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单词 control2
释义 control verbcontrol ♦︎ handle ♦︎ managethese words all mean to have power over sb/sth so that you are able to decide what a person must do or how sth will work.这些词均表示指挥、控制、掌管。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to control / manage a child◆to be easy / difficult to control / handle / manage◆to control / handle / manage sb / sth properly◆to control / manage sb / sth effectively■ control [transitive] to have power over a person so that you are able to make them do or behave as you say指挥;控制;掌管◆can't you control your children?你就不能管管你的孩子吗?◆time out is an effective way of controlling aggressive behaviour.暂停是控制攻击性行为的有效方法。◆mounted police had been called to control the crowds.已召来骑警控制人群。 ➡ see also uncontrollable → uncontrollable ■ handle [transitive] to control a vehicle, animal, tool or machine, so that it does what you want it to控制,操纵(车辆、动物、工具或机器)◆i wasn't sure if i could handle such a powerful car.我没把握是否能驾驶功率这么大的车。◆she's a difficult horse to handle.那是一匹桀骜不驯的母马。■ manage [transitive] to keep sb/sth under control, so that it doesn't cause you problems控制住;操纵;能对付◆it's like trying to manage an unruly child.这就像试图管住一个任性的孩子。◆i really liked the chapter about how to manage stress.我真的很喜欢如何应付压力那一章。◆they have learnt to successfully manage their diabetes.他们已经学会控制住自己的糖尿病。  ➡ see also unmanageable → uncontrollable




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