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单词 occasional
释义 occasional adjectiveoccasional ♦︎ the odd... ♦︎ sporadic ♦︎ intermittentthese words all describe things that happen or appear sometimes but not very often or not at regular intervals.这些词均表示偶尔的、间或出现的、不规律的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆occasional / sporadic / intermittent bursts of sth◆on an occasional / a sporadic / an intermittent basis◆occasional / sporadic / intermittent contact / attacks◆the occasional / odd bit / bout / spot of sth■ occasional [only before noun] happening or done sometimes but not very often偶尔的;偶然的;临时的◆he makes occasional references in the letters to the planned autobiography.他在信里会偶尔提及计划撰写的自传。◆she found occasional work on television.她找到了偶尔能上上电视的工作。◆you have to expect a few difficulties and the occasional setback.你必须要料想到会遇到一些困难和偶尔的阻碍。opp regular , frequent → frequent  ➡ see also occasionally → sometimes ■ the odd... --> [only before noun] (rather informal, especially spoken) happening or appearing a few times, but not regular or frequent偶然出现的;偶尔发生的;不规律的◆it doesn't matter on the odd occasion, but it's occurring regularly.偶尔发生一两次倒不要紧,但现在经常发生。◆i love the long bare hills with just the odd clump of trees.连绵的丘陵光秃秃的,只有零星的树丛点缀着,我喜欢这景色。ⓘ when you use the odd... about things that are bad or wrong it suggests that you do not think they are very important. * the odd ... 指偶然出现的坏事或错误时,暗示这种差错并不严重◆you have to expect the odd mistake.你必须要料想到偶尔会出错。◆he did take the odd afternoon off.他下午的确会偶尔开个小差。■ sporadic /spərædɪk/ (written) happening at intervals that are not regular or very frequent; happening in only a few places without any pattern偶尔发生的;间或出现的;零星的◆sporadic gunfire was reported each night.报道称每夜都有零星的炮火。◆planning controls protect the countryside from sporadic development.规划管制保护乡村地区免受零星开发的破坏。ⓘ sporadic usually describes sth unpleasant such as violence or disease. * sporadic 通常描述暴力或疾病之类令人不快的事物。▸ sporadically adverb◆fighting continued sporadically for two months.战斗断断续续地进行了两个月。■ intermittent /ɪntəmɪtənt; name ɪntərmɪtənt/ stopping and starting often over a period of time, but not regularly断断续续的;间歇的◆a day of intermittent rainstorms followed.翌日,暴风雨时起时停。◆there had been twenty years of intermittent warfare.战事二十年来时断时续。opp continuous → continuous ▸ intermittently adverb◆the protests continued intermittently.抗议活动此起彼落。occasional [only before noun] happening or done sometimes but not very often偶尔的;偶然的;临时的◆he makes occasional references in the letters to the planned autobiography.他在信里会偶尔提及计划撰写的自传。◆she found occasional work on television.她找到了偶尔能上上电视的工作。◆you have to expect a few difficulties and the occasional setback.你必须要料想到会遇到一些困难和偶尔的阻碍。opp regular , frequent → frequent  ➡ see also occasionally → sometimes occasional/əˈkeɪʒənl ||; əˈkeʒənḷ/adj done or happening from time to time but not very often 偶然的;偶尔的: ◇we have the occasional argument but most of the time we get on. 我们偶尔会发生争执,但在大多数时候我们相处得不错。 ➔occasionally /-nəli ||; -nḷɪ/ adv ◇we see each other occasionally. 我们偶尔见面。 occasionalsee ⇨ sometimes 2 oc·ca·sion·al /ə`keʒənḷ; əˈkeɪʒənəl/adjhappening sometimes but not often 偶尔的; 不经常的:◇tomorrow will be warm with occasional showers. 明天天气和暖,有时有阵雨。 ☞ occasional




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