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单词 rehearsal
释义 rehearsal nounadjective | verb + rehearsal | rehearsal + verb | rehearsal + noun | preposition adjective➤dress彩排◆a dress rehearsal for a broadway play百老汇戏剧彩排➤wedding婚礼彩排◆i attended my friend's wedding rehearsal.我参加了朋友的婚礼彩排。➤band, choir, choral, orchestra, orchestral, play乐队排练;合唱团排练;管弦乐队排练;戏剧彩排◆i'll see you at band rehearsal on monday!周一在乐队排练时咱们再见!verb + rehearsal➤conduct, do, have, hold排演;进行排练◆we only had one full rehearsal.我们只进行了一次全面排演。➤attend, go to参加排练;去排练rehearsal + verb➤take place排练开始▸➤go排练进行◆how did the rehearsal go?排练进行得怎么样?rehearsal + noun➤hall, room, space, studio排演厅;排练室;排练场地;排练房▸➤schedule, time排练日程表/时间➤dinner (name) 预演宴会◆the wedding rehearsal dinner is tonight.婚礼预演宴会今晚进行。preposition➤at (a/the) rehearsal排练时◆he apologized for his outburst at rehearsal.他为自己在排练时的失态道歉。➤during (a/the) rehearsal排练期间◆during the dress rehearsal she suddenly forgot her lines.彩排时,她突然忘了台词。➤in rehearsal正在排练◆they're performing every night and they have another production in rehearsal.他们每天晚上都有演出,并且目前正排练着另一个节目。➤rehearsal for排练⋯◆rehearsals for 'romeo and juliet'《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的几次排练➤rehearsal of⋯的排演◆a rehearsal of the final scene最后一场戏的排练rehearsal /rɪhɜːsl; name rɪhɜːrsl/ [uncountable, countable] time that a group of people spend practising together a play or piece of music in preparation for public performance; an experience or event that helps to prepare you for sth that is going to happen in the future(公开演出前的)排演,排练;预演;演习◆our new production of 'hamlet' is currently in rehearsal.我们的新版《哈姆雷特》正在排练之中。◆during the dress rehearsal (= the final rehearsal in full costume) she suddenly forgot her lines.彩排时,她突然忘了台词。◆these training exercises are designed to be a rehearsal for the invasion.这些训练是为了入侵而进行的演习。 ➡ see also rehearse → practise verb rehearsal/rɪˈhɜ:sl ||; rɪˈhɝsḷ/noun [c,u] the time when you practise a play, dance, piece of music, etc before you perform it to other people (戏剧、舞蹈、音乐等的)排练,排演,彩排: ◇a dress rehearsal (= when all the actors wear their stage clothes) 彩排(正式演出前的化装排演) ➔rehearse /rɪˈhɜ:s ||; rɪˈhɝs/ verb [i,t] rehearse (for sth)rehearsalsee ⇨ practise/practice 2 re·hears·al /rɪ`hɜsḷ; rɪˈhɜːsəl/n [c,u]a time when all the people in a play, concert etc practise it before giving a public performance 排练; 排演:◇she was late for the rehearsal again. 她排练又迟到了。




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