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单词 desirable
释义 desirable adjective¹ 1 (formal) to be wished for想望verbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, seem理想;似乎合意▸➤become变得合意▸➤consider sth, deem sth, feel sth, regard sth as, see sth as, think sth, view sth as认为⋯理想;感觉⋯合意◆a new direction was considered desirable for both parties.双方都希望有一个新方向。◆this kind of work is seen as desirable.人们认为这种工作很理想。adverb➤eminently, extremely, highly, very特别理想的;极为合意的;非常称心的◆experience of computers is highly desirable.最好是有电脑方面的经验。➤particularly尤其合意的▸➤clearly, obviously明显合意的;显然称心的◆it is clearly desirable to have a common set of principles throughout the industry.全行业有一套共同的原则显然比较理想。➤economically, morally, politically, socially经济上理想的;道德上可取的;政治上有利的;社交方面得体的phrases➤it is desirable that...⋯是理想的◆it is desirable that interest rates should be reduced. (bre) 利率下调是可取的。◆it is desirable that interest rates be reduced. (name) 利率下调是可取的。desirable adjective² 2causing sexual desire引起性欲verbs | adverb verbs➤be性感▸➤become变得性感▸➤find sb觉得某人性感adverb➤extremely, very极其/非常性感◆he found her intensely desirable.他觉得她极其性感。➤sexually能引起性欲的desirable /dɪzaɪərəbl/ (formal) that you would like to happen or be done想望的;可取的◆it is desirable that interest rates be reduced.利率下调是可取的。◆it is no longer desirable for adult children to live with their parents.孩子长大成人后便不再想与父母住在一起了。◆an end to the hostilities remains a highly desirable objective.结束敌对行为一直是渴望达成的目标。 opp undesirable → unwanted desirable /dɪzaɪərəbl/ (formal) that you would like to have or do; worth having or doing向往的;可取的;值得拥有的◆it is desirable that interest rates be reduced.利率下调是可取的。◆it is no longer desirable for adult children to live with their parents.孩子长大成人后便不再愿与父母住在一起了。◆she chatted for a few minutes about the qualities she considered desirable in a secretary.她聊了一会儿她认为一个秘书应有的品质。ⓘ desirable is often used in selling, especially property. * desirable 常在出售某物,尤其是房产时使用◆a desirable home / feature / residence / property / area令人向往的家/特点/住所/房产/地段 opp undesirable → unwanted ▸ desirability /dɪzaɪərəbɪləti/ noun [uncountable] ◆no one questions the desirability of cheaper fares.没有人质疑票价下调是好事。desirable/dɪˈzaɪərəbl ||; dɪˈzaɪrəbḷ/adj1. wanted, often by many people; worth having 人们想要的;值得有的: ◇experience is desirable but not essential for this job. 做这份工作以有经验为佳,但并非必要。 2. sexually attractive 性感的 [opp] undesirable 反义词为undesirabledesirablesee ⇨ sexy 1 de·sir·a·ble /dɪ`zaɪrəbḷ; dɪˈzaɪərəbəl/adjsomething that is desirable is something you want because it is good 渴望的,理想的:◇a desirable job with a big law firm 在大型法律事务所的一份理想工作




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