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单词 floor
释义 floor noun¹ 1lower surface of a room房间地面adjective | verb + floor | floor + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤bare, cold, hard没铺地毯的/冰冷的/坚硬的地板◆i can't sleep on the bare floor!我不能睡在光秃秃的地板上!➤dirty, dusty肮脏的/落满灰尘的地板➤wet潮湿的地板➤clean, polished, smooth干净的/打过清漆的/平滑的地面➤cement, concrete, stone水泥/混凝土/石头地面➤dirt (especially name) 落满尘土的地面➤hardwood, parquet, wood, wooden铺硬木的地板;镶木地板的地面;木地板▸➤carpeted, linoleum, marble, tiled铺有地毯的地板;油毡地板;大理石地面;地砖铺成的地面▸➤bathroom, kitchen, etc.浴室、厨房等的地面➤raised高架地板➤dance舞池verb + floor➤clean, mop, polish, scrub, sweep, wash, wax, wipe清洁地板;拖地;为地板抛光;擦洗地板;扫地;冲洗地板;给地板上蜡;擦地板▸➤drop to, fall to掉到地上◆his glass fell to the floor and broke.他的玻璃杯掉在地上摔碎了。➤hit打在地板上➤reach, touch到达/接触地面➤pace, walk在地板上踱步;在地板上走➤cover, litter盖住地板;在地板上乱丢东西floor + noun➤covering, mat, tile楼面覆盖层;地垫;地面砖➤lamp (especially name) 落地灯▸➤space楼面面积➤exercises自由体操➤plan楼层平面图preposition➤on the floor在地板上◆do you mind sitting on the floor?你介意坐地板上吗?phrases➤from floor to ceiling从地面到天花板◆bookcases lined the walls from floor to ceiling.从地面到天花板沿墙排着一列书橱。floor noun² 2bottom of the sea, a forest, etc.海底;森林地表adjective➤canyon, cave, desert, forest, ocean, sea, valley峡谷底部;洞底;沙漠地面;枯枝落叶层;底土;海底;谷底floor noun³ 3level in a building楼层adjective | verb + floor | preposition adjective➤bottom, first (= at entrance level) (name) , ground (bre) 底楼;一层▸➤top顶楼▸➤first, second, third, etc.(in bre, the first floor is the floor above the entrance level. this is called the second floor in name.在英国,the first floor (一楼)是底楼上面的楼层,相当于美国的二楼。) 一楼、二楼、三楼等▸➤mezzanine夹层楼面▸➤lower, upper下层/上层楼面verb + floor➤occupy占用楼层◆the offices occupy the top floor of the building.办公室在大楼的最高层。preposition➤on the floor在楼层上◆a cafe on the mezzanine floor在夹层楼面的咖啡馆 floor /flɔː(r)/ noun1. [countable, usually singular] the area in a factory, shop/store, stock exchange, etc. where things are made, displayed or traded (工厂的)车间;(商店的)店面,楼层;(证券交易所的)交易厅◆the new stores will increase our floor space by 45%. 新店会将我们的营业面积扩大 45%。◆trading on the floor of the new york stock exchange 在纽约证券交易所的交易厅进行交易2. [countable, usually singular] a level below which it is difficult for a price, number, etc. to fall; the lowest price, number, etc. that is possible (物价、数量等的)底价,底限◆the market could lose 500 points before reaching a floor. 股市可能要下跌 500 点才会见底。◆an attempt to put a floor under falling share prices 为下跌的股价建底所作的努力◆they set a floor price of $1.7 million for the bidding. 他们为此次投标设定的底价为 170 万元。◆sales are falling through the floor. 销售量正跌破底限。 opp ceiling ⨁ to find / hit / reach a floor触底 ⨁ to keep / put a floor under sth保持/设立…的底限 ⨁ to set a floor to/for sth给/为…规定底价 the floor [singular] the group of people who attend a formal talk or discussion 全体与会者◆are there are any questions from the floor? 与会者中有人提问吗?◆to take the floor (= to make a statement or ask a question) 发言(或提问) ●get/be given/have the floorto get/be given/have the right to speak during a formal discussion (正式讨论中)取得发言权  ➡  idiom at hold verb dealing floor ◇ factory floor ◇ ground floor ◇ shop floor ◇ trading floor ☞ floorfloor noun 1➤sit on the floor坐在地板上➤the first floor of a building楼房的第二层floor ♦︎ ground ♦︎ land ♦︎ earth ♦︎ soilthese are all words for the surface that you walk on.这些词均表示地面。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆on / under the floor / ground / earth◆bare floor / ground / earth◆to drop / fall to the floor / the ground / (the) earth◆to hit the floor / ground◆to reach the floor / the ground / land■ floor [countable, usually singular] the surface of a room that you walk on(室内)地板,地面◆she was sitting on the floor watching tv.她坐在地板上看电视。◆to clean / wash / sweep the floor打扫/洗刷/清扫地板◆there's not really enough floor space in here.这里的居住面积真的很不够。◆there were wooden panels from floor to ceiling.从地板到天花板的墙壁上都镶着木板。opp ceiling ⓘ the ceiling is the top inside surface of a room. * ceiling 指天花板、顶棚◆it was a large room with a high ceiling.这是个屋顶很高的大房间。■ ground (often the ground 常作 the ground) [uncountable] the solid surface of the earth that you walk on(室外)地,地面◆i found her lying on the ground.我发现她躺在地上。◆the ground fell away to the left of the road.路面向左侧倾斜。◆it was buried three metres below ground.它埋在地下 3 米处。◆the plant grows to about two feet above ground.这种植物的地面高度约有 2 英尺。◆most of the animals' food is found at ground level.这些动物的食物大多可在地面找到。◆the rocket crashed a few seconds after it left the ground.火箭离开地面几秒后便坠毁了。 ➡ see also ground → soil ■ land [uncountable] the surface of the earth that is not sea陆地;大地◆at last we sighted land (= saw land from the sea).我们终于望见了陆地。◆it was good to be back on dry land again.重回到陆地上真好。◆they fought both at sea and on land.他们在海上和陆上都打过仗。◆we travelled mainly by land.我们主要走陆路。◆a land mass that covers over a quarter of the earth's surface占地球表面超过四分之一的大陆块opp sea → sea  ➡ see also land → land noun 1 2 , land → soil ■ earth (often the earth 常作 the earth) [uncountable, singular] the solid surface of the world that is made of rock, soil, sand, etc.大地;陆地;地面◆it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again.重新踏上陆地感觉真好。◆the earth was dry and scorched.大地干焦。◆you could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer.卡车开近时会感觉到地面在震动。 ➡ see also earth → soil note 辨析 ground, land or earth? ground is the normal word for the solid surface that you walk on when you are not in a building or vehicle. you can use earth if you want to draw attention to the rock, soil etc. that the ground is made of, but ground can also be used in any of the examples for earth. land is only used when you want to contrast it with the sea. * ground 是通用词,指建筑物或车辆外人可行走的地面。如果强调的是构成大地的岩石、土壤等,可用 earth,不过 earth 所适用的任何场合亦可用 ground。land 只在与海对比时使用◆the land beneath our feet ◆feel the land shake ◆sight ground/earth ◆travel by ground/earth ■ soil [uncountable] (literary) a country; an area of land国土;领土;土地◆it was the first time i had set foot on american soil.那是我第一次踏上美洲大地。ⓘ this meaning of soil is almost always used in the phrase on african/british, etc soil, meaning 'in africa/britain, etc.'. * soil 表达此义时几乎总是用于短语 on african/british, etc. soil 中,表示在非洲、英国等。  ➡ see also soil → soil floor noun 2➤sit on the floor坐在地板上➤the first floor of a building楼房的第二层floor ♦︎ storey ♦︎ level ♦︎ deck ♦︎ tierthese are all words for the different levels or layers of a building, place, ship or bus.这些词均表示楼层、层面。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆on the top, etc. floor / storey / level / deck / tier◆the upper / lower floors / storeys / levels / decks / tiers◆the top floor / storey / level / deck / tier◆the main floor / deck■ floor [countable] all the rooms that are on the same level of a building楼层◆her office is on the second floor.她的办公室在三楼。◆the irish guy who lives two floors above住在两层楼上面的爱尔兰人◆their house is on three floors (= it has three floors).他们的房子有三层。ⓘ in british english the floor of a building at street level is the ground floor, the one above it is the first floor and the one below it is the basement, or lower ground floor if it is in a public building. in american english the floor at street level is usually called the first floor, the one above it is the second floor and the one below it is the basement. in public buildings the floor at street level can also be called the ground floor.在英式英语中,地面的楼层叫 ground floor,其上的一层叫 first floor,其下的一层叫 basement,在公共建筑中则叫 lower ground floor。在美式英语中,地面的楼层通常叫 first floor,其上的一层叫 second floor,其下的一层叫 basement。在公共建筑中,地面的楼层亦可称为 ground floor。■ storey (especially bre) (name usually story) [countable] a floor of a building楼层◆a single-storey / two-storey / three-storey building单层建筑物;两层/三层楼房note 辨析 floor or storey? floor is used especially to talk about which particular level in a building sb lives on, goes to, etc. * floor 尤指所居住的或者要去的楼层等◆his office is on the fifth floor.他的办公室在六楼。 storey is used especially to talk about the number of floors a building has. * storey 尤指建筑物的楼层数◆a five-storey house五层的房子◆the office building is five storeys high.这栋办公楼有五层高。■ level [countable] a floor of a building; a layer of ground楼层;地层◆the library is all on one level.图书馆全部在同一层楼上。◆archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。◆a multi-level parking lot多层停车场ⓘ the levels of a building or site are not necessarily one above the other; level is often used when the different areas of a building or site are at different heights. you can talk about the upper/lower levels of a place; it is less usual for the levels in a building to be numbered, except in the case of large multi-storey car parks/parking garages. * level 指建筑物的楼层或场地的地层时,不一定是一层在另一层的上面;建筑物或场地的不同区域处于不同的高度时也常用 level 表示。可以说 the upper/lower levels of a place (某地的上层/下层),但不常给建筑物的各个 level 标号,除非是大型多层停车场或车库◆his office is on the fifth level. ◆remember that we parked on level 5.记住我们的车停在第 5 层。■ deck [countable] one of the floors of a ship or bus(船或公共汽车的)一层,层面◆my cabin is on deck c.我的舱位在船的 c 层。◆we sat on the top deck of the bus.我们坐在公共汽车的上层。■ tier /tɪə(r); name tɪr/ [countable] a row or layer of sth that has several rows or layers placed one above the other级;阶;层◆a wedding cake with three tiers三层的结婚蛋糕◆the seating is arranged in tiers.座位是一级级排列的。floor [countable, usually singular] the surface of a room that you walk on(室内)地板,地面◆she was sitting on the floor watching tv.她坐在地板上看电视。◆to clean / wash / sweep the floor打扫/洗刷/清扫地板◆there's not really enough floor space in here.这里的居住面积真的很不够。◆there were wooden panels from floor to ceiling.从地板到天花板的墙壁上都镶着木板。opp ceiling ⓘ the ceiling is the top inside surface of a room. * ceiling 指天花板、顶棚◆it was a large room with a high ceiling.这是个屋顶很高的大房间。floor [countable] all the rooms that are on the same level of a building楼层◆her office is on the second floor.她的办公室在三楼。◆the irish guy who lives two floors above住在两层楼上面的爱尔兰人◆their house is on three floors (= it has three floors).他们的房子有三层。ⓘ in british english the floor of a building at street level is the ground floor, the one above it is the first floor and the one below it is the basement, or lower ground floor if it is in a public building. in american english the floor at street level is usually called the first floor, the one above it is the second floor and the one below it is the basement. in public buildings the floor at street level can also be called the ground floor.在英式英语中,地面的楼层叫 ground floor,其上的一层叫 first floor,其下的一层叫 basement,在公共建筑中则叫 lower ground floor。在美式英语中,地面的楼层通常叫 first floor,其上的一层叫 second floor,其下的一层叫 basement。在公共建筑中,地面的楼层亦可称为 ground floor。floor¹/flɔ:(r) ||; flɔr/noun1. [c] [usu.sing] the flat surface that you walk on indoors (室内的)地面;地板: ◇don't come in -- there's broken glass on the floor ! 别进来,地上有玻璃碎片!◇a wooden/concrete/marble floor 木板╱混凝土╱大理石地面 ☞look at the note at ground. 参看ground的注释。 2. [c] all the rooms that are on the same level of a building (楼房的)层;楼层: ◇my office is on the second floor. 我的办公室在三楼。 in british english, the ground floor is the floor at street level, and the floor above is the first floor. in american english the first floor is the floor at street level. 在英国英语中,地面的一层叫ground floor,之上的一层叫first floor。在美国英语中,地面的一层叫first floor。 3. [c] [usu.sing] the ground or surface at the bottom of the sea, a forest, etc (海洋、树林等的)底部: ◇the ocean/valley/cave/forest floor 海底;谷底;洞底;林中地面 floor²/flɔ:(r) ||; flɔr/verb [t] (informal 非正式) to surprise or confuse sb completely with a question or a problem (问题)把(某人)难倒: ◇some of the questions i was asked in the interview completely floored me. 在面试中被问到的问题,有些我根本答不上来。 floor• ⇨ the floor• ⇨ wipe the floor with sb☞ floor¹☞ floor²




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