] ◆it was fun working there at first but the novelty soon wore off (= it became boring).开始的时候在那里工作很有趣,但这股新鲜劲儿很快就过去了。◆there's a certain novelty value in this approach.这种方法有一定的新意。novel¹/ˈnɒvl ||; ˈnɑvḷ/noun [c] a book that tells a story about people and events that are not real 小说: ◇a romantic/historical/detective novel 言情╱历史╱侦探小说 novel²/ˈnɒvl ||; ˈnɑvḷ/adj new and different 新颖的;创新的: ◇that's a novel idea! let's try it. 这意念有新意!我们试试吧。 novelsee ⇨ books 2 ⇨ new 5☞ novel¹☞ novel²




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