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单词 harsh
释义 harsh adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤appear, be, prove, seem, sound显得严厉;严厉;证实苛刻;好像残酷;听起来无情◆it may seem harsh to criticize him after his death.在他死后还批评他似乎太无情了。➤become变得严厉adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极为/颇为/非常苛刻▸➤exceptionally, particularly格外严厉;特别严酷▸➤increasingly越来越严酷▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略微有些严厉▸➤overly, unduly, unnecessarily过分苛刻;过分严厉◆he accused her of being unduly harsh.他指责她太过苛刻。➤surprisingly出奇地严苛 harsh adjectiveharsh ♦︎ severe ♦︎ hard ♦︎ bleakthese words all describe weather conditions which are not pleasant or are difficult to live in.这些词均表示天气恶劣的、严酷的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a harsh / severe / hard / bleak winter◆harsh / severe weather / conditions◆a harsh / severe climate◆a severe / hard frost■ harsh (of weather or living conditions) very difficult and unpleasant to live in(天气或生活条件)恶劣的,艰苦的◆these plants will not grow in this harsh climate.这些植物不能在这样恶劣的气候条件下生长。◆he stood outside, blinking in the harsh sunlight.他站在外面,在刺眼的阳光下直眨眼睛。◆life expectancy is extremely low due to the harsh conditions.因条件恶劣预期寿命极短。opp mild → sunny ■ severe (of weather) very unpleasant and/or dangerous(天气)极为恶劣的,危险的◆severe weather conditions can lead to an increase in the demand for electricity.恶劣的天气状况可能导致用电需求增加。◆a severe storm blew the ship off course.强风暴致使船偏离了航道。■ hard [usually before noun](of weather) very cold and severe(天气)严寒的,凛冽的◆there was a hard frost that night.那天晚上寒冷有霜。■ bleak /bliːk/ (of weather) very cold and unpleasant(天气)阴冷的◆she left on a bleak november day.她在十一月份一个阴冷的日子离开了。note 辨析 which word? harsh weather or conditions make living physically difficult; harsh is used especially when these conditions exist all the time in a place or last for a long time. severe weather may last only a short time, but can cause immediate danger, not just difficulty over a longer period. hard typically describes a winter (= harsh) or a frost (= making the ground very hard). bleak describes a time, such as a day or a winter, that makes you feel depressed, whether or not life is physically difficult. * harsh 修饰天气或状况时指生活条件艰苦,尤指某地终年或长期生活条件恶劣; severe 修饰天气时,不仅指由于天气长期恶劣而不便,也指会在短时间内造成直接危害; hard 常描述 winter,指严冬,或描述 frost,指霜冻。bleak 与 day 或 winter 等表示一段时期的词搭配,指使人感到情绪低落,与生活条件艰苦与否无关。harsh(of weather or living conditions) very difficult and unpleasant to live in(天气或生活条件)恶劣的,艰苦的◆these plants will not grow in this harsh climate.这些植物不能在这样恶劣的气候条件下生长。◆he stood outside, blinking in the harsh sunlight.他站在外面,在刺眼的阳光下直眨眼睛。◆life expectancy is extremely low due to the harsh conditions.因条件恶劣预期寿命极短。opp mild → sunny harsh (often disapproving) (of sb's voice) loud in an unpleasant way(嗓音)刺耳的,尖厉的◆'stop it!' she said in a harsh voice.“停下来!”她用刺耳的嗓音说道。▸ harshly adverb◆alec laughed harshly.亚历克刺耳地大笑。note 辨析 harsh or raucous? harsh is usually used to talk about a single person's voice; raucous is more often used to talk about the unpleasant noise made by a group of people. * harsh 通常指一个人的声音,raucous 多指一群人发出的吵杂刺耳的声音。harsh (usually disapproving) (of a judgement, punishment or situation) extreme and cruel or unkind, especially more extreme than is appropriate for the situation(评价、惩罚或局势)残酷的,严酷的,严厉的◆it may seem a bit harsh to criticize him after his death.在他去世后对他进行批评可能会显得有点残酷。◆he later regretted his harsh words.过后他对自己的刻薄言辞感到后悔。◆he accused her of being unduly harsh.他指责她过分严厉。◆we had to face up to the harsh realities of life sooner or later.我们迟早都得正视严酷的生活现实。opp lenient → lenient ▸ harshly adverb◆don't judge him too harshly.不要过分苛刻地批评他。harsh (disapproving) (especially of light or colour) too strong and bright, in a way that is ugly or unpleasant to look at(尤指光线或颜色)强烈刺眼的◆she was caught in the harsh glare of the headlights.她遭到了车前灯强烈刺眼的照射。◆the view was spoiled by the harsh lines of concrete towers.那里的景致被一座座混凝土高楼的刺眼线条给破坏了。opp soft → dim 1 , soft → pale 2 harsh/hɑ:ʃ ||; hɑrʃ/adj1. very strict and unkind 严苛的;无情的: ◇ a harsh punishment/criticism 严厉的处罚╱批评◇the judge had some harsh words for the journalist's behaviour. 这个记者的行为受到了法官的严厉批评。 2. unpleasant and difficult to live in, look at, listen to, etc (环境)恶劣的,刺眼的,刺耳的: ◇she grew up in the harsh environment of new york city. 她在纽约市恶劣的环境中长大。◇a harsh light/voice 刺眼的光;刺耳的声音 3. too strong or rough and likely to damage sth 太强烈的,太粗糙的(可能造成伤害): ◇this soap is too harsh for a baby's skin. 这种肥皂碱性太大,会伤婴儿的皮肤。 ➔harshly adv ➔harshness noun [u] harshsee ⇨ bright 1 ⇨ horrible 4 ⇨ strict/not strict 1,2 harsh /hɑrʃ; hɑːʃ/adj 1. harsh conditions are difficult to live in and are very uncomfortable [条件]艰苦的,严酷的,恶劣的:◇harsh canadian winters 加拿大的严冬 2. unpleasantly bright, loud, or rough 刺眼的; 刺耳的; 毛糙的:◇harsh lighting 刺眼的灯光 3. unkind, cruel, or strict 严厉的,苛严的,无情的:◇harsher laws to deal with drunk drivers 对付酒后驾车司机的更为严厉的法律




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