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单词 peculiar
释义 peculiar adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste奇怪;感觉奇怪;看上去奇怪;好像奇怪;闻起来怪异;听起来古怪;尝起来怪异▸➤become变得奇怪▸➤find sb/sth, regard sb/sth as, think sb/sth发觉⋯奇怪;认为⋯古怪◆i find her attitude a little peculiar, to say the least.至少可以说,我发觉她的态度有点儿奇怪。adverb➤most, very非常怪异◆he is a most peculiar man!他真是个怪人!➤quite, rather, somewhat相当怪异;有些奇怪◆the meat tasted rather peculiar.这肉的味道很怪。➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/稍微有点儿怪peculiar /pɪkjuːliə(r)/ (bre or rather formal) strange, especially in a way that is unpleasant or worrying怪异的,奇怪的(尤指令人不快或担忧)◆i had a peculiar feeling we'd met before.我有一种奇怪的感觉 - 我们以前见过面。◆he died in very peculiar circumstances.他的死很不寻常。ⓘ peculiar is rather formal in american english, but not in british english. * peculiar 在美式英语中相当正式,在英式英语中则不是。  ➡ see also peculiarity → mannerism , peculiar → unique peculiar /pɪkjuːliə(r)/ belonging or connected with one particular place, situation, person or thing(某地、某种情况、某人或某事物)独具的,特有的◆the species is peculiar to china.此物种是中国独有的。◆each house had its own peculiar smell.每栋房子都有自己特殊的气味。▸ peculiarity /pɪkjuːliærəti/ noun [countable] ◆the cultural peculiarities of the english英国人的文化特点▸ peculiarly adverb◆it is a peculiarly english design.那是独特的英式设计。note 辨析 unique or peculiar?in many cases you can use either word.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆the problem is not unique / peculiar to this country.此问题不是这个国家独有的。 peculiar is used especially to talk about places; unique is used more to talk about individual people and animals. it is often a more positive word than peculiar, suggesting that sb/sth is special or rare; peculiar is sometimes (but not always) slightly more negative, suggesting that sb/sth is strange in some way. * peculiar 尤用以形容地方,unique 较多形容个别的人和动物。unique 往往较 peculiar 更具褒义,意味着某人或某物很特别或稀有; peculiar 有时(但并非总是)略具贬义,意味着某人或某物有些古怪。  ➡ see also peculiar → strange 1peculiar/pɪˈkju:liə(r) ||; pɪˈkjuljɚ/adj1. unusual or strange 奇特的;奇怪的: ◇there's a very peculiar smell in here. 这里有一种很怪异的气味。 [syn] odd 同义词为odd 2. peculiar to sb/sth only belonging to one person or found in one place 特有的;独有的;独特的: ◇a species of bird peculiar to south east asia 一种东南亚特有的鸟类 peculiarsee ⇨ strange 1,2 pe·cu·li·ar /pɪ`kjuljə; pɪˈkjuːliə/adj 1. strange and a little surprising, especially in an unpleasant way 奇怪的; 乖僻的:◇the fish had a rather peculiar taste. 这鱼吃起来有一种很怪的味道。◇kate's already gone? how peculiar! 凯特已经走了? 脾气真乖僻! 2. be peculiar to to be a quality that only one person, place, or thing has 是…专有[特有]的:◇the strong flavour that is peculiar to garlic 大蒜特有的强烈口味




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