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单词 oversupply
释义 oversupply /əʊvəsəplaɪ; name oʊvərs-/ noun [uncountable; countable, usually singular] (plural oversupplies) more of sth than can be sold 过多的供应;过度的供应◆the steel industry is struggling due to oversupply. 钢铁业由于供过于求而举步维艰。◆an oversupply of paper has led to a fall in price. 纸张供过于求导致价格下降。 oversupply /əʊvəsəplaɪ; name oʊvərs-/ verb [intransitive, transitive] (oversupplies, oversupplying, oversupplied, oversupplied) to provide sb/sth with more than they can use or sell 过多供应;过度供应◆coffee is a heavily oversupplied market. 咖啡市场是一个严重供过于求的市场。◆fruit growers have a tendency to oversupply. 果农有过度供应的倾向。☞ oversupply☞ oversupply




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