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单词 consensus
释义 consensus nounadjective | ... of consensus | verb + consensus | consensus + verb | consensus + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤broad, clear, common, general, prevailing, rough, widespread广泛的/清楚的/普遍的/大致的/压倒性的/粗略的/范围很广的共识◆that seems to be the prevailing consensus.那好像是大多数人的共识。◆computer science has reached a rough consensus on this issue.计算机科学在这个问题上达成了大体上的共识。➤global, unanimous, universal全球的/一致的/普遍的共识◆a universal consensus about the problems of the exchange rate system关于汇率制度问题的普遍共识◆the world's scientists have reached a nearly unanimous consensus that the surface of the earth is warming as a result of human activities.世界各国的科学家们就人类活动导致地球表面变暖这一点几乎达成共识。➤overwhelming, strong压倒性的/强烈的共识▸➤emerging, growing正在显现的/越来越多人达成的共识▸➤tacit, unspoken默契▸➤international, national国际上的/全国的共识➤bipartisan (name) 两党的共识◆there is a bipartisan consensus against the legalization of drugs.在反对毒品合法化上两党形成共识。➤current目前的共识◆the current consensus about aids in africa目前就非洲艾滋病问题达成的共识➤political, social政治/社会共识➤expert, scholarly, scientific内行的/学术上的/科学界的共识◆there is no scholarly consensus on how these terms are defined.这些术语如何定义在学术上还没有达成共识。◆the scientific consensus is that failure to take action could lead to widespread droughts.科学界的共识是:由于未能采取行动导致了普遍的干旱。◆these standards represent expert consensus on generally accepted social scientific standards for research on child development.这些标准反映了专家们就关于儿童发展研究普遍得到认可的社会科学标准所达成的共识。➤critical评论上的共识◆a critical consensus has emerged about these poems.评论界已对这些诗歌形成共识。➤liberal自由派的共识◆the liberal consensus represented by president johnson's landslide victory in 19641964 年约翰逊总统压倒性胜利所代表的自由派的共识... of consensus➤degree, level意见一致的程度verb + consensus➤achieve, arrive at, reach取得共识;达成共识➤build, develop, forge, form建立共识;形成共识◆a magazine attempting to build a consensus about sustainable science一本力图在可持续发展科学上形成共识的杂志◆the agency helped develop a consensus on conservation.该机构帮助在自然资源保护方面形成共识。◆citizens who work together to forge consensus regarding important public safety issues携手构建关于重大公共安全事务共识的公民➤reflect, represent反映/代表共识◆the measures represented a consensus that people and the environment must be protected from the excesses of the market.这些措施反映了一个共识,即必须保护人与环境免受市场过度开发的影响。➤break, shatter打破共识◆he was the first to shatter the consensus and criticize the proposal.他是头一个打破一致意见、批评这个建议的人。◆the war broke the broad consensus of liberals.战争打破了自由主义者的广泛共识。consensus + verb➤exist共识存在◆no clear consensus exists over the next stage of the plan.关于这个计划的下一步安排还没有明确的共识。➤emerge一致意见形成◆a general consensus on the problem is beginning to emerge.在这一问题上普遍的共识正开始形成。➤form共识形成◆over time a consensus formed.随着时间推移形成了共识。➤break down共识打破◆there are signs that the consensus is breaking down.有迹象表明,共识正在瓦解。consensus + noun➤opinion, view一致意见;一致的观点◆this is not consensus opinion yet.这还不是一致意见。➤statement一致的声明◆there are guidelines in a 2007 consensus statement from the institute.该机构 2007 年的一份共识声明中包括指导方针。preposition➤by consensus根据协商得出的意见◆they have always governed by consensus.他们一向以协商为基础来管理。➤consensus about, consensus on, consensus over关于⋯的共识◆it is difficult to reach a consensus about electoral reform.要就选举改革达成共识很困难。➤consensus among, consensus between, consensus within⋯之间的一致意见◆no consensus among the members成员之间意见不一致◆the general consensus within the criminal justice system刑事司法制度内部的普遍共识phrases➤a consensus of opinion意见一致◆the general consensus of opinion is that a high-fat diet is bad for you.高脂肪的饮食不利于健康,这一点是得到普遍认同的。➤a lack of consensus缺乏共识consensus /kənsensəs/ noun [singular; uncountable] 1.agreement among a group of people 一致的意见;共识◆trying to reach a consensus on an issue 力求对一个问题达成共识◆there is a growing consensus among experts that interest rates will rise. 专家对利率将上升这个问题的看法日趋一致。◆all the board's decisions are made by consensus. 董事会的所有决定都是在一致同意的前提下作出的。◆the process of consensus building 达成共识的过程⨁ to achieve / build / reach / seek (a) consensus达成/建立/达成/寻求共识 (finance 金融) the general view among experts of how well a company, an industry or an economy will perform (专家对公司、行业、经济等的表现的)普遍看法◆their quarterly sales figures beat consensus by 25%. 他们的季度销售额数字比普遍预测高 25%。◆the consensus forecast for growth is now 1.7%. 目前对增长率的普遍预测是 1.7%。⨁ a consensus estimate / forecast看法一致的估计/预测 ☞ consensus consensus /kənsensəs/ [singular, uncountable] an opinion that all members of a group agree with一致的意见;共识◆there is a general consensus among teachers about the need for greater security in schools.教师对必须加强学校的安保有普遍的共识。◆there is a growing consensus of opinion on this issue.对这个问题的看法日趋一致。◆she is skilled at achieving consensus on sensitive issues.她擅长就敏感问题进行斡旋达成共识。consensus/kənˈsensəs ||; kənˈsɛnsəs/noun [sing] [u]: (a) consensus (among/between sb) (on/about sth) agreement among a group of people 一致意见;共识: ◇to reach a consensus 达成一致意见◇there is no consensus among experts about the causes of global warming. 关于全球气候变暖的起因,专家们意见不一。 consensussee ⇨ agree 7 ⇨ opinion 4 con·sen·sus /kən`sɛnsəs; kənˈsensəs/n [singular 单数,u]general agreement between everyone in a group 一致的意见; 共识:◇the consensus of opinion is that miller should resign. 大家的一致意见是米勒应该辞职。




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