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单词 solemn
释义 solemn adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, look, seem, sound严肃;看上去严肃;好像很严肃;听起来很严肃◆she usually had a smile on her face, but now she looked solemn.她通常面带微笑,可现在她看上去很严肃。➤become, grow变得严肃起来◆his face grew solemn.他的脸变得严肃起来。➤remain保持严肃adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常严肃◆he addressed them all in very solemn tones.他用非常严肃的语气跟他们说话。◆her mood was rather solemn.她显得相当郑重。➤most非常严肃◆our most solemn duty is to protect the public.我们最庄严的职责就是保护公众。solemn /sɒləm; name sɑːləm/ (rather formal) looking or sounding very serious, without smiling; done or said in a very serious and sincere way表情严肃的;庄严的;严正的;郑重的◆she looked at the solemn faces of the children.她望着孩子们表情严肃的脸。◆you have all taken a solemn oath of loyalty to your country.你们都已庄严宣誓忠于自己的祖国。◆i made a solemn promise that i would return.我郑重承诺过我会回来的。▸ solemnly adverb◆he nodded solemnly.他郑重地点了点头。solemn/ˈsɒləm ||; ˈsɑləm/adj1. (used about a person) very serious; not happy or smiling (指人)非常严肃的,没有笑容的: ◇her solemn face told them that the news was bad. 他们一见她神情严肃就知道那是坏消息。 2. sincere; done or said in a formal way 诚挚的;庄重的: ◇to make a solemn promise 诚挚地许诺 ➔solemnity /səˈlemnəti ||; səˈlɛmnətɪ/ noun [u] ➔solemnly adv ‘i have something very important to tell you,’ she began solemnly. 她严肃地开口说:“我有很重要的事要告诉你。” solemnsee ⇨ serious 7 sol·emn /`sɑləm; ˈsɒləm/adj 1. very serious or sad 严肃的,庄重的:◇a solemn expression 严肃的表情◇solemn music 庄严的音乐 2. solemn promise/sb's solemn word a promise that you will definitely keep 郑重的许诺/某人郑重的诺言




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